Thursday 22 January 2015

Day 267 - Bad has Broken me!!!

So is Breaking Bad as good as all the hype?

Yes it is....

It did take me awhile to get into it and some episodes can be a bit slow - but I love the characters, the relationships and the genius of the unlikely hero Walt - actually can you call a Crystal Meth Cook a hero??  No, I probably shouldn't!!!

I am well and truly hooked - and I am whizzing through Season 3, only a few episodes to go!

Even managed to get through the random "fly" episode last night - for those that have no idea what I am rattling on about it was a 45 minute episode set in a drug making factory focusing on a pesky fly - very slow but it did have a bit of a bonding story I suppose!!  Did the blue-bottle survive?? spoilers here.

Right, goodnight folks - one episode before bed!!!!

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