Sunday 30 November 2014

Day 214 - Strictly, Snowmen & Sleep!

Another weekend draws to a close, and I'm in bed by 21:30!  As soon as I found out that thankfully the over populated group on X-factor had been axed - I left the Punter-Stones ready for a much needed early night!!! By the way Adam Lambert and Ella Henderson on the words of Scherzinger "Amazeballs"!!  The same word can be used for the chicken roast enjoyed at Sheffield Road.

So last night was great - a medley of Strictly, Music Trivia, Wine and Snowman Cup Cakes!  ⛄️⛄️⛄️

Pauline and John Bromley (aka Dan's parents) hosted a strictly/x-factor/xmas party!  And what hosts, the buffet was epic and a glass never stayed empty for long - my kinda people :-)

After a few shandys the lounge transformed into a dance floor and plenty of interesting moves and routines materialised!!! 

I left the party at around 2:30, but some of the other revellers had left a long time before that....bless these youngsters, no stamina!!

Thank you Bromleys for a fun filled night :-)

Saturday 29 November 2014

Day 213 - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly!

Firstly the good:

A lovely Friday evening was had with Anne, Dave and Melissa.  A tasty three course feast was served - delicious brie, cranberry and hazelnut (I think!!) wrapped in pastry, followed by a fabulous veggie lasagne and finished with a naughty but nice chocolate tart!!  The girl did good :-)

Great company and enjoyable banter, we discovered that Dave has an incredible memory for trivia and he still could remember all the answers to the picture quiz at the 90's party....actually except 1996!!! 

We also discovered that Dave, Anne and Melissa have a very similar taste in music - credible and cool artists!!!  Their favourite concerts included Coldplay, 30 Seconds To Mars and Kings of contribution was P!nk and Kylie!!!  Oh well, takes all sorts.

Then came the bad:

We started talking what we were watching on TV, and I left the dinner party with the entire box-set of Breaking Bad.

I had every intention of going to the gym this afternoon but I'm hooked - 3 back to back episodes!!  Loving it....the challenge set by Dave was to finish all 5 seasons by Christmas!!!  Challenge accepted.

But I did have time to pop to Sainsburys and Homebase, where I bought some cacti and saw this orchid - this is where today's Ugly element comes is so unnatural....

Right time for part of Episode 4 of BB before I head to the Bromley mansion for a party....little bit of Strictly, X-factor, Music Quiz and a glass or two of Prosecco!!!  Happy Saturday everyone!

Friday 28 November 2014

Day 212 - Black Friday!!


I thought some disaster had struck this morning, a major stock market crash or something....but no its a USA influenced "sale" day!!  To me black indicates a dark and depressing day but when prices are reduced I envisage it having more of a yellow pigment!!

I am going with a bright colour today, maybe a Crimson Red or a Cyan Blue!!!??  As I am in a cheery mood - for many reasons: its Friday, I have ordered a new pair of running shoes (reduced, thank you Black Friday) and tonight myself and Melissa are wining and dining with the Smellie-Mahers!!  Bless Anne, she has been in the kitchen preparing a vegetarian feast and I am really looking forward to it.  A culinary review in tomorrow's blog (no pressure Anne).

So how many days until Christmas then - 26, is that all - better write some cards and think about presents.....and look at what is plastered over the walls at the Nuffield Gym!!!  Bah Humbug.....

Not bad colouring in, 8 out of 10 - they have kept it in the lines nicely but not sure about Santa's light pink moustache...


Don't often adapt my blogs but got in to find a thank you card from my god daughter Nia in Switzerland. So today will end as Orange Friday!!! 

Thursday 27 November 2014

Day 211 - Let sleeping dogs lie!!

So the Tannu is organic - lacks the pesticides, fungicides and fertilizers but those grapes still pack a punch....

Spent the morning feeling a tad Tannu-ed and really wanted to join Zebu & Zigi for a mid-morning nap....but soldiered on and managed to get through a busy Thursday at work and the spin and body balance double at the gym.

Bed is calling but first need to catch up on episode 3 of "The Fall" before I hit the sack.....

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Day 210 - Tannu!!

Its Wednesday, time for a midweek treat!

With Clive, Dick & Mark (aka Joyful) in the Imperial.  This pub has been done up beautifully - great staff, wine and the meal was really good.  
Anyway good night followers, Clive just ordered another bottle of the Tannu....don't worry it's organic!!! I'll be fine!

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Day 209 - 1 month ago today....

....I was in sunny Vegas having the best birthday ever!!  So today is a montage of previously unseen footage.  Don't worry readers, nothing X-rated....well actually some of Clive's dance moves should really be censored :-)

Firstly here I am dragging the birthday out for one last day, don't worry the hat is being packed away for good tonight!! It's been a fun ride.

Here are some snaps of the helicopter trip, still feels weird that I experienced that and sipped champers in the Grand Canyon on such a milestone birthday surrounded by such fab friends.

Nat did a fab job with the restaurant, a private room at Olives overlooking the Bellagio fountain....and look my very own chocolate fondant birthday pudding!!!!  The Masterchef criteria for a fondant is that it must have a runny past the test!!!!

The amazing Bellagio fountains - not a bad photo considering I was a tad tipsy :-)

Linda G, thank you so much for this fantastic hat - so much fun was had with it.  We looked prize pillocks but who gives a monkies in Vegas!!

Last but no means least - Mr Clive "Travolta" Horrill....the crowd at the Brooklyn Bridge were in awe!!  This man is a legend :-)

Monday 24 November 2014

Day 208 - "Time for a change"

A new week, a new attitude, a new gym....oh, and a new barnet!!

So I have decided to spice up my fitness regime.....I am saying goodbye to Nuffield!!!  Well not immediately as my membership wont expire until New Year's Eve but come January 1st I will be an LA Fitnesser.....

I know some of you will be thinking he said he would never go back to LA, and I have even surprised myself!!!  But I had a tour round on Saturday and it does look good in there now.  New equipment, huge spin room (with spin most nights) and it even has a bigger TRX!!

I seriously cannot cope with the Industrial Estate anymore, the traffic congestion is just ridiculous - a five minute drive can sometimes take twenty minutes or longer....its not just that but I feel stale, low in motivation and a new gym chapter is exciting and just what is needed.

So bring it on!!

A mention to one of my cat-sitting girls, the lovely Portia.  She died last Tuesday, bless her - she was gorgeous and lived to a great age.  

Sunday 23 November 2014

Day 207 - 6 years!!!

As I was driving home from seeing Nan, Ella Henderson sang "Tight jeans with a rip on the knee" - those lyrics made me smile as my Nan really didn't like that look on me.  As I was sitting chatting to her, her gaze fell on my ripped jeans and she suggested that I bring them back with a bit of denim material and she would patch them up!!  I said you are alright Nan, its fashion.....she wasn't convinced but did like my red trainers!!

Over a coffee in the garden centre Mum asked the date and when I said the 23rd, she said that 6 years ago today I left Dewhurst to move into Jackwood.  How can it be 6 years, where has that time gone?  Makes me think where will I be in another 6 years.......

Saturday 22 November 2014

Day 206 - Write Off!!!

It's not often that a night out leaves me resigned to the sofa the next day....but the Rusthall outing did me in big time!!!

Somehow made it to Cote for the 9am breakfast rendezvous with the parents, but after the bacon baguette and latte there was just one place I was gonna spend the rest of the day!! Sofa....

The poor sofa has a tree-arse imprint, but I have spent the day very productively sorting out USA photos and catching up on hours of TV.  

Just before 7 I left the flat for dinner at the Camden Quarter, with the Pope-Treloars and the lovely Liz & Emma!  Never been to this restaurant, but will deffo return as it was really good!!

So wrong that the best I felt all day was after half a pint of lager, hair of the dog...

Then it was back to the boys for an X-factor catch up - Whitney, Elton and a very messed up Pharaoh!!!  

How cute is Charlie?

Night all!!  Don't worry going to bed sober!!! :-)

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Day 204 - Who is Otto Schade?

So the winner is.....

Who is the man behind the suns....?

Otto Schade was born in Chile on the 30th October 1971. He initially studied Architecture at the Bio Bio University and Construction and Design Architecture in Concepcion, Chile. As a successful architect, he has been awarded for public and private projects.

Otto has always felt an avid fascination for the Surrealists, as well as the freedom which surrounds abstract painting. This influence has made Otto turn his creative skills to painting, which has become his strongest passion and for which he has also been recognised with an honourable mention.

"Thames smile" September 2010
With the development of this other talent, Otto begins a journey in the search for new ideas and wider exposure for his work, taking him to exhibit his work in Concepcion (Chile), Berlin, Moscow, New York, Amsterdam and finally to London where he is currently living and working.
"Say it with flowers" February 2013
Otto’s painting ranges from abstract and surrealism to even urban art. Working mainly with oil paint and traditional supports such as stretched canvas, he also practices other techniques such as collage, illustration and stencil. The themes behind his compositions read in a personal, metaphorical sense with a sharp, ironic touch.

All of the images in this blog are photos I have taken of Otto's work over the last few years up in London. All of the words borrowed from Otto's website.....

He doesn't just do suns but does a very good smoking bandage woman!!! 

"Audrey the smoker" October 2013

Day 203 - Brick Lane

Time for another interactive blog!

On Sunday I headed up to London for a wander around Brick Lane to check out what was new on the street art scene. It is always changing and evolving, so for a street art fan it's quite exciting to revisit to see which artists have materialised on the walls. 

Here are some new which is your favourite?

Quote the following in Facebook notes under the blog!

"Mr Pumpkin" by Ink Fetish
"Orange Sun" by Otto Schade
"Stik Man" by STIK
"Lady" by Mr Cenz

Results will appear in tomorrow's blog!

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Day 202 - Tuesday Fun!!!

Who's the bad influence? Me or Marcin???

Well over edamame (green soya beans, not for me), delicious duck and pulled pork gyoza and a chicken raisukaree...Marcin for work purposes wanted to investigate Wagamama's drink list!!!

The Plum Wine was nice, as was the Japanese Beer....but Marcin, why oh why did you order a large sake! It was rancid...just vile!!! I couldn't drink it!!!! However Marcin, took one for the team and downed the vile concoction!! 

We then headed to the Barn and chatted over two bottles of influence!!

So Marcin was investigating his works drink list for customer service purposes and I'm just a lush!! There's your answer.......Tree is always the bad influence!!! :-) 

Monday 17 November 2014

Day 201 - Spasm & Soak!

I have been told it's all downhill from now, and my blasted back is definitely agreeing with that statement. Spasms galore, wonky and seizing up at my desk has been a joy!

No gym for me tonight, so I decided to have my first bath in months - and look even my duck capsized....

I have just been re-reading my birthday cards and Adam just cracks me up - he always does me a birthday poem!!

This has to be done to the tune of Dangermouse!!!

He's Amazing
He's Fantastic
Wherever there's crap music
He'll be there

He's the ace
He's the greatest
He's the biggest male diva in the west (Kent)

Gary Tree!
Gary Tree!!
Gary Tree!!!

Sunday 16 November 2014

Day 200 - "Red"

200 posts...where has that time gone!!!!?

Going to use this milestone blog to thank my fabulous friends and family for making the whole #GMT40 experience epic!!

Last night was such fun and I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Thanks for all my generous presents, lots of booze......people know me so well :-)

So that's it - America is over, red party enjoyed and now bring on Christmas!!!!

I'm jaded....

Saturday 15 November 2014

Friday 14 November 2014

Day 198 - 5 Dewhurst Cottages

This week my parents have lived at 5 Dewhurst Cottages for 40 years!

We moved into TN5 6LG about 18 days after I was born!  Back in the 70's, mothers had to stay in a nursing home after giving birth for ten days.  After that we moved in with Mum's parents in High Brooms for just over a week - apparently the delightful Doreen was a joy to live with during this time!!

What a fab place Dewhurst was to grow up in - freedom, countryside, safety, friendship and love.

I was so lucky, what a place to grow up - looking back on it I really appreciate those years!!  In those days kids could go off with no parental concerns, and with the Piper bros went off on our BMX bikes and built camps in the woods (Skull Island!!).

With Adam and Stephen living next door it was like having brothers but with the added bonus of giving them back at the end of the day :-)  I will always have a soft spot for Sheila, Len and Sandra at number 6!!  Sandra's bedroom was next to mine and we used to knock on the wall to say goodnight!!

Whenever I go back it is like heading home, love Jackwood but Dewhurst is where my heart is.

No wonder I didn't leave until I was 33!!! :-)

Thursday 13 November 2014

Day 197 - "Can't Hold Us Down"

Today is an Alcatraz "Reflection"- I just had to do a comparison of two "Glam""Prima Donnas" who are both "Beautiful" but extremely "Dirrty"!!

"I Am" referring to the montage below!! Within weeks of each other Natalie Ria Harris & Christina Maria Aguilera did a photo-shoot in an Alcatraz cell!

It is "Impossible" to say which one of them looks more like a "Genie In A Bottle"??

The words in the " " are some of Christina's songs, I was quite chuffed with that - yep I'm fasting and it sends me loopier than usual!!!!! Goodnight, best I go and try to "Save Me From Myself" and "Cruz" to bed.....

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Day 196 - Strada's Speck

Oh my god it's back and better than ever!! No I'm not talking about the line up for I'm A Celebrity (which is the worst ever)....I'm referring to Strada's Rigatoni Speck.  

After a long unecessary hiatus Strada have brought this delicious dish back, better than ever with a new twist - gone is the Gorgonzola sauce and replaced by Dolcelatte.  Iveta our regular friendly Strada waitress shared our excitement about the return of our beloved dish!

So calorific but so tasty....

Today I had my over 40 MOT, and thankfully got a gold star from the nurse! She did say that my BMI indicates that I should weigh a little less....oh come on, I've done really well don't say that!  And then we discussed alcohol units, that's always a tad embarrassing.  So I left the surgery thinking I need to cut back on alcohol.

5 minutes later I left Tescos with grapes and four bottles of Prosecco.....well, buy four bottles and get 25% off!

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Day 195 - Back & Big Sur Blues!

Three weeks ago today I was on the scenic Route 1....The Big Sur!!!  Blue skies, tumultuous waves and sharing it with my three graces....

Today my back is killing me, work was messy and I have the Big Sur Blues!! #TediousTuesday

So here are some shots from three weeks ago, how cool is the surf and waves!!  Never seen anything like wild and untamed. Slowly getting through my 3000+ holiday photos, and I must say at first glance I'm pleased.....I think I'm finally getting used to my camera's features and settings!  I might be finally blossoming into a technical out Ansel Adams!!! 

This shot of an elephant seal has put a smile on my face, reminds me of my moment of rebellion in the States and the little encounter with the Sur Sheriff!!! 🌊🔫💰🚷

I have foam rollered my back and it has eased, the red party playlist is complete and I know its is only Tuesday but I fancy a Disaranno on the rocks!!! Cheerio. 

Monday 10 November 2014

Day 194 - Garlic Breath

Sorry no photo of the finished curry from last night, as I won't lie it didn't have an appealing look!!  It was as though I had dished up baby food, all it needed was a rusk to accompany it!!

So the photos are of the preparation process!

It was two recipes from the cookbook by Miss Masala (aka Mallika Badu), an Indian cook and blogger.....humour, easy to follow recipes and tasty food! Really recommend the book or following her blog.

After a New York hilarious incident including an aubergine, I decided to try the Baingan Bharta....smoky roasted aubergine mash! As you can imagine it wasn't very sexy on the eye....a grey blob!!  But it didn't taste that bad.

It was accompanied by Keema Mattar, a spicy mince dish - I can handle my spices but this was a tad hot!! Maybe a chilli too far....and definitely a clove of garlic too mouth was like some open sewer all day!! But it was tasty, and it did get the approval of my dinner guests. 

Sunday 9 November 2014

Day 193 - Bewl

Couldn't get of bed this morning, not often that I lay in my pit till 10 - and today was really not the day to do it!  I had to be in Wadhurst by 11.....did I make it?

Of course I did - between 10 & 11 I showered, made scrambled eggs, hoovered the flat and was at Norma's front door ready for walking at 10:58!!!! Well, I was impressed.

Oh my goodness what a fabulous day, November the 9th and I was walking Bewl in my t-shirt.  If I knew on a winter's morning I would be taking off my jumper I wouldn't have worn my slightly too tight Vegas t-shirt.....lucky I did Pilates yesterday and my core was well and truly there was definitely no margin for error on the belly front!!

After a bit of walking Norma and I stopped for a well earned latte at Beals Barn, and a tasty sausage roll!! Even saw a confused butterfly, sorry mate it's not spring.....

Bewl is such a beautiful place, and I don't visit it nearly enough.  Auntie and I did go a bit off piste today.....but we always seem to!!!!!!  We often find ourselves in fields with no obvious path, no footpath signs or any visable gates!  Today we had to battle through prickly foliage and swamp like conditions to get ourselves back on track....but when you get views like below its so worth it!!!

Bring on the coastal walk that we have been saying we will do for years!!!

Saturday 8 November 2014

Day 192 - Curry Night!!!

........or not!!!!

Bought my aubergines, green chilies and cumin powder all ready for my curry experimental night!!! Then I met Sarah in Fuggles, had a few beers and thought sod it!!! Can't cook a feast with Strictly on, gotta see Judi strut her stuff 💃👯

So dinner was a bagel with peanut butter and a delicious bottle of Primitivo!! So wrong, but oh so right.....

Photo of the day is a bit of a cheat as it is some shots from last night, but to be fair I only found them this sort of counts in my eyes!

So here are some more photos of the Pope-Treloars new editions.......

Tomorrow will now be curry night, and Nat and Dan have agreed to be my guinea pigs....good luck guys!!!! Pop back tomorrow to see how the curryfest went.....