Saturday 31 May 2014

Day 31 - Pilates Princess!

I am blogging early today as we are just off to the Grinhams for dinner and in a few hours I am sure that I will have lost the ability to type!

Excitingly Chef Linda is preparing a Lamb Kofta Meatball Curry, a Hairy Biker recipe!  Can't wait....update tomorrow!

Today was an end of a fitness era, we have lost our Saturday morning Pilates Guru - Jen Piper aka Pilates Princess!  From now on Jens Saturday morning will include relaxing in a onesie rather than putting us through our paces.....her words!

But on a serious note, Jen will be really missed as she is an amazing teacher, who mixes her classes with technique, humour and talk of strictly and chocolate oranges!

So here she is with her Pilates Princess sash, which also has her moto on "take Pilates into the rest of your day". Well done Jackie and Chive, the sash was fab!

As you can see from me scoffing my face we gave Jen a send off with one of her favourite things - cakes!  Oh the cakes were delicious - shout out to Karen "carrot cake goddess" Hurn, Susan "chocolate cake, stove" Majury and "Flapjack" Andrea....

Bye bye my Saturday morning core strength goddess!!!

Friday 30 May 2014

Day 30 - That bones mine!!!

Today's photo is of the work dogs Zebu (top) and Zigi (bottom) protecting their beloved bone!

They are Swedish Vallhunds, an unusual breed - but these two are just lovely and they enhance my work experience.  Zebu is 12 and he is a relaxed star, who is an absolute joy...Zigi is now one and is a complete contrast to Zebu - a bundle of hyper fun and poor Zebu doesn't know what has hit him!

Every morning the welcome I get is lovely, both rush to the door to escort me in!  They are such amazing dogs and so bright - my work buddies!

Thursday 29 May 2014

Day 29 - Hello IPhone...

....and bloody good riddance to you Blackberry!!!

Short blog today as on my second day of  fasting and insanely did spin and body I will be off to bed any minute. I am already fantasising about my breakfast of scrambled eggs on bagel and a latte!

Oh the joy of this georgeous piece of equipment, my first blog using my iPhone  - a delight!

Good night, bet you I dream of food tonight!

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Day 28 - Australia Day

Today's blog has an Australian theme!

It's Kylie's birthday today, 46....she looks blooming good doesn't she!?  As many of you know I love this woman and one day she will be Mrs Kylie Minogue-Tree.  Not many fans have a life sized cutout of Kylie in their bedroom, thank you Daz & Dicky! Her costume often changes - at the moment she is in my Indian turban and Ukraine flag from last years Eurovision party. Hot look...

If only she could see how good she looks she may ditch Dolce & Gabbana for her next concert outfits and opt for Tree's Togs!

Happy Birthday KM!

Just back from the cinema and my other Australian connection is X-men - Days of future past!! A very loose connection but it has an Australian actor in it....Hugh Jackman!

So a bit of a review.  When it first started I couldn't remember how the last one ended, maybe an age thing! But it was very good, lots of action, great cast and the 1970's vibe was cool - with old vintage film etc.  Now the gripe, 3D....what's the point?  Apart from an advert that made most of jump out of our seats, none of the film was enhanced by the effects....the only thing enhanced was extra revenue! But overall a really enjoyable film.  4 out of 5!

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Day 27 - Sorry I have failed!

Today was my first day back at work after the wedding season, and oh my lord it was a struggle!

Weather miserable, in front of a computer and trying to fast....not the most inspiring blog day!  So the photo is of a rainy reflective scenario in London a few weeks ago!  Mirroring today's wet weather.  Sorry, I know it's lame, but only other things I could take a photo of today was the treadmill at the gym (weird) or my cheeky pint in Fuggles (just wrong)!!

But the exciting news today is that I did cancel my Blackberry contract and my I-phone 5 arrives tomorrow....bring on the android! No longer am I going to be a blundering blackberrier but I'm gonna be an I-phoner :-)

I do apologise for the uninspiring blog....don't worry I will be back with avengence tomorrow!

Monday 26 May 2014

Day 26 - Three Village Idiots

Oh the tiredness.....on the sofa waiting for Britain's Got Talent first live semi final!!

My 10 days off are nearly over but I really need a didn't help last night that when I got in from the Grinham's BBQ I was kept awake for hours by the base of some dodgy music generously shared by ropey neighbours - then woke up at 7!!

But I gymed and then enjoyed BBQ 2 at the Carys!!  The rain tried to dampen our BBQ campaign, but with a brolly and determination we were not beaten...

Then we tried to entertain the 2 year old twins James and Oliver - but it didn't really work, look at the state of us!! 

What a wonderful 10 days - two superb and contrastingly amazing weddings, BBQ's, London adventure with Max ..... so back to work for a rest (my liver is so relieved!)....

Sunday 25 May 2014

Day 25 - dogging with a difference :-)

Day 520 of the Punter-Stone's celebrations.....well it feels that way to my liver!!!

BBQ at the Grinhams, lovely afternoon with great company and tasty fodder!

On the way to the BBQ I spent an hour wandering High Brooms looking for a skateboarding park, why you may be thinking! Can you really see Tree whizzing along with knee pads and a helmet? Well, Martin my new BFF (no Lisa it's not best f*cking friend! really) is a skateboarding demon and has suggested an FNC of skateboarding and beer! Genius, bring it on! So I was trying to locate the venue, but with no success - so if anyone knows where it is please let me know.

The trek was made more of a challenge as I was carrying a bottle of limited edition blackberry and elderflower Pimms and a large bottle of diet lemonade in my rucksack to the BBQ - it was like some sort of orienteering challenge.....the Pimms was delicious and all gone!

Here is me, the blushing bride, Hilda and retard Ronnie! Ronnie is the one I'm holding, and before I get stick Ronnie's owners calls him that as he is a tad simple....I think he is cool!  Sorry about the balls on show!

Another laugh a minute afternoon with the Punter-Stones, Sagas and Lindsey!  And the Chihuahuas.

Saturday 24 May 2014

Day 24 - Waistcoats for midgets!

Woke up this morning thankfully still in bed - the hotel we stayed in had the narrowest twin beds I have ever seen - one over zealous roll could have ended in tears!!  But the G+T, bubbly and red wine combo did the job and I awoke where I collapsed....

After a corker of a fry-up, myself and Lindsey spent a few hours exploring the Brighton Lanes - the weather was a mixture of sunshine and torrential downpours - the heavy rain forced us into several second hand clothes shops where I started looking at waistcoats.  Poor Lindsey, I spent ages trying loads on - with no success!! Not one normal sized guy would be able to find a waistcoat in Brighton's second hand emporiums!

My picture today is of the happy couple - and is that a person in the background praying? Who is it!!?? The registrar praying for a long and healthy marriage, Natalie giving thanks that she didn't faint or did I somehow get there and pray that I didn't vomit with nerves during my speech!? 

If waiting for speech time wasn't nerve-racking enough with my imminent moment approaching Natalie suggested she get everyone's attention by bashing a glass with some Brighton Rock - the end result of that genius idea was a smashed glass!!  Then I stood up only to be delayed by an intruding wasp who started tormenting the Stone clan.  But I finally did it and overcame a huge confidence hurdle....

Great time had by all in Brighton!  Congrats you Brighton Belles.

Friday 23 May 2014

Day 23 - Who Married who!?

Sorry for the delay but lack of Wi-Fi....yeah right, more like too much booze....

I will keep this one brief as I really need to get up and have that fry up!

Such a good day yesterday celebrating with the Punter-Stones!  As you can see in the photo most people in Brighton would have presumed this was the bride and groom :-)

Congratulations Sarah & Emma. G x

Thursday 22 May 2014

Day 22 - The Eve!!!

So here we are, wedding eve 2!!

This blog is short and sweet today as we have been getting the three venues ready, and as I am not sure how much is common knowledge about what is happening....I'm not going to unveil any spoilers!

So a great wedding eve girls and see you tomorrow for the big day #excited

P.S someone could have moved those offensive green and yellow squirters! 

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Day 21 - Chewing Gum Art and Max!

With my day off today I packed my rucksack and headed to London!  In search of photography, a wander round and a few pairs of shorts!  

All of which were achieved...

Shortly after disembarking at London Bridge I found myself on the Millenium Bridge, which I remembered had some new artwork by Ben Wilson!  It is really unique as he paints small pieces of art on discarded chewing gum....I started looking for it but couldn't see any.  But then I saw someone hunched over half way along the bridge, not vomiting but taking a photo!  Once I had seen one the bridge turned into an art gallery!

The pieces of art are tiny and have a modern feel - but what a fab way to enhance the discarded rubbish of inconsiderate humans!  In this instance their ignorance is our gain!  And to make this experience even richer I saw Ben in action......

After my art experience I walked along the Thames, to the annoyance of the hundred of joggers as I had my headphones in and kept stopping abruptly to take a photo....almost causing a few collisions! Seriously so many joggers....

In regard to my short shopping, manufacturers please make shorts in a size 33" waist!  34" too baggy and 32" a bit of a challenge.....but I opted for the challenge, could be an interesting decision.  Might have to amend the 5:2 diet to the 4:3!

To end a great day I met the city celebrity Max.....aka Clive Horrill!  He is an absolute legend and Max is Clive's city name....I met Max at Harry's Bar 1 and we had a few G+T's where I was introduced to the charasmatic owner....I then discovered they had Harry's Bar 2....rude not to go visit and check out there hospitality and liquor!  We had a few beers and a bloody lovely burger...
Got to go as tomorrow is the eve of FNC wedding number 2 :-). Au revoir. 

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Day 20 - TRX and the Pilates Queen!

I have taken the days off work between wedding 1 and wedding 2 and today has been a very active day in the fitness field!

This morning I did spin followed by the TRX machine!  TRX is a piece of gym equipment that is excellent and I can really feel the benefits.  You use your own body weight to help with muscle gain and core strength.  I have been using the equipment for about three months and I am really pleased with the improvement in my muscle definition in my arms and upper body!  Give it a go....

I was asked by Pilates Queen - Jen Piper, to photograph her in all her glory....performing Pilates that is!!  She has just launched a Facebook page called Jen4pilates to promote her Pilates classes and wanted a few shots to enhance the page.  So tonight I did an hours class and then got snapping....the light wasn't great but I hope she can use some of the images! Jen if your not happy with my amateur offerings, I will do a re-shoot on a sunnier evening!

"Take Pilates into the rest of your day" :-)

Monday 19 May 2014

Day 19 - The Titanic Trail

The five remaing Wolton wedding attendees wanted to stop somewhere on the way back from the New Forest wedding adventure, so we decided on Southampton!

I won't lie to you, not an appealing place - sorry if I have offended anyone and if I have lost a few hundred readers so be it (yeah right!).

There was one nice street with places named after the Titanic era and we saw an old hotel where Titanic passengers stayed the night before the doomed departure.  But my highlight was my latte and bacon sandwich in the lovely No:4 coffee and wine bar....

It was a shame the Southampton Titanic Trail wasn't a scenic splendour - but look at Dazzle in his element with his nautical love!!

"Near, far, wherever you are......"


Sunday 18 May 2014

Day 18 - Jurassic Park

All of us awoke fairly jaded after the Wolton Wedding, remembering classic moments from the day before....there were so many, who enjoyed the boys rendition of Celine's "The Power Of Love"?

The weather was fab, so we decided to have a pub lunch and a stroll through the New Forest countryside!  

It was an eventful walk with ponies, Darren on a swing and members of our party re-inacting dinosaurs from Jurassic Park!  Who can guess which dinosaur Richard is?

A Velociraptor, did you get it right!? 

We are now sitting in the garden with Mr & Mrs Wolton, reminiscing on their lovely wedding and the FNC's impact on the proceedings.....Natalie!

Saturday 17 May 2014

Day 17 - Two left feet!

Wedding Day 1....been eventful!

Fab day....what a lovely wedding.  Hilary looked stunning and Chris very dapper...

...if we are talking about clothing, we had two corkers this morning! I went into Darren and Richard's room to ask about tie advice and poor Richard had just discovered that his new shoes were two left feet!  Then Dan discovered that the sales assistant had given him an un-matching suit!  Different coloured jacket to trousers......

But apart from those clothing issues and a blip in the ceremony, we've had a great day!  The venue looked stunning and the table decorations immaculate.....but then the FNC members had plucked some branches bare, trimmed roses and decorated apples :-). There is nothing the FNC can't do.....

Look at our gifts, coasters with Hilary and Chris's coat of it!

Congrats Hilary and Chris. G xxx

Friday 16 May 2014

Day 16 - Is this the 4th member of the Bee Gees?

Happy Birthday Dad! Hope you are enjoying Lanzarote, and claiming those favoured sun beds before a certain other nationality.

Nat said "look at Colin he could have been a Bee Gee!!"

Today's blog is early as in a few hours we set off to the New Forest for wedding number 1 on our FNC May wedding extravaganza!  Whoop whoop for Hilary & Chris!!

I am unsure if I will have Wi-Fi in the cottage, so blogs could be delayed for the next few days...I can hear the gasps of horror!

Thursday 15 May 2014

Day 15 - The dreaded Selfie!!!!

We are in the Hop House with Horrill, Clive's birthday needs celebrating and straight after spin and body balance, the Hop House is the perfect spot!

This photo shows why selfies should be was hilarious he took it the wrong way round, and as shown here, too low! We had to say stop Clive, so I took a group photo the usual way!

Right, I'm off - my glass of red needs attention!  Bring on the wedding season.......

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Day 14 - Activity Wednesday

Being active on a Wednesday seems to be the new craze!

Nat and Dan started Activity Wednesday by engaging in.....don't worry, keep reading no 18+ material on this blog!  What I was going to say before going off on a tangent was .....engaging in a spot of badminton or a jog by the lakes.  Of course followed by some vino with the legendary Pauline Bromley!

Now little Zigi at work has started agility classes on a Wednesday, for those that don't know what this is - it is when dogs are taught how to navigate obstacle courses, helps with obedience apparently.  

But today his class was cancelled so my boss Di rigged up her own course in the garden, and under the ever watchful eye of Zebu he was put through his paces - very impressive but there was the added incentive of a dog treat at the bottom of the plank!

My own take on A W, is to fast all day and do a spin class....then collapse on the sofa with a herbal tea and watch "Emergency Wednesday" on Sky, each to their own!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Day 13 - King & The Double Rainbow

No it's not a review of last nights episode of Game of Thrones!  Don't worry no spoilers.

As today is already gearing up to be a typical Tuesday....uneventful!  I thought I would do my blog on a photo I took at the weekend in London.

As we were walking between pubs 2 and 3 on Saturday's birthday pub crawl (The Crabtree in Fulham and the Boathouse in Putney) we were caught in a downpour and had sunshine!  Yep, you've guessed it a rainbow appeared.....but not just one, two! 

Here is Joyful (aka Mark Anthony King) embracing the elements! "I'm the KING of the world"

Monday 12 May 2014

Day 12 - Is it half term.....

....or was it a flukey drive to work?

You've guessed it another traffic blog, I can hear the groans from here!  But it is Monday and today's events were extremely limited!!

So this morning I got myself ready early and departed at 8:15 - expecting to hit the Pembury Road traffic but to my amazement I whizzed through with no problems.  Congestion free!!!

With time in hand I decided to take the scenic route to Horsmonden via Brenchley and found this amazing viewpoint!

Shame I only had 5 minutes to enjoy the scenery - got to admit the Garden of England is stunning!!

Sunday 11 May 2014

Day 11 - "Lizzie Lou, Ken, Ted & Ed"

Today we went to visit my nan in her nursing home in Crowborough and look at those red nails!!  91 going on 18....

Nan moved into the home just before Christmas and loves it - she is in her element and has been given a new lease of life.  When you walk in there she is sitting next to her new best mate Jean and often has Zac, the resident cat on her lap.

Someone who preferred to be called Elizabeth a few months ago and hated being called Liz - is now known as Lizzie Lou!

But its the interaction with the other residents - mostly the men, that makes us chuckle.  She has always enjoyed breakfast with Ken.  But a few months ago another man called Ted gatecrashed their breakfasts, and nan wasn't at all pleased as his language was a bit unsavoury!!  She announced one day "But don't worry he wont last very long".  We had visions of nan slipping something deadly into his cocoa or standing behind the door with a something out of Midsummer Murders!!  

Ted has now been accepted and the other evening she even reveled in his wolf-whistling when she emerged from her room in her dressing gown!!  Today we found out that a third man (Ed) has now joined the Lizzie line-up, and she added "he is Ok, needs to speak more though"

It is so lovely seeing her enjoying life and I wonder if anymore will join the "Lizzie Lou, Ken, Ted & Ed Breakfast Club"??

Saturday 10 May 2014

Day 10 - The Thames Adventure

What a day!

Started our adventure with a picnic and prosecco on the train and smurf haribo! Class....

Then it was a mixture of pub, rain, walk, rainbow, cake and a few bevvies to quench the thirst :-)

We went to three pubs, all very different but equally as enjoyable - all on the Thames path in the Hammersmith/Putney area.

Thank you Anne and Dave for a great Thames adventure - we all had a blast!  Hope you enjoyed your birthday pub crawl as much as we did!?

Friday 9 May 2014

Day 9 - Friday, Fuggles and Fish n Chicks!!!!

I love a Friday!

It is a time for catching up with my most favourite people! Sometimes the FNC (Friday Night Crew) can be 20 people, but tonight it was just four.....occasionally it is nice to catch up in a smaller group!  

Solange, Sarah and Lindsey I salute you my gorgeous friends!

Fuggles, thanks for the Cristal and Sankies great fish n chips!

Thursday 8 May 2014

Day 8 - What is with all this traffic?

The Tunbridge Wells traffic seems to be getting worse by the day.

My commute to work is painless compared to those who travel up to London, I don't have to fight for a seat on the train but I do have to battle along Pembury Road.

It never used to be this bad, but ever since they added those traffic lights at Hall's Hole Road it has affected the traffic's flow.....I would like to have a chat with whichever Muppet suggested that idea!

And don't get me started on St John's Road and Southborough!!!

Yesterday, if Pembury Road was not bad enough to contend with - why not do some road works near Lamberhurst which caused a tail back on the shown on my photo!  Thank the lord for sunny on my rear view mirror as it kept me calm as did my new song obsession Molly's "Children of the Universe" - isn't it good? Gonna win Eurovision, I can feel it! No NIL points this year....

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Day 7 - Chain or Independent!!??

When you head out for a meal, how do you choose your restaurant choice!?

Personal recommendations, don't be daft - it's who has a voucher or takes the TasteCard!

Mum, Dad and me are working our way through the restaurants that take the TasteCard and this week we tried Palios, and it was bloody good!

We do enjoy Strada, Prezzo and the chains - but tonight Palio showed why it is nice to support small independent restaurants!  Warm welcome, authentic Italian, great menu and most importantly delicious food.

My main was salmon with orange and avocado - gorgeous!  In the words of Sarah Punter "it was handsome" 

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Day 6 - Unleashed

My tattoo has been well over a year in the planning but today I finally unveiled it to my parents!!

For my 40th year I fancied getting a tattoo and in March last year I decided on my tattoo concept! I love Ganesh, the Indian elephant headed god - through my trips to India I have formed a bond with this god.  On two occasions I have been in India when it has been Ganesh's birthday, and I have been warmly invited to celebrate this festival with villagers and locals and these are memories I will never forget!

wanted an abstract alternative version of Ganesh so I asked artistic extraordinaire Mr Alex Waller if he  would design me a tattoo, but great artists cannot be rushed......the Sistine Chapel wasn't painted in a day!  And a few months later (well, six months....) he unveiled the designs!  I fell in love with this design as to me I can see Ganesh but to anyone else it is just some symbols!!  

On the 25th January I was tattoo-ed and my partner in crime Ms Harris came in with me, and thankfully in true Harris style she didn't stop talking and distracted me from the discomfort! But it didn't hurt as much as I was expecting....

So three months later over dinner I unveiled the tat to mum and dad and their reaction was surprising....they both loved it! I knew dad would like it (and want one) but expected mum to have a bit of a melt down....but she said "I like it" then added "but don't get anymore". Love that woman :-)

Monday 5 May 2014

Day 5 - Tennis past and present!

My thoughts go out to the family and friends of Elena Baltacha.  Her courage and determination were inspirational.  To battle with a chronic liver condition from the age of 19, and still have the hunger to make it as a professional tennis player - a true fighter on court and off! I loved her attitude, I saw her a few times at Wimbledon and she was so passionate and fought for every point.  It is heart breaking that after retiring in November 2013 to start the next chapter of her life with her new husband that this horrendous disease claimed another victim.

On a more jolly note and one that I am sure Bally would appreciate, is the amazing eye-hand coordination of mini-Rafa aka Harry Piper!

With his cousin's mini guitar he managed to launch many colourful balls around the garden with members of the family dodging the missiles coming towards them!  Uncle Gary was very impressed....

Fab day with the Piper clan and a great Bank Holiday but the food and drink indulgence has taken its toll - will be in bed by 9, not as young as I used to be :-(

Sunday 4 May 2014

Day 4 - Well, never saw this coming.....

Aren't BBQ's fun!? Food and drink flow and the fun unfolds....

Been a manic day with crumblegate part 2 - but after Fridays disaster I learnt to add a bit more flour and oats....take two has received rave reviews at the BBQ and looked much better :-)

Also made the tree speciality a banana, cardamom and cranberry tea loaf ready for Mondays BBQ at the Pipers!  Fitted in a gym visit and all before 12.....bloody hell by 1 I was ready for that pint at the Cross Keys!  That pub actually has a really nice pub garden.

Had a brilliant afternoon in the Punter-Stone garden where the Prosecco flowed freely and the Fuller's fodder was cooked to perfection - tasted really good, but my bangers got mixed with the others!!! Had a slight melt down, as I reviewing my meat.....but Sarah convinced me I was eating the right ones! The sausages tasted delicious, but I don't know if I was eating a rogue banger.......

Once the food was consumed kissing comparisons started - but followers I can't reveal any reviews....what happened in Sheffield Road stays in Sheffield Road!  But as the photo shows anything is possible......

Time to go when everyone starts singing Ging Gang Gooli! 

Saturday 3 May 2014

Day 3 - A proper banger.....

BBQ season has begun and this bank holiday I have two!! 

So rather than a Tesco’s own sausage I fancied a proper butcher’s banger, so I decided to head to Fullers in Hawkenbury.  My Grandad used to work here and he loved it!!  The picture today shows Grandad on his 65th birthday and retirement bash merged with a shot I took today while standing in the queue.  I was there at 10:15 and I couldn’t believe how busy it was – the Hawkenbury natives must also be stocking up with BBQ meat! 

It was great to see the butchers so busy.  When I finally got inside I got a bit carried away – I left with a bag full of sausages, chicken and lamb kebabs and burgers….oh yes and a steak and kidney pie – which by the way I have just devoured and it was delicious!

I am sure that my blog tomorrow will review my meat choices!!  And by the way learning how to blend two photos together has taken me two hours!!!!

Friday 2 May 2014

Day 2 - My crumble didn't crumble!!

Or Crumblegate as Natalie would like the post to be named!

We had friends down tonight for dinner and thought for desert you can't go wrong with a crumble!! Well, seriously how is it possible that crumble mix doesn't crumble? Even got Chavis in the kitchen to use her culinary skills (sniggers) and work the mixture......but no it stayed in a lump.  So just a few minutes before guests arrived I had no time to make another batch, so I slapped it on and shoved it in the oven!


But after my legendary red Thai prawn curry, yep - Mr Ramsay and Oliver watch out!! Which left the ladies wanting more! I reluctantly opened the oven and do you know what my ramekins of crumble looked OK.  
So I warmed my Ambrosia custard and served......Natalie's comment "taste wise was lovely but not enough crumble...however, the fruit was a sensation! So people don't judge your crumble by its cover! 

Thursday 1 May 2014

Day 1 - A day of reflection!

What a way to start a year blog - an entry slightly morbid and deep, sorry!

Yesterday was my Nan's funeral and I wanted my first photo to be in her memory.  This picture I love and shows that she did have genuine loving feelings for me, in latter years these were never shown and any love she had for me was hidden underneath a harsh and often rude exterior.  So the funeral was a very strange experience, I wanted to be sad, wanted to cry, wanted to grieve.....but I couldn't.  We gave her a good send off and I have closed this chapter with positive thoughts, she did love me deep down but found it hard to show it! The song that began her funeral was Doris Day's "Secret Love" and straight after the funeral I downloaded it - a song that will remind me of happier times with Nan and my amazing Grandad Charlie, who has also passed.

Tomorrow will be more light hearted I promise :-)