Monday 11 August 2014

Day 103 - Strasbourg!

At 11:21 I left Basle and headed for Stasbourg on the train, I departed in rather bleak conditions and thankfully after an hour and a halfs journey I arrived into Strassies sunshine!

Jumped off the train and with no time to waste (as I like to squeeze as much content into my holidays as possible - isn't that right travel companions?)....I went straight to my hotel - the delightful Hotel Villa d'Est.  Checked in and then headed to the Place de la Cathedrale to meet Gabriel my free tour guide!

Before I met him I had just enough time to down a slice of fromage and jambon pizza!!

Yes, I did say free guide, the concept is that the tour is free and you tip what you think the tour is worth! Interesting concept!

So I met my hat wearing, long bearded, smoking a roll up guide and knew instantly it would be a blooming good few hours. 

A Canadian couple joined us and we visited lots of squares, sights and scenic viewpoints. In Gabriel's grandparents life Strasbourg changed from French rule to German rule 4 crazy is that?  

We ended at a viewpoint in Petite France which is beautiful, slightly tarred by the stories from Gabriel about sypholis, rape and discarded bed pan then Gabriel put his hat on the floor like a busker and we left our tip....he did well from the group!

By this time it was nearing 5 and what does that mean?  Beer o'clock of course!  Tried to track down a bar I saw with happy hour but couldn't find it, so ended up back at my hotel.  But the garden was sun drenched....beautiful pint of Heineken and a bowl of pretzels were very much enjoyed!

I'm now showered and off to find dinner!  I have a restaurant in let's see if I can find it!

Au revoir!

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