Friday 30 January 2015

Day 275 - Dracula & Djokovic & DavAnne

Yeah its Friday - TGIF, TGIF, TGIF

This morning in my inbox this email made me chuckle, especially as we are an INDIAN specialist and haven't considered a sideline in Romania!!  But thank you Alexandra Nedelcu (Product Manager of Karpaten Turism) for the offer - "Trip to Transylvania - a 9 day bus tour"....couldn't think of anything worse, 9 days on a bus trip trying to hunt down Dracula.  Knowing my luck I would most probably find him, in some creepy Medieval Crypt!!

To follow that I endured on my I-pad, (gotta love Sky Go) Djokovic v Wawrinka's Australian Open Semi Final.  Got excited when "Stan The Man" leveled at 2 sets all.....that moment of happiness was short lived as the annoying and arrogant Djokovic won 6:0 in the fifth set to set up a final clash with Murray!  Come on Muzza, please do not let that frustrating player/coach combo of Djokovic/Becker get a Grand Slam!!

You know when someone just puts your back up, makes you frown and causes a tyraid of expletives to erupt???  Well, that is how I react when Djokovic is on court, just ask Natalie or more recent bosses, but they're cool - they dislike him as well!!

And for my 3rd and final alliterational (is that a word) D!!!

Don't worry I haven't spent my Friday night with a Transvestite called DavAnne but as I needed a D...why not merge the delightful Dave and Anne.  So busy are these two jet-setting social butterflies that this date was booked a few weeks ago - because life without Smellie/Maher is a life less enjoyable!!

Lovely evening at St John's Yard with DavAnne, the Punter-Stones and the Bagley-Kings...and an unexpecting sighting of Solange and Shan!  We discussed wedding readings, tennis and the Oscar winners over the years....Mr Maher's brain is full of this kinda back to mid-90's and he still knew the winner of the best film!!! Genius....

Anyway, goodnight all....been a blast!

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