Saturday 31 May 2014

Day 31 - Pilates Princess!

I am blogging early today as we are just off to the Grinhams for dinner and in a few hours I am sure that I will have lost the ability to type!

Excitingly Chef Linda is preparing a Lamb Kofta Meatball Curry, a Hairy Biker recipe!  Can't wait....update tomorrow!

Today was an end of a fitness era, we have lost our Saturday morning Pilates Guru - Jen Piper aka Pilates Princess!  From now on Jens Saturday morning will include relaxing in a onesie rather than putting us through our paces.....her words!

But on a serious note, Jen will be really missed as she is an amazing teacher, who mixes her classes with technique, humour and talk of strictly and chocolate oranges!

So here she is with her Pilates Princess sash, which also has her moto on "take Pilates into the rest of your day". Well done Jackie and Chive, the sash was fab!

As you can see from me scoffing my face we gave Jen a send off with one of her favourite things - cakes!  Oh the cakes were delicious - shout out to Karen "carrot cake goddess" Hurn, Susan "chocolate cake, stove" Majury and "Flapjack" Andrea....

Bye bye my Saturday morning core strength goddess!!!

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