Sunday 19 April 2015

Day 354 - Veg Prep!!!

So last night was my vegetarian dinner party, and even though it all ended up in a good place.....things didn't go according to plan - with a last minute culinary change mid cooking!!

Cutting up veg takes forever....and I really shouldn't have spent that hour soaking up the rays in Dickie's sun drenched garden - but when tempted with a sunny Stella, I really couldn't say no!!

But I was in the kitchen at 4 and in my mind 3 hours prep was ample....wrong!  Grilling peppers, whipping cream, cutting hundreds of beans and preparing my pie....turned into a race against the clock!!

To cook I donned my rather vile Hawaiian shorts, really only meant for my eyes only....but I was frantically mashing up the guacamole when the girls I apologised for my appearance they took a vote that I should remain in my tasteful shorts!!! I wasn't going to argue as they are rather comfy!!

So guacamole was served alongside red pepper and walnut dip, and while the ladies dipped I went to make the chips - to only realise I didn't have enough oil....I stood vacant for a few minutes before clarity hit and I threw the spuds on a baking tray with some oil and herbs and shoved them in to roast....

The sweet potato, mushroom and broccoli pie in the vintage mugs were a hit, as were the pistachio coated green beans....and luckily my roast chips did the job!!!

After so much whisking my cream didn't go firm into soft peaks and remained instead of a mousse like topping - my strawberries were covered in a vanilla cream!!  But luckily the ladies didn't mind :-)

After a Masterchef meltdown and limp cream, I left the kitchen and became acquainted with a delicious bottle of red!

Thank you ladies for great company and Mel the coasters are fab!!

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