Tuesday 27 May 2014

Day 27 - Sorry I have failed!

Today was my first day back at work after the wedding season, and oh my lord it was a struggle!

Weather miserable, in front of a computer and trying to fast....not the most inspiring blog day!  So the photo is of a rainy reflective scenario in London a few weeks ago!  Mirroring today's wet weather.  Sorry, I know it's lame, but only other things I could take a photo of today was the treadmill at the gym (weird) or my cheeky pint in Fuggles (just wrong)!!

But the exciting news today is that I did cancel my Blackberry contract and my I-phone 5 arrives tomorrow....bring on the android! No longer am I going to be a blundering blackberrier but I'm gonna be an I-phoner :-)

I do apologise for the uninspiring blog....don't worry I will be back with avengence tomorrow!

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