Saturday 30 August 2014

Day 122 - Weights, Wandering and Waldorf!

My day started with a weights lesson with MAK - "Mr Arm Killer" aka Mark Anthony King!  It's time to bulk up, so under the tutorage of Mr Biceps himself I started pumping iron! Hilarious moment - Mark said "We are going to start you on 22kg!" ..... So I dragged the weights to the bench, got on and actually could not lift them at all - went back for 12kg!!!! Wimp or what!?  Watch this space and my triceps....

Then it was off to the capital with ma and pa!  For a birthday pressie I booked a table at the Hommage Restaurant at the Waldorf!  Posh, but don't worry I had an offer!!

But before the dinner we walked over Tower Bridge to see the poppies at the Tower of London, which were stunning!  We then walked through Borough Market and stopped at the Swan at the Globe for a beverage, the Saxon Lager was most welcome!

A brief visit to the Southbank and as the clouds darkened we headed to the Waldorf. More on that little delight another day...

Now on the 19:30 train for an X-factor date at the Grinhams....but the start of X means the summer is nearly done and winter is rapidly descending!

I do love a trip to London and good fodder!

Friday 29 August 2014

Day 121 - Ganesh Chaturthi

The Ganesh Chaturthi is a festival dedicated to Lord Ganesha and it lasts for 10 days, and it starts today!!!  Ganesh is the god of arts and science as well as intellect and wisdom (so with the latter two I am not sure why I have such a bond with him!!).  He is also known as the remover of obstacles and is easily identified with his elephant’s head.

I have been lucky enough to be in India during the Ganesh Chaturthi twice.  In 2009 I drove through a small village in Karnataka and we stopped to see wonderful festivities – what stood out for me was the boy dressed up in all his finery!  The picture I took of him in his festival dance is still today my favourite ever photograph!!  A lucky instinctive photographic moment that I will cherish forever.

The second time was in 2011, in an off the beaten track part of Tamil Nadu.  I was staying in a tented camp and decided to go for a walk and found myself in a village just as the heavens opened.  I sheltered under some trees with a few locals and before I knew it I was given a cup of Chai and invited to their village’s festival – the next thing I knew the drums started, the children danced and Lord Ganesh was brought to the village on a tractor.  This is one of those experiences that makes India so special. 

The festival starts today (29th August) and will end on the 8th September.  Before the festival, skilled artists prepare clay models of Ganesh.  On the 11th day devotees carry the statues through the street in a procession accompanied by singing and dancing, with it ending with Ganesh being immersed in a river or the sea.

As well as the festivities, devotees clean their houses to prepare for Lord Ganesha’s arrival into their homes.  During the 10 days of celebrations special prayers, chants and singing are performed as well the distribution of special made sweets for the occasion.

Gotta love Ganesh! I'm a little bit of a Ganesh stalker - picture at work (see above), pendant on my chain and his abstract image tattooed on my arm!  You all know I'm a tad weird, that's why you love me!

Thursday 28 August 2014

Day 120 - Kaiya House Reunion

The venue "The White Hart pub in Cornwall Street"

The reason "Kaiya House comes to London"

A bit of history - in 2008 I went to Kerala for the KTM (Kerala Travel Mart) and while staying at the Vivanta by Taj in Cochin I met a lovely American lady.  We got chatting down by the harbour and we discovered that both of us had a holiday link.  I was there investigating hotels and Debra had just purchased a guest house in the beach resort of Varkala - which she was opening later that year.

I have watched as Debra has taken her guest house from strength to strength, and it is now the number one property in Varkala on TripAdvisor. 

In March 2012 myself and Natalie had two nights at Kaiya House and it is just fab.  It is the warmth and friendliness of Debra and her lovely team, that make it such a success.  The property has a boutique style with each room influenced by a different part of the world - I stayed in the Indian room.  Debra's sunrise walk along Varkala's cliff is one of my Indian highlights. 

During Kerala's rainy season Debra shuts up shop and goes traveling.  She has been back to America and is now having some time in the UK.  So while in London she decided to try and get as many people together for an evening that have stayed at Kaiya House.

So last night off went Natalie and myself up to Waterloo East and met Debra and the other Kaiya-lites!! We also rendezvoused with the Punter-Stones and Grinhams - as they have a mutual love for Kerala.  The White Hart was really busy, even outside on the pavement (which was monitored by a very sour faced woman, like some prison guard "Don't cross the line, or else!").  Unfortunately for some of the evening we couldn't all mingle as Debra had hoped we would but by the end I was having a fab chat with some lovely people.

So at 22:33 we boarded the train and ventured back to Sunny Tunny, unfortunately accompanied by a very drunk and excruciating loud young woman....and no people it wasn't Natalie!! 

Debra, it was great seeing you and thank you for arranging last night. Hope to see you again soon, next time at Kaiya House :-)

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Day 119 - Blown Away!

Never thought I would say this but I'm missing the gym and the 5:2!  Feel like a bloody heffer!

On the 22:33 train from Waterloo East from my night out in London and it's busy, unnaturally seats to be had!  So with a solo seat I have put a Carrie Underwood playlist on to pass the time.  I'm a tad Blown Away a bit of Carrie time is a joy!

But I couldn't escape them altogether!?  Look who came to visit....

I'm gonna leave it there as tomorrow is gonna be as boring as sh!t and I will need blog content for tedious Thursday!

If this blogs, don't worry I'm home safe as I have Wi-Fi....if not it's been a fun ride! 

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Day 118 - Ice Ice Baby!

So a usual Tuesday evening involves the spin bike, TRX machine and a bit of body balance.....but this was a Tuesday night with a difference!

Firstly thanks to my pals (ummmm, re-assessing that word) Lisa and Solange I was set the ALS Ice bucket I thought two nominations deserves a bit of clothing effort and decided on a white shirt, hedgehog tie and a blazer combo.....finished off nicely with my funky Caribbean shorts from the Luau party! A good look I thought.

So with my two glamourous assistants Natalie and Claire I did the deed, not too bad really but quite traumatised by my dappy voice on camera.....seriously traumatised and will be miming from now on!  Britney I'm with you......

After a warm up in the shower and a quick descaling of my Tassimo, myself and Natalie ventured down to Pizza Express for an evening with Retro Rosie and the birthday boy Marcin.....and not forgetting the Pope-Treloars and Mr Carl S-R! 

A lovely meal was had and Rosie is taking me and Nat to the Tower of London....I'm not sure if that's because we need to be locked up in a secure fortress!  

Tomorrow night no time for Pilates, I'm off to London to see the Queen of Kaiya House :-)

Monday 25 August 2014

Day 117 - Bank Holidays!

Slept so well, not surprised after the immense weekends events!

I had to counteract the over-indulgence so headed to the gym for the 9:30 spin class, god it was hard....but Jane's class had Kylie & Katy Perry on the playlist so this cheesy pop fan was spinning around!!!

Then we saw the Garners, a gorgeous foursome - they are always so welcoming and I helped Noah in the kitchen!

My day didn't pause so after a delicious chicken roast (thank you Ryan) I headed for coffee and cake at Ismail with my Pilates pal Michele...great to catch up and hopefully my tips on Peru will help with their holiday planning! All that talk of Peru makes me wanna go back to Cusco......  

Then it was time to celebrate with the newly engaged duo of Mark & Ellie....Rome & Romance!  Love is in the air, so lovely to see....and here is the ring!

Now in and catching up on the finale of the Honourable Woman, it is very good - but I'm a tad simple and really have no idea what's going on....bit too intelligent for me!  Oh well.....

....thank you Solange & Lisa, I will be doing the icy challenge tomorrow! 

Sunday 24 August 2014

Day 116 - Day after the night before.....

.....lambada, luau, limbo, leis and laughter!  And loonies.....

What a wicked night, thank you the Sargeant-Ryders!  The hosts with the mosts!

My photo of the day goes to the best dressed....let's re-phrase that!  The fruitiest member of the FNC, not many people would make their own pineapple and build such a fruit cocktail out of a paper plate and a Zumba headband!  Solange you never fail to deliver when it comes to dressing for the occasion....

The night started at 7:30 and finished at......?  I have no idea to be honest, thinking about 3am!  

No party is complete without games, so we were split into Team Pineapple and Team Bounty!  First challenge was how quickly could you down the cocktail filled melon with long straws!!  Us pineapples like to savour our liquor and lost the challenge to the greater sucking power of Natalie, Jo, Darren & Richard....god they can suck, long and hard! :-)  Enough of that kind of talk and onto game 2! 

A Caribbean quiz, we pulled it back with a win!  Did you know Rihanna's real name is Robyn Fenty!?

Becoming booze fuelled we then had to whack a grapefruit along the hall using another grapefruit in a stocking, intriguing gem of a game, all about the thrusting! 

My game hell materialised in the chin passing grapefruit challenge, hilarious - but I couldn't neck the grapefruit from Sarah......I failed big time #fail

Oh, and there was the back doesn't do that position, so sat back with my Prosecco and cashew nuts. 

Games over and then it all gets a bit blurry and I think I will leave it there, anyway as Meakins uploads all of her memory card onto Facebook you are bound to get a glimpse of some very special moments indeed!

In the words of The Four Seasons "Oh, what a night".....

Saturday 23 August 2014

Day 115 - Luau

Aloha readers!

The Luau party is in full swing.....

....that is all!!!!

Friday 22 August 2014

Day 114 - Dark Side!

There's no point not being honest on my blog is there?  So here it is, I have had a f*cking tedious week, apart from a mid-week dinner date with Sezzie P it is has been as dull as dishwater!  Think it is a combination of post-holiday blues, work being quiet and just feeling lethargic and under par!

I'm sitting here feeling a bit vacant - lack of energy and enthusiasm!  Trying to get blog inspiration and my pop/rock chick Kelly Clarkson has just come on and her words suit my mood and temperament perfectly, how did she know!?

"everybody's got a dark side
do you love me?
can you love mine?
nobody's a picture perfect
but we're worth it
you know that we're worth it
will you love me?
even with my dark side?"

So that inspired me to cheer the f*ck up, poor a G+T, pop open some crisps and clean the lounge coffee table!

So the dark side......tempted?  No thanks Vader I ain't joining you!  I have people to see tonight and gotta strut my Luau tomorrow night!

So my montage is some shots from my Star Wars exhibition in Paris last Friday, and also showing that even the dark side can Luau!!

Thursday 21 August 2014

Day 113 - Paparazzi

Is it Friday yet?  This post-holiday week is dragging....

Thinking I might change my occupation to a paparazzi photographer!!

Tuesday night I was in the gym working on my abs when I spotted Clive & Dick doing their synchronised kettlebell work out, and I thought....let's get a sneaky shot!

Sorry guys :-) it was too tempting a moment to let pass by!  Stacey would be so proud!

Roll on the bank holiday and the Luau party!!

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Day 112 - Blondes!!

So do blondes have more fun?  Just ask Ms Sarah Punter-Stone......

Her answer will be yes!  As she spent the evening with a hot and tasty number!  

A Quattro Stagioni Pizza (with extra mozzarella)....

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Day 111 - World Photo Day!

Short one today, been to gym and feel spaced out!  Brain can't function and no way I can string words together tonight. 

Today is World Photo Day by the way....and here are some street art photos from Paris.  I will let the street art do the talking - the artists are Invader, Pez, Seth and the last one is unknown. 

Night all.....

Monday 18 August 2014

Day 110 - Bistrotters!

Here is the Bistrotters review!  I know you have been waiting with baited breath!

By chance I found this gem of a restaurant on Tripadvisor, I went to the map feature and looked for a restaurant near my hotel in the Montparnasse area.  This restaurant was two streets away.  

It happened to be the number three restaurant in the whole of Paris, so it had to be last night treat!

It wasn't easy to book as tables can only be reserved online 12 days before the day, so I waited for midnight and as soon as the table reservation opened I was there and grabbed an in demand table! It is somewhere that definitely needs a reservation, as it is quite small and extremely popular!  When I was there so many people were turned away.  

They have two sittings, one at 7 and a later one after 9.  The menu doesn't change that often but the food is delicious, and everything on the menu is so tempting that I would happily go again.  And considering the quality it wasn't a bad price!

So to my menu choices:

Starter - "Calamari and Octopus Stew with Olives and French Fries like hay"

Yes, Solange a course with Olives....I thought of "Olive-gate" in the X-factor queue as I was eating them, and cooked they are actually quite nice :-)

Main - "Beef Fillet, French Fries with Green Pepper & Peppercorns Sauce"

The beef was cooked to perfection...and the chips, wow!

Desert - "French Toast of Brioche, Salted Butter Caramel Sauce & Crispy Chocolate"

Bloody hell it was rich, but soooooo good!

What a culinary treat, got to live a little haven't you!?

Sunday 17 August 2014

Day 109 - back on UK soil

It's come to an end....too quickly! I could quite happily keep travelling, exploring new cities, countries and cultures. But unfortunately it comes down to things called money and work!

So my photo of the day is my welcome home, love and colour at St Pancras!

British rail costs are insane, from St Pancras to Tunbridge Wells is a similar cost as Strasbourg to Paris - con artists!

Having music on random can be a cruel mistress, especially when I can see my flat in the distance weighed down with bags and Madonna comes on with "Holiday"......

I am saving my Bistrotters restaurant review for a future post! I can tell you are all so excited and can't wait! 

**spoiler** it includes octopus and brioche!

Saturday 16 August 2014

Day 108 - Street Art & Seine

Street art tour today! And next to the meeting point was another of my cafés on the list - Cafe Charbon. And guess what, it was closed for the summer break!  But opposite was the quaint, jazz playing Chez Justine - it was perfect! Even came with its own baby rat, which whizzed past my it!

So I rocked up at the meeting point just before 11 and met the skateboard wielding guide Antoine!  I was convinced that the group would be small but alas another 28 people turned up.....groan! We had to wait for some Germans who were running late.....leave them behind (I was chanting inside).

The tour was great however and the confirmation said it would last approximately 3 lasted 4!! Antoine was brilliant and his knowledge and enthusiasm were first class! 

We saw loads of grafitti and street art and learnt names of artists, techniques and history behind the street art favourite piece by "Alex" below, stunning!

After the street art, I thought it best to do the sights so I headed for Notre Dame! Blimey it was busy, but I do love the padlock bridge so had a quick look before I swiftly departed and wandered all the way along the Seine to the Eiffel Tower.  A lovely walk on a beautiful day.

Once back at the hotel (6.30pm) it hit me that I hadn't eaten since Chez Justine's croissant at 10!  No wonder I was flagging.....but at 7pm I had my reservation at TripAdvisor's number 3 restaurant in the whole of Paris.  I'm gonna keep you waiting for my gastronomy review :-)

Friday 15 August 2014

Day 107 - Day at the movies!

Paris today has been like the set of a medley of movies!

As I wandered back from the creperie last night I saw a poster for a Star Wars exhibition, I couldn't let this opportunity pass!

It was a long metro ride but well worth it, and as the weather was miserable best to be inside!  It had artefacts from the movies - models, outfits, replica space crafts and sketches of how George Lucas got to the final characters appearances!  Some of the sketches were fascinating as the characters could have turned out completely different. Jabba the hut was almost a human pirate, so glad the slug made it! 

It was an interactive exhibition, so you had to answer 10 "Star Wars" questions to make your very own crazy messed up creation was "Gary the Twi'Lek!!

Back on the metro for part two of my movie themed day, a brunch date with Amelie!  Funny little place, nice to see it after I watched the movie a few weeks ago. Lots of Amelie pictures and memorabilia dotted around the place, I also had a wee in the infamous bathroom....and the nicest croissant yet! 

From there I just wandered the Montmatre area for the majority of the day, which I love! I have to give BBC weather props, they said rain until 11 and then on!

Around the Sacre Coeur continuing my film themed day I saw the Addams family having photos taken and a Bend it like Beckham moment....

I am cool about travelling on my own and it doesn't faze me in the slightest but today I had a 15 minute wobble.....went into a restaurant, and asked for a table for 1. You would have thought from their reaction I had lepracy!  Reluctantly the miserable waitress ushered me over and told me to sit with a young couple, the look on their face wasn't welcoming. So I asked to sit somewhere else, on one of the many spare tables....but no, I was moaned at in French by an obnoxious waiter carrying snails!  So I left....

At the next restaurant I politely asked to look at a menu in English and the waiter said with venom "You say Bonjour"!  So I left....

Feeling a tad fed up I tried another establishment, third time lucky!  They were nice, hooray! Steak and chips and happy hour....I'm fine again!

On the way back to the hotel I wandered across the Seine at sunset and ended up ticking off one of my cafés from the "to do" list - Cafe De Flore. It was really atmospheric and I sat outside watching the people coming and going on the Boulevard St. Germain, with a nice glass of red!  And I got free crisps...not curly fries though!

The Lone Ranger signing off!

Thursday 14 August 2014

Day 106 - Au Revoir Strassie, Bonjour Paris

Last night I ate in a touristy Alsace restaurant called La Greuber, but it was really great - friendly staff, traditional decor, tasty food and a nice drop of Pinot Noir!  I tried the speciality tarte flambé (basically a very thin pizza), the main was a delicious chicken dish in a mushroom and Riesling sauce with Alsace noodles (very small gnocchi).  I was fascinated by the lady (poor cow) who was in charge of the tarte was like a conveyor belt and she didn't get much job satisfaction.....feisty waiters demanding their flambés!!! Her looks could kill.

I declined creme brûlée at La Greuber and headed to Creperie Le Moulin du Diable, which I saw earlier in the day.  A homely/quirky little place, that felt like the wife was waiting the tables and the husband was stuck in the kitchen producing the crepes! Service was erratic, but hey when an orange ice cream and chocolate crepe flambéd with Grand Marnier is that delicious - who's clock watchin'

Feeling like I was about to explode and a bit PinotNoir-ed I watched the wonderful illumination display on the Barrage Vauban, after this I dragged my food baby back to the hotel. 

Got to Strassbourg station just as the heavens opened, so left a soggy Strassie behind and two hours later arrived into a Sunny Paris!

After about 15 stops on the metro and walking down the wrong road I finally checked in at La Maison Montparnasse, seems ok - but only threw my bags in my room and off I went to explore!

Being the morbid soul I am I wandered around the Montparnasse Cemetary, sounds macabre but it makes great photos and just love the over the top crypts and the ever watchful angels!

With no idea where I was going I ended up at the Jardin du Luxembourg, by now it was time for a coffee.  Before I left the UK I googled the top 10 cafés in Paris, found a great article and thought I would try an see as many as I could.  I thought I was close to one - so why not tick off number 1!

With my pop up map I wandered past the Pantheon and then I found myself in familiar territory - the area where Lindsey and I stayed a few years ago! There was a square that we loved and I was tempted just to head there but no I was determined, I was on my cafe mission!  Half hour later and parched, I discovered the bloody Cafe de la Nouvelle Mairie has been demolished to make way for an unsightly modern office block, sacrilidge!  Gasping for coffee (yeah, right) I almost ran to "our" square.....sat down in Delmas and enjoyed a half of Grimbergen beer (when the waiter decided he had time!!!).  Forgot Paris would be more expensive than Strasbourg, £5 for a half....gulp!  No tip for my surly waiter, smile and serve me quicker you misery!  Actually there's Gary's tip!

Dinner was a boutique creperie called "Creperie L'Artheme" - went savoury tonight!  A wholemealy crepe with prosciutto, cheese and sun dried tomato...going back tomorrow for a sweet one :-)

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Day 105 - Bites, Brollies, Buren & Batgirl

I have four bites on my legs which are f&/!ing itchy....I know, stop scratching them but I can't!!

The weather forecast was for heavy rain today so when I opened my curtains to blue sky...I almost danced with delight!

But I continued with caution and packed a jumper and rain mac in search of breakfast! Strassie doesn't have much of a cafe culture, so found it hard to find anywhere!  So I left the quiet side streets and hit the touristy main square just as the forecast downpour hit!  Running into the nearest cafe and had my usual coffee and croissant!

Bad timing indeed as I left the cafe to a monsoon downpour in search of the oldest cellars in France (with no success) - as I was like a drowned rat, I decided to give the modern art gallery a go!!!

Love art but some of it...please, I've seen more talent and imagination from a five year old!  There were a few pieces that were good, the room of building blocks was immense but weeeeeiiirrd! Let's be arty, it was called "Like child's play, work" by Daniel Buren. 

When I left the modern art musee the rain had stopped but it still looked a bit menacing, so best thing was a boat trip on the Batorama.  It is covered so I would be safe....but I had an hour to wait as they get booked up quickly!

So I went and had a piece of plum cake, well piece is an understatement - slab, is a better word!  Tasty....

The hour river boat cruise was really good and the sun returned, and the Batorama had its own batgirl...a Japenese girl with a bat ear cap, interesting look!  But at one stage I looked over and she was picking a spot on her nose and it was bleeding....*heave**vomit*

After the cruise I wandered in the sun and enjoyed Strasbourg's architecture, ornate windows and the door buzzers...."bonjour est ce que E Kuntz".... hee hee, such a child!

Ended in a trendy pub called La Solidarite, had to be done - it was happy hour!!  With a pint of Pecheur even the noise Eminem makes was bearable....

Off to say Bonne nuit to Strasbourg as departing for Paris tomorrow.  Bonsoir.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Day 104 - "Too sweet, Nope!"

So last night with my restaurant in mind (picked from TripAdvisor), I headed out to find it! After a lot of searching I finally found it to my excitement.....but then I noticed it was closed, until the 29th August!  Typical!  So I then wandered the street looking for a menu that had English, isn't that bad - but I'm a tad fussy and need to know what's in my grub!

I came across L'Argentoratum!  It was busy and served traditional cuisine - so with things on the menu I liked in I went. For starter I opted for the smoked salmon, grapefruit, shrimp and pineapple salad - which sounded interesting, very naively I forgot it would be drowned in some dressing even though none was mentioned on the menu...I managed, and it was actually nice!

The main course completely caught me by surprise!  I ordered the meat and mushroom crepes in a creamy sauce.....what turned up was interesting, three beef burgers in a sauce with sautéed potatoes!!!! Did I miss something? Anyway as service wasn't that speedy I didn't complain and it did look delicious - and it was!

Discovered a new beer - Meteor Pils! It's Cosmic! But you will be impressed as I only had a half with dinner, how controlled.....

So that was last night and today is the full day tour to the Alsace Winelands! Writing part two from my hotel garden with yep, you've guessed it a pint!  And pretzels....

I decided to have breakfast out, so coffee and croissant were very much enjoyed at the Cafe Broglie - nice little buzzy place with a traditional feel.

At 09:30 I met Florence our guide and guess who? The Candian couple from yesterday, also two sisters from Quebec and a couple from Korea!

The first vineyard stop was in Barr, at the Domaine Bachert Noelle winery.  Here I took notes of the wines we were trying, and Holly (Canadian girl) saw my review and laughed and from then on it became the catch phrase of the trip "Too sweet, Nope!"  This was a tiny family run vineyard and the tasting and talk was by the owner, which was nice and it felt personal.

Ok, I know I'm a bit dippy but I didn't realise that the Alsace region was known really for its white wine, the only red is the Pinot Noir.  And the Riesling, Pinot Gris and Muscats tend to be sweet!  Sweet and white...Oh well, open your mouth and pour it's all wine at the end of the day!

Second stop was my favourite, Schaefeer-Woerly - owned by a lovely couple.  They showed us their cellar and I even got to try a Pinot Noir, so lush that I bought a bottle!  Here's a tip red wine lovers pop your Pinot Noir in the fridge....lovely chilled on a summers day!

The rest of the day was a similar pattern, beautiful scenery and two more wine stops! Second two were bigger producers and lacked the personal touch of the first two!  These Alsace towns are beautiful - quaint cottages, cobbled streets and funky little nik-nak shops!

I have to say our guide Florence was superb, laid back, fun and extremely knowledgeable. I sat in the front and chatted to Flo all the way back to Strasbourg....the six youngsters in the back all fell asleep after their day with the wine!  No stamina...

Right dinner and light show at the Cathedral! Au revoir. 

Monday 11 August 2014

Day 103 - Strasbourg!

At 11:21 I left Basle and headed for Stasbourg on the train, I departed in rather bleak conditions and thankfully after an hour and a halfs journey I arrived into Strassies sunshine!

Jumped off the train and with no time to waste (as I like to squeeze as much content into my holidays as possible - isn't that right travel companions?)....I went straight to my hotel - the delightful Hotel Villa d'Est.  Checked in and then headed to the Place de la Cathedrale to meet Gabriel my free tour guide!

Before I met him I had just enough time to down a slice of fromage and jambon pizza!!

Yes, I did say free guide, the concept is that the tour is free and you tip what you think the tour is worth! Interesting concept!

So I met my hat wearing, long bearded, smoking a roll up guide and knew instantly it would be a blooming good few hours. 

A Canadian couple joined us and we visited lots of squares, sights and scenic viewpoints. In Gabriel's grandparents life Strasbourg changed from French rule to German rule 4 crazy is that?  

We ended at a viewpoint in Petite France which is beautiful, slightly tarred by the stories from Gabriel about sypholis, rape and discarded bed pan then Gabriel put his hat on the floor like a busker and we left our tip....he did well from the group!

By this time it was nearing 5 and what does that mean?  Beer o'clock of course!  Tried to track down a bar I saw with happy hour but couldn't find it, so ended up back at my hotel.  But the garden was sun drenched....beautiful pint of Heineken and a bowl of pretzels were very much enjoyed!

I'm now showered and off to find dinner!  I have a restaurant in let's see if I can find it!

Au revoir!

Sunday 10 August 2014

Day 102 - 1997

Today has been all about reminiscing!

Eve is a school friend and we had always talked about venturing down under! 

Just re-read that and as some of my readers have their minds firmly in the gutter, STOP IT!!!  So in 1997, with me working in Boots and Eve in Hush Puppies (job after finishing Uni) - it was the ideal time to pack that rucksack for 7 months and travel!

Over breakfast we were chuckling about our adventures and it's amazing how fresh in our minds it still is!

The prison-like hostel in Fremantle, with smashed windows and dodgy residents. 
Me walking into someone's house on Rottnest Island thinking it was the hostel. 
Getting trollied in Darwin post camping trip that we almost missed our flight. 
Walking into a hostel in the back of beyond (Cobber Pedy) and seeing a calender of Tunbridge Wells.
Working in Melbourne Casino for a month and having the time of our lives staying at Toad Hall.
Staying in Ubud (Bali) for £3 a night, but upgrading to a place with running water for £4!!!
Misreading the menu on our last night in Bali and not being able to pay for our all you can eat buffet!

While in New Zealand, Eve met Lars and the rest is history!  But as I keep reminding Eve, it was me that persuaded her that we needed a few weeks in NZ and I had to talk her out of staying put in Sydney!  Just call me Cilla!!

As the weather was lovely (please keep Bertha, I don't want any of her damp tail winds) we decided to head out and explore the nearby countryside and walked to Schloss Wildenstein, an alpine castle that has been converted into some sort of holiday home!

On the walk back we found a bench with 1997 on it - weird or what!? As though it was placed there as a reminder of our friendship, Australia adventure and the meeting of the Silvferbergs!

By the way we got away with paying what we could afford for the Bali buffet!!!! Result....

Saturday 9 August 2014

Day 101 - Basel, Bâle, Basle or Basilea!

I thought I had brought the sun to Switzerland, but alas no...I awoke to thick grey cloud!!! That wasn't part of my European plan.....also the week's forecast looks bleak, but f*#% you weather I have my mac and my spirits will not be dampened!

So what do we do today with the threat of rain!  The options were a trip to nearby Basle, the city of Lucerne or perhaps a Swiss transport museum....the transport museum had to be deleted from the options sharpish!  Lucerne soon got the chop due to road reports of heavy holiday traffic - so off we headed to Basle!

It would have been nice to see Lucerne and tick off another Swiss city, but Basle is great!  Old heritage streets, fab architecture, lovely cafés and imaginative toilet doors!

So we wandered along the Rhine, went across on the odd little ferries that are attached to a rope and had a delicious savoury crepe thing!

We only had one short downpour so we were able to explore the city for a few hours.  I even spotted several pieces of street art by Invader (tiled art made into space invaders). I'm getting good at this street art lark :-)

Today's montage is a Basle mash-up....a medley of a statue, window, street art and a bicycle.

I finally got a win, just!! 23-21 in the garden badminton!! 

Friday 8 August 2014

Day 100 - Celebrating with a cold bottle of Feldschlosschen!

It was Miss Scarlet with the spanner in the billiard room....wrong!  I failed in the Cluedo challenge and lost to the cunning brilliance of 8 year old Alec....he fed me a red herring and I fell for it!  It was the dining time Master Silvferberg I won't be so gullible!

My day began with a rude awakening at 4, and as I hadn't slept well - I felt rough!  It was still dark, I had garlic breath from Cote's mussels and my stomach felt like it was harbouring the "Alien!"

Thanks to Pa Tree's taxi for the early morning Gatwick run....desperate for a coffee I headed to Easyjet check-in...if my garlic breath wasn't bad enough the check in queue was ridiculous! So many people....I just wanted a coffee!  40 minutes later!

After my latte and granola I boarded the flight to Basle, surrounded by some loud uncouffe OAP's - thank the lord the flight was only 90 minutes and I had Pharrel's "Happy" to play on my I-pod to remain in a good was touch and go!  

On arrival in Basle I was met by Eve and her kids Alec & Nia and we headed back to their pad in the nearby mountains!

Weather was beautiful so we had lunch on the patio, played that game of Cleudo and had a stunning walk in the surrounding countryside!

But by 5, I was back on the sun drenched decking celebrating my 100th blog (yep, really - time flies) with a Feldschlosschen Beer....or two!

After the BBQ I was back on the competitive challenge with Alec, I couldn't lose at garden Badminton could I?  Oh yes I could.......

Thursday 7 August 2014

Day 99 - Au Revoir!

Passport - check
Euros - check
Sun cream - check (better need it)
Train tickets - check

I'll be seeing ya!

Photo courtesy of Wendy's new funky heart vase!

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Day 98 - Angelic!!

So yesterday was Depth and today is the Cemetery photo shoot results, this was the afternoon session of our London photo walk - at Kensal Green Cemetary!  

Walking amongst the crypts, gravestones and statues was really interesting and its amazing how grand some of these crypts are.....

There was an overwhelming favourite photo by all judges and Facebook friends......The Angel!

Strangely enough two people entered the same angel, great minds!

So here are Simon's thoughts:


1st - angels heads (pics 1 and 5).  Yes, I know I'm cheating as that's two pictures, but they are both so similar!  Really atmospheric.

Well done my very own angels, Linda & Jackie! Sorry had to Instagram it for the blog!!!

2nd - tomb in a shaft of sunlight ( pic 4).  I loved the play of light in this, and the restful feel.

Clive, second from both judges....well done!

3rd - rows of graves (pic 2).  I thought this really captured some of the higgledy-piggledy nature of the graves, and how closely they are buried together.

And Dick...3rd spot 

Right better start getting a date in the diary for our next walk with Simon!

Day 97 - Depth Decided!

Tonight is the results of our photographic day in London!  It is a real fun day but it is nice to get a bit competitive.  The morning sessions theme was depth!  We ask our London guide Simon to choose his top 3 and also the untrained but enthusiastic Nat!

It is really interesting what images they choose and it differs quite a lot, photography is such a personal thing.  What one person likes and sees is completely different to someone else!

Nat's votes have been cast and were added to Facebook last night - I didn't feature....rude, she got some very abusive texts!

This is what Simon thought:


1st - bunting flags. Really nice control of the shallow depth of field and a strong line from the flags and the railings give a real sense of depth.  Great picture. 

Yay, it's gold! Natalie :-)

2nd - view through gates to Classic Camera sign.  I liked the framing provided by the gates, and the transition from light through dark and to light again.  ***photo can be found on FB***

Dick, congratulations a 2nd from Simon and a bronze position from Natalie!

3rd - alleyway with bins (sounds like a Tracey Emin installation when I put it like that!).  The path of sunlight provides a strong line leading you into the photo; and as in the previous image, the edge of the bars on left and right provides some nice framing.  Gritty, urban photography!  ***photo can be found on FB***

Dearest Auntie, you have always had a gritty, urban edge :-)

Tomorrow will be Simon's Death (Cemetary) results.....

Monday 4 August 2014

Day 96 - I couldn't beelieve it!!

Chatting on the train yesterday and Solange threw "Disco Bees" into the conversation!!! 

We had to pause the conversation and asked her to rewind....we then learnt about this new app game called Disco Bees....a bee themed candy crush I think!?

....I was not tempted by the honey gatherers, but Dicky couldn't resist and it wasn't long before he had ninja bees whizzing across his Samsung!  Don't ask as you could get sucked into a dangerous world!

I know how dangerously obsessive these games get as I was dragged into the world of Hay Day, and only strong will power saved my sanity and I closed WombatTree's farm for good. Oh and I was getting bored of making chicken feed!

So Solange and Dicky beehave and bee careful!

Sunday 3 August 2014

Day 95 - Xtremely close.....

So the alarm went off at 730, and I think I was still pickled by Prosecco!  Also I had the re-occurring after taste of the late night crisps we devoured.....yuck!!

Darren, Richard, Solange and I got on the 9:09 train to Wembley!  For our Xciting X-factor Xperience....

An hour to Charing Cross then the longest tube journey....isn't Wembley an arse to get to!?

But by 11 we were in the queue!  Even though we had a ticket they over allocate so we weren't guaranteed to get in.....but we were confident as we weren't that far back and there were hundreds of people behind us!

Sun shining, nibbling on M&S delicious picnic bits (thx Sol!) and watching contestants being interviewed was thirsty Solange subtly popped her cork in the queue and Prosecco flowed.....again!!

We edged closer and spotted Dermot doing his interviews!  But after a couple of hours in the queue we started getting nervous as we saw hundreds of people behind us being cut from the queue....a guy in a black t-shirt was like the grim reaper and kept edging closer to us....finally we given four nos and our X-factor dream was over :-(

To send out that many tickets was bad as loads of people got turned away....but what do you do when disappointment strikes?  Find a weatherspoons of course.....

Saturday 2 August 2014

Day 94 - Dicky does Tree!!!!

Today Gary Tree has let me, Dickie be a guest blogger after spending the day with him.

What a responsibility! 

So how do I blog, f**k knows!

So I will give it a go. Today I went to a BBQ with some lovely people so this is for you;

Clive: you are an absolute legend and are an absolute pleasure to be with and I  love your sun glasses. Any one that says anything else, sod em.

Jackie: your laugh could light a room, I truly hope to get to know you better.
I can see how much you care about everyone around you, both friends and family 

Dick: BBQ king, fire fighter and absolute legend. You share our humour especially towards Chavis, let's face it to be her friend u have to have a good sense of humour.

Linda: thank you for showing me your chihuahua! That is not a euphonisim.
But seriously thank you so much for co hosting.

Sarah & Emma: thank you beautiful girls for hosting but more importantly your friendship which means the world.  Although we haven't known each other for years we value your friendship and your support for the years we have known each other.

Kerry: lovely to meet you, wonderful sence of humour and I hope to see you again (although Helen from BB really?)

Carl & Marcin: I don't need to say much, you are the best friends a boy could ask for, kind, loving and always there for you.

Darren:  u have made all my dreams come true as our friends can vouch for.
You are my soul mate 

And finally.......

Gary Tree: you my darling have been one of the best friends a boy could ask for.
We have shared, laughed and almost cried.
Anyone that has read my babble will have read it because we have one thing in common.........