Sunday 11 January 2015

Day 256 - Hangover, Heritage, Hawkenberry and Haircut!!

Dicky, today's alliteration is dedicated to you :-)

Not dwelling on the state I woke up in and the botched blog....I donned my baseball cap and walking boots and ventured off to Dunorlan.  Met Auntie Norma in the cafe for a much needed coffee and bacon sarnie!!!

Then off we went on our "Heritage & Hawkenberry" adventure. 

First stop Stafford Road, where we went to have a look at number 5 - all part of the Tree/Linkhorn legacy. Where my great grandparents, grandparents and Auntie Win lived.

Then with footpath guidance from a local couple (who ironically knew Auntie Win) we walked to Pembury - then wandered back across the A21(don't worry by bridge!!!), through fields and ended back at the Hawkenberry woods.  Stunning day and beautiful views!

A chance meeting with Adam, Nicola & Samuel in Dunorlan, led to a catch up, cuppa and a Garibaldi!!!  Lucky we did as my birthday meal in a few weeks could have been interesting as Adam had it in his diary as Friday and I thought it was Saturday....dopey Tree was wrong!!! Bring on Kai's Kitchen......

Just got back from dinner and haircut at Wendy's - not any dinner, it was an M&S dinner....delicious pork belly!!!! Also Wendy endured The Voice, and she hates these shows - actually, she seemed to quite enjoy it.  Jury is still out on Rita. 

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