Sunday 11 May 2014

Day 11 - "Lizzie Lou, Ken, Ted & Ed"

Today we went to visit my nan in her nursing home in Crowborough and look at those red nails!!  91 going on 18....

Nan moved into the home just before Christmas and loves it - she is in her element and has been given a new lease of life.  When you walk in there she is sitting next to her new best mate Jean and often has Zac, the resident cat on her lap.

Someone who preferred to be called Elizabeth a few months ago and hated being called Liz - is now known as Lizzie Lou!

But its the interaction with the other residents - mostly the men, that makes us chuckle.  She has always enjoyed breakfast with Ken.  But a few months ago another man called Ted gatecrashed their breakfasts, and nan wasn't at all pleased as his language was a bit unsavoury!!  She announced one day "But don't worry he wont last very long".  We had visions of nan slipping something deadly into his cocoa or standing behind the door with a something out of Midsummer Murders!!  

Ted has now been accepted and the other evening she even reveled in his wolf-whistling when she emerged from her room in her dressing gown!!  Today we found out that a third man (Ed) has now joined the Lizzie line-up, and she added "he is Ok, needs to speak more though"

It is so lovely seeing her enjoying life and I wonder if anymore will join the "Lizzie Lou, Ken, Ted & Ed Breakfast Club"??

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