Tuesday 6 May 2014

Day 6 - Unleashed

My tattoo has been well over a year in the planning but today I finally unveiled it to my parents!!

For my 40th year I fancied getting a tattoo and in March last year I decided on my tattoo concept! I love Ganesh, the Indian elephant headed god - through my trips to India I have formed a bond with this god.  On two occasions I have been in India when it has been Ganesh's birthday, and I have been warmly invited to celebrate this festival with villagers and locals and these are memories I will never forget!

wanted an abstract alternative version of Ganesh so I asked artistic extraordinaire Mr Alex Waller if he  would design me a tattoo, but great artists cannot be rushed......the Sistine Chapel wasn't painted in a day!  And a few months later (well, six months....) he unveiled the designs!  I fell in love with this design as to me I can see Ganesh but to anyone else it is just some symbols!!  

On the 25th January I was tattoo-ed and my partner in crime Ms Harris came in with me, and thankfully in true Harris style she didn't stop talking and distracted me from the discomfort! But it didn't hurt as much as I was expecting....

So three months later over dinner I unveiled the tat to mum and dad and their reaction was surprising....they both loved it! I knew dad would like it (and want one) but expected mum to have a bit of a melt down....but she said "I like it" then added "but don't get anymore". Love that woman :-)

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