Saturday 24 January 2015

Day 269 - Tree's Boutique Bistro

So. At Natalie's mince pice and mulled wine evening back in December I was given my second favourite Christmas present - sorry Gary, but my 'build your own boyfriend' - just pipped your invite to 'Tree's Boutique Bistro' as best present......but only just!! January is always the most depressing month of the year so to have something to look forward was so thoughtful.

On arrival at Tree's boutique bistro I was met with the most exquisite aroma.......and Gary wearing his shorts. In January.

The Punter-Stones soon arrived and we left chef Tree in the kitchen while we chewed the fat. The starter was served. Haddock, prawn and sweet potato chowder. OMG. I cannot begin to describe how delicious it was. We were all offered seconds, and we all partook!!

After a brief interlude chef presented the main course. Butternut squash and kale pasta with goats cheese and walnuts. At this point we were all arguing which of us was going to marry Gary Tree. I pointed out that Sarah and Emma were already married!!!! heard it here folks, if I have anything to do with it you'll all be needing to buy a hat soon!!! If we thought the starter was good, the main was even better!!

We were all so stuffed that we decided to have a little break before pudding. What else to do but have a desert island disc moment. Sarah chose Abba's Dancing Queen. Muriel's wedding is one of her favourite films (and mine!!). I chose Freddie's send off song, Chris Barber's Petite Fluer and then it all went pear shaped. Emma chose one of my favourite tracks which sent Gary into utter meltdown. Don't ever mention Watership Down to anyone in their 40''ll just bring back horrific memories (mine was having a tantrum cos I didn't want to go to the cinema to see a film about boats!!!!!!) We listened to about 10 seconds of Bright Eyes and that was enough!! Gary then lightened the mood by choosing Kylie's Got to be certain. Did you know that GaryTree walked the same street that Kylie did in the video? You do now!!!

Then ready for pudding we had a real treat in store. Rhubarb, yoghurt and clementine cake, with rhubarb and clementine coolie and vanilla ice-cream.


Well what can I say. Chef Tree just surpassed himself again. The food was amazing, the company brilliant and the banter fabulous. Thank you for the invite, and thank you for asking me to be guest blogger. It is an honour and I hope I've done you proud. Xxxxx

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