Monday 16 February 2015

Day 292 - Who killed Lucy Beale??

And so the Eastenders 30th Anniversary week begins.....and who's your money on!?

Did one of Whitney's hooped earrings stangle Lucy or maybe the extremely dodgy acting of Les & Pam Coker shocked Lucy into an early grave.....or could Ian's every increasing stomach have suffocated his wayward daughter......??

But my money is on Denise, she is getting more bitter and twisted as the programme goes on, and she must be a tad unhinged if she seriously considered marrying Ian!! Also she has a violent streak, she walloped poor Patrick and I reckon she's never recovered from being locked in that cellar by that psycho religious nut!!!

We will have to wait for the hour long "live" episode on Friday to find out the truth and that eagarly awaited 'duh duh duh' ....

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