Thursday 30 April 2015

Day 365 - The Last One......

My 365 journey has come to an end
My challenge, my shadow, my friend
Will I miss you?
What will I do?
No post to write, design or amend.

Which photo to use?
Another one of booze!!
A drunken night
A photographic fright
Oh, how did I choose!?

365 full of memories and fun
So much this year I have done
Pismo sunset
Vegas Roulette
But my fortune wasn’t won.

There’ve been brides and groom
Plenty of va va voom
BBQ snogging
And plenty of dogging
And my new love, ballroom.

I wandered through Paris
Compared Gollum to Harris.
Solange's Geocaching,
Salcombe was smashing!
Did I ever embarrass!!?

It’s been a wicked ride
At times my brain got fried
Writer’s block, self-doubt
Boring at times it felt
But a feat worthy of pride.

A shout out to my crew
An amazing few
Sol my number one
A toast to you hun!
And so…onto something new.

Time to leave the page
Open the doors to this cage
Spread my wings
See what life brings
I can guarantee it won’t be beige!

Tree – 30 April 2015

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Day 364 - Badger & Swan

Late blog but a tad stressed and in need of an emergency Disaronno!!! After the quiz (details below) I got back to Jackwood and spent 15 minutes trying to get parked....and then if that wasn't bad enough the flat's smoke alarm was bleeping!!  Battery needs spent another 15 minutes trying to prise the alarm off....anger, tiredness and wielding a knife is not a good combination!!  Finally it came off, but no battery in the flat....and it's still bleeping - so I have wrapped it in tea towels and shoved in a kitchen cupboard!!! Now breathe and enjoy D on the rocks!!!

So back to the quiz....I headed back to Nuffield Gym tonight for the resurrection of the quiz night - and resurrection of Spiraling Downwards!!  However, as the gym is no longer run by Active Virgins - we were not allowed to have our old team name!!  So as the gym has been re-branded (for a third time) - SD too had to be re-branded....but as what!!??

"Totally Unbalanced"

Well that sums us up!!!  But how did we do?  Joint 4th out of 8 teams....poor, but our first quiz in about 18 months - so in the words of Yazz the "only way is up!!!"  Watch out More4 - May's crown is ours :-)

However team - Tree knows his wildlife so give him a chance...Swan and Badger, just sayin'....

Monday 27 April 2015

Day 363 - A day in the life....

....of Tree!!

So with only three entries left something different today....follow my day, let's see where this Tuesday goes!!! I will update throughout the day!

7:01 - Taylor Swift's angelic tones have announced the start of the day, and right on queue the tea lady lamp needs a good clean, sorry about the dust!

7:59 - after a fast day I do enjoy a peanut butter bagel and hazelnut latte...but not so sure about the Walking Dead zombie backdrop!!!

08:55 - More coffee time...drove to work with the harmonies of the Dixie Chicks!! Only one eventful encounter with a maroon fiesta pulling out in front of me on the A21...silly old codger received some verbal and a hand gesture!!! And calm.....

09:36 - Good old Ken Bruce... Yep, officially old :-)

09:57 - I have had enough today and it isn't even 10:00 - one penny pinching client (book somewhere else then) and another client wanting a free upgrade.....NO!!!!

10:46 - I failed at Ken's Popmaster Quiz...pathetic performance today: 12 out of 39 and then 9 in round two!!  Then name 3 songs by Blue in 10 seconds!!!  Pass.....

10:59 - "Statelines" by The Shires on Radio 2 :-)  "Like when you roll your eyes like a cool New Yorker, Driving across the Mason Dixon line"

11:14 - Jemima at Ballroom makes a fab cake, but on a Monday I'm fasting - so I stole a piece last night....delicious!!

13:18 - Sorry Carl!! I'm back, had a busy few hours with demanding clients!!! Lunch is on the horizon but need some of my grazebox to keep me going!! Love the herby bread basket!!!

13:37 - Time for my very uninspiring fish salad accompanied by another dose of zombie massacre in The Walking Dead.....

14:28 - What is wrong with my clients today - they are horrible....and just plain ignorant.  They are driving me mad....Solange I wish it was all just eating and drinking :-)

15:32 - Early cup of does read a bit like a food and drink diary doesn't it!!?  Give me a break though I did fast yesterday!

15:43 - DJ Tree in the KC office - I have been asked to put some music on....lets blast a medley of The Shires & Dixie Chicks!!  Perfect...

16:29 - This is a tricky itinerary...where shall I send them? #decisions

17:24 - That's it I'm shutting down - complicated itinerary sent, stroppy customer sorted and food run heading off to Parents & Pilates....

18:12 - I've arrived at Dewhurst and Mum refused a selfie, why?  Was it the cap? This is a preview of me in about 20 years, like something out of Last Of The Summer Wine!!!

18:50 - Well this beats my usual beans on toast...Mama's Spag Bol!! My only concern is that it might repeat on me during Pilates!!!!

19:29 - let's go work this core!!! 

21:45 - I'm in, Pilates was great - helps having the best Pilates teacher in the lounging in bed with catch up TV and a Disaronno on the rocks. Night all :-)

Day 362 - I'm knackered....

"And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain...."

Into my last few days, and today's blog features my little barking buddy from work....always looking to play, always balancing on his back legs, always wanting to rip the head off Ted!!!

Whereas Zigi has limitless energy, my battery has flatlined tonight...had to miss spin and opted to lounge on the sofa with a vat of coffee to try and get myself ready for ballroom.  Give me half hour, once the caffeine has hit I will be like Fred Astaire.....actually Fred Astaire's less talented younger brother with two left feet and a tendacy to watch his feet!!

Ok, caffeine taking it's time to hit the spot so let's try a hot shower.....keep dancing!!

Sunday 26 April 2015

Day 361 - A Joly good night!!!!

Funny old day, had plans to go for a photographic wander at Pashley but the weather put an end to that and that gym session I had planned never materialised!  Instead I have watched back to back TV programmes, but half way through BGT I decided I needed to get out the flat and go for a a pub!!

So here I am blog writing from the new look P&P, very vintage looking - sipping a free G+T (gotta love a voucher!!!)....

So last night I went back to school!  As Keith's "Sir Dancealot" evening was at Uplands, my old god it was weird to go back - so much has changed but some of it was like stepping back in time......and the boys loos are still as rancid as ever!!!  I would never have imagined when I left all those years ago that one day I would return and be strutting my stuff in the assembly hall.

So on my Dancefloor debut did I shine under the pressure or collapse in a confidence meltdown!!!?

With the help of a bottle of red wine called "Joly" I wasn't too shabby at all....a shout out to my great patient singing and humming dance partner Ms Jack and the encouraging support of the nice couple from the Monday dance classes (names!!?..)

We remembered quite a lot of the dance moves and managed to get round the floor several times, a few moments I actually felt I was dancing....a weird thing to say but it's when you get consumed by the music and are not thinking of the moves and just dance!!!  And we only had one collision....not bad!!!

Oh my word, imagine the excitement when "Can't Get You Out Of My Head" came on last night for the Cha Cha Cha....I was like an excitable puppy bounding across the hall!!! By this time I was a little bit Joly-ed...I must admit a little bit of red wine helped with my flow!!

A great night and a fabulous debut....Blackpool were comin' for ya!!!!

Saturday 25 April 2015

Day 360 - Vegas & Vinyl

Ok, I know it's late but I've been making my ballroom debut on the tea dance circuit....yeah I'm cool. You may mock but it was fecking brilliant and we had a blast....more to follow in tomorrow's blog.

So back to today/yesterday....

How is it possible that six months ago today I was in Vegas celebrating my about this time I was sitting in a lush restaurant overlooking Bellagio's fountain in a ridiculous birthday hat (which I adore, and Kylie is still wearing!!)....with the wicked Latino street party under the Brooklyn Bridge about to commence!!!  Great memories.....but six months ago???

So back to last night and we had such a lovely evening with the Goldings....Nat made a very impressive sleigh in the Frozen etchasketch!! She also knows exactly how to keep Chloe & Riley entertained....which is great so I can sit down and drink my beer :-)  

After pizza and bedtime for the kids, we listened to some cracking throwback tunes on good old vinyl....I particularly liked Dancefloor Jazz!! We are already planning a vinyl night....what have they let themselves in for - The Kids From Fame, The Locomotion & Bucks Fizz.....ha ha, bring it on!!!

See you seen Goldings, always a blast :-)

Thursday 23 April 2015

Day 359 - It's Friday!!

Tonight is a brief one...phew I hear my reader(s) say!!

It is Friday (hooray) and I am currently enjoying music chat and red wine with Nat, James & Fhei.  

This is the view as I drove into the carpark...bless that angel!!!