Wednesday 14 May 2014

Day 14 - Activity Wednesday

Being active on a Wednesday seems to be the new craze!

Nat and Dan started Activity Wednesday by engaging in.....don't worry, keep reading no 18+ material on this blog!  What I was going to say before going off on a tangent was .....engaging in a spot of badminton or a jog by the lakes.  Of course followed by some vino with the legendary Pauline Bromley!

Now little Zigi at work has started agility classes on a Wednesday, for those that don't know what this is - it is when dogs are taught how to navigate obstacle courses, helps with obedience apparently.  

But today his class was cancelled so my boss Di rigged up her own course in the garden, and under the ever watchful eye of Zebu he was put through his paces - very impressive but there was the added incentive of a dog treat at the bottom of the plank!

My own take on A W, is to fast all day and do a spin class....then collapse on the sofa with a herbal tea and watch "Emergency Wednesday" on Sky, each to their own!

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