Wednesday 21 May 2014

Day 21 - Chewing Gum Art and Max!

With my day off today I packed my rucksack and headed to London!  In search of photography, a wander round and a few pairs of shorts!  

All of which were achieved...

Shortly after disembarking at London Bridge I found myself on the Millenium Bridge, which I remembered had some new artwork by Ben Wilson!  It is really unique as he paints small pieces of art on discarded chewing gum....I started looking for it but couldn't see any.  But then I saw someone hunched over half way along the bridge, not vomiting but taking a photo!  Once I had seen one the bridge turned into an art gallery!

The pieces of art are tiny and have a modern feel - but what a fab way to enhance the discarded rubbish of inconsiderate humans!  In this instance their ignorance is our gain!  And to make this experience even richer I saw Ben in action......

After my art experience I walked along the Thames, to the annoyance of the hundred of joggers as I had my headphones in and kept stopping abruptly to take a photo....almost causing a few collisions! Seriously so many joggers....

In regard to my short shopping, manufacturers please make shorts in a size 33" waist!  34" too baggy and 32" a bit of a challenge.....but I opted for the challenge, could be an interesting decision.  Might have to amend the 5:2 diet to the 4:3!

To end a great day I met the city celebrity Max.....aka Clive Horrill!  He is an absolute legend and Max is Clive's city name....I met Max at Harry's Bar 1 and we had a few G+T's where I was introduced to the charasmatic owner....I then discovered they had Harry's Bar 2....rude not to go visit and check out there hospitality and liquor!  We had a few beers and a bloody lovely burger...
Got to go as tomorrow is the eve of FNC wedding number 2 :-). Au revoir. 

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