Tuesday 10 February 2015

Day 286 - Sore, Saul & Stew

Day 2 of "Coughgate" and what to do apart from dose myself up on Nurofen and cough mixture???  Well, lay on the sofa in a blanket and thick walking socks and catch up on some TV!!!

So after crawling out of my pit, I started with the Godfather trilogy....well, I watched an hour of the first one and gave up!!  I know its a classic but I got bored, apart from the horse's head and a few brutal close up shootings it just didn't do it for me!!   Sorry, Corleone fans!!

So I left New York and headed for Albuquerque - and that is where I have been all day with Walt, Saul and Skyler in Breaking Bad.

All Hail The King!!! Indeed, and in one day I have finished the entire 4th season, it was really gripping and I just didn't see how this season was going to end.....all I am going to say is (no spoilers) - clever, cunning with a dark twist.....but this line from Saul made me chuckle:

"All I can I say is if I ever get anal pollocks I'll know what to name them!!?"

Dad popped over with a Tree trauma parcel which included more nurofen, cough mixture and a vat of Mama Tree's stew!!  Which was bloomin tasty....

The stew has made me feel a lot better, nothing like a bowl of hearty stodge to keep the germs at bay - and how good are dumplings!!?

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