Saturday 2 August 2014

Day 94 - Dicky does Tree!!!!

Today Gary Tree has let me, Dickie be a guest blogger after spending the day with him.

What a responsibility! 

So how do I blog, f**k knows!

So I will give it a go. Today I went to a BBQ with some lovely people so this is for you;

Clive: you are an absolute legend and are an absolute pleasure to be with and I  love your sun glasses. Any one that says anything else, sod em.

Jackie: your laugh could light a room, I truly hope to get to know you better.
I can see how much you care about everyone around you, both friends and family 

Dick: BBQ king, fire fighter and absolute legend. You share our humour especially towards Chavis, let's face it to be her friend u have to have a good sense of humour.

Linda: thank you for showing me your chihuahua! That is not a euphonisim.
But seriously thank you so much for co hosting.

Sarah & Emma: thank you beautiful girls for hosting but more importantly your friendship which means the world.  Although we haven't known each other for years we value your friendship and your support for the years we have known each other.

Kerry: lovely to meet you, wonderful sence of humour and I hope to see you again (although Helen from BB really?)

Carl & Marcin: I don't need to say much, you are the best friends a boy could ask for, kind, loving and always there for you.

Darren:  u have made all my dreams come true as our friends can vouch for.
You are my soul mate 

And finally.......

Gary Tree: you my darling have been one of the best friends a boy could ask for.
We have shared, laughed and almost cried.
Anyone that has read my babble will have read it because we have one thing in common.........


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