Thursday 1 May 2014

Day 1 - A day of reflection!

What a way to start a year blog - an entry slightly morbid and deep, sorry!

Yesterday was my Nan's funeral and I wanted my first photo to be in her memory.  This picture I love and shows that she did have genuine loving feelings for me, in latter years these were never shown and any love she had for me was hidden underneath a harsh and often rude exterior.  So the funeral was a very strange experience, I wanted to be sad, wanted to cry, wanted to grieve.....but I couldn't.  We gave her a good send off and I have closed this chapter with positive thoughts, she did love me deep down but found it hard to show it! The song that began her funeral was Doris Day's "Secret Love" and straight after the funeral I downloaded it - a song that will remind me of happier times with Nan and my amazing Grandad Charlie, who has also passed.

Tomorrow will be more light hearted I promise :-)

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