Sunday 23 November 2014

Day 207 - 6 years!!!

As I was driving home from seeing Nan, Ella Henderson sang "Tight jeans with a rip on the knee" - those lyrics made me smile as my Nan really didn't like that look on me.  As I was sitting chatting to her, her gaze fell on my ripped jeans and she suggested that I bring them back with a bit of denim material and she would patch them up!!  I said you are alright Nan, its fashion.....she wasn't convinced but did like my red trainers!!

Over a coffee in the garden centre Mum asked the date and when I said the 23rd, she said that 6 years ago today I left Dewhurst to move into Jackwood.  How can it be 6 years, where has that time gone?  Makes me think where will I be in another 6 years.......

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