Wednesday 18 February 2015

Day 294 - VHS, TBB & DMG

Been a funny old day!!

Work has been a tad annoying today - firstly some f**!#r of a travel agent called my itinerary uninspiring and complained about me to our representative.  "It's what you asked for you stuck up rude biatch and how dare you"!!  I always give a 100% to quotes and enquiries, so this was unjust and frankly insulting, I'm reeling!!!  Also just as I booked and ticketed my own flight to Kerala in December (yehar!!) - the Indian Government have decided that everybody applying for a visa to India now needs their finger prints taken at the VHS visa office!!  That's not short sighted and stupid at all - a great move for tourism!!  The joys of working with the country so much but drives me loopy at times!!

Rushed home from work to grind up some ginger-nuts for the base of my Mascarpone & Lime Torte and to grate the zest and juice two limes!!  When I have important guests arriving at TBB (Tree's Boutique Bistro) on Friday everything has to be spot on....every course has to stand on its own merit, I cant afford any mistakes!! I sound like I'm on Masterchef - cooking doesn't get tougher than this :-)

Then I went to hunt down some Sea-bass from Morrisons fish counter for the main course, but they didn't have any......that wasn't in the script!!  OK, M&S will hopefully have some tomorrow......fingers crossed!!  This diversion was on the way to the exciting DMG meeting - our flat's management company, this annual meeting is always riveting.....same old, same old - budgets, gutter maintenance and the ongoing parking traumas - what a way to spend a Wednesday night!! 

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