Friday 28 November 2014

Day 212 - Black Friday!!


I thought some disaster had struck this morning, a major stock market crash or something....but no its a USA influenced "sale" day!!  To me black indicates a dark and depressing day but when prices are reduced I envisage it having more of a yellow pigment!!

I am going with a bright colour today, maybe a Crimson Red or a Cyan Blue!!!??  As I am in a cheery mood - for many reasons: its Friday, I have ordered a new pair of running shoes (reduced, thank you Black Friday) and tonight myself and Melissa are wining and dining with the Smellie-Mahers!!  Bless Anne, she has been in the kitchen preparing a vegetarian feast and I am really looking forward to it.  A culinary review in tomorrow's blog (no pressure Anne).

So how many days until Christmas then - 26, is that all - better write some cards and think about presents.....and look at what is plastered over the walls at the Nuffield Gym!!!  Bah Humbug.....

Not bad colouring in, 8 out of 10 - they have kept it in the lines nicely but not sure about Santa's light pink moustache...


Don't often adapt my blogs but got in to find a thank you card from my god daughter Nia in Switzerland. So today will end as Orange Friday!!! 

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