Wednesday 13 August 2014

Day 105 - Bites, Brollies, Buren & Batgirl

I have four bites on my legs which are f&/!ing itchy....I know, stop scratching them but I can't!!

The weather forecast was for heavy rain today so when I opened my curtains to blue sky...I almost danced with delight!

But I continued with caution and packed a jumper and rain mac in search of breakfast! Strassie doesn't have much of a cafe culture, so found it hard to find anywhere!  So I left the quiet side streets and hit the touristy main square just as the forecast downpour hit!  Running into the nearest cafe and had my usual coffee and croissant!

Bad timing indeed as I left the cafe to a monsoon downpour in search of the oldest cellars in France (with no success) - as I was like a drowned rat, I decided to give the modern art gallery a go!!!

Love art but some of it...please, I've seen more talent and imagination from a five year old!  There were a few pieces that were good, the room of building blocks was immense but weeeeeiiirrd! Let's be arty, it was called "Like child's play, work" by Daniel Buren. 

When I left the modern art musee the rain had stopped but it still looked a bit menacing, so best thing was a boat trip on the Batorama.  It is covered so I would be safe....but I had an hour to wait as they get booked up quickly!

So I went and had a piece of plum cake, well piece is an understatement - slab, is a better word!  Tasty....

The hour river boat cruise was really good and the sun returned, and the Batorama had its own batgirl...a Japenese girl with a bat ear cap, interesting look!  But at one stage I looked over and she was picking a spot on her nose and it was bleeding....*heave**vomit*

After the cruise I wandered in the sun and enjoyed Strasbourg's architecture, ornate windows and the door buzzers...."bonjour est ce que E Kuntz".... hee hee, such a child!

Ended in a trendy pub called La Solidarite, had to be done - it was happy hour!!  With a pint of Pecheur even the noise Eminem makes was bearable....

Off to say Bonne nuit to Strasbourg as departing for Paris tomorrow.  Bonsoir.

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