Tuesday 30 September 2014

Sunday 28 September 2014

Day 152 - Country Music Monday!

It's all been about good old country music today so I have donned my flannel shirt and all American cap to get in the "Nashville" zone.....also using the Nashville photo option on Instagram! Yep I've gone a bit cuckoooooo!!!

....Nat says I look possessed or maybe a wanted criminal!?

Today started with the premier of the one and only Carrie Underwood's new anthem "Something in the Water". I apologise fellow travellers on the A21if the music was too loud, I was very excitable....I cannot believe that Carrie was discovered on American Idol a decade ago!!

I am also obsessed with the programme Nashville, I am on the penultimate episode of Season 1.  Yep it's a tad cheesy but the soundtrack is great....it's all I have been listening to for a week!  You've got to love a programme that has characters called Gunnar, Deacon, Teddy and Rayna!  The songs are so good, the best soundtrack EVER!

I should have been born in Tennessee!!!! 

Right let's get out of my Nashville attire and head out for dinner with Shan and Andy, who are going to give me and Solange some tips on what to do in Vegas and NYC!

X-factor so needs a Carrie/Country week!!!  Make it happen Cowell!

Day 151 - 10 for effort....

....but 3 for performance!

So this morning I ventured to St John's with James for my first squash game since.....school.  When we used to play at school we travelled to those courts in Stonegate which were surrounded by a cow farm......the stench, so I associate squash with the smell of sh!t!!!

Well the sh!t has lingered, my game was frustratingly poor.  The basics are there, the hand/eye co-ordination, the speed.....but that little ball don't bounce and the racket is tiny.....!!

And my funky green and purple racket is ancient, the purple grip was corroding in my hand....by the end I had a blister and purple tinged flesh......nice!  

We played about 7 games, the first was close and James edged it 10-8, which gave me an early boost of confidence!  Then I plummeted into 4 games of miss-hits, air shots and I felt Tree-rage rising.....but tennis friends don't worry I have matured and apart from a few expletives and one leg wack with the racket I was well behaved!!!!!  Honest!

But I loved it, nothing like that competitive edge to get the adrenaline pumping.  So when I'm back from America this is going to be a weekly Sunday morning event!  

But a mental note - "Gary, don't play squash like you play tennis....there are walls," 

Saturday 27 September 2014

Day 150 - Orchid House

We've got a mini Kew Gardens going on at Jackwood.....our orchids are a triumph!  

Funny Saturday.....work really eats into the day and it felt almost over before it had begun!  But it's my last Saturday of work for ages, as the bosses are back on Wednesday!  I love being busy at work but being in sole charge for three weeks has taken its toll!  Feel empty, flat and all I can think about is India - even in my relaxation during body balance I was planning an itinerary! But in two weeks I am well and truly escaping......across the Atlantic!

My travel documents arrived today which makes the whole trip feel real :-)

I spent a few hours with James and Riley getting some music for the red party....the playlist is ready people!  Red balloons ordered and now I just need some red attire!  Don't forget yours!!!

Then my evening plans got cancelled and I have ended up with a M&S meal for two....well, meal for me (glutton) and a Strictly/X-factor medley....Strictly, underwhelmed - a lot of shite and so are the boys on X!  Except the Italian pug fan...he has a wicked voice!  So has Paul.....the rest, send um home now!

Right betting go find my Squash racket, that should be interesting tomorrow!

Friday 26 September 2014

Day 149 - Bring back Chloe Jasmine!!!!

As though Chezza heard my pleas, she dramatically came to her senses.  Gotta love (or hate) Chloe "I should be in Downton" Jasmine!!!  Orla, might have fab hair but that was it! Not overly emotional at all.....now time for Eastenders catch up! I need cheering up, nothing like the build up to a happy wedding!

Tonight was #GMT40 haircut, a lovely evening with the best hairdresser in the south.....in the world!  Wendy does well with what she has to work with.....which ain't much to be honest! :-(

Great company, duck and red wine....pretty damn perfect evening!  

Good to see Portia too, Wendy's cat.....she is around 21, about 100 in adult years! Still going strong, always hungry, an immaculately preened face.....but like most ancient beings you can guess the rest!

Love Wendy's house and nic nacs.... As Strictly started tonight (still haven't seen it, I-player tomorrow - clashed with six chair challenge, controversial Sky planner decision!) I have included in my montage Wendy's Tango painting which is fab.....and the funky reflective bauble!

The Waltons of Walford, Shirley has a gun and Ian's back, great!!!! Happy times ahead in Albert Sq!

Thursday 25 September 2014

Day 148 - A month today....

....is the big 40th!

Is Vegas ready for us!!??

Bring it on.....40, you don't scare me!!!!

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Day 146 - The three amigos!

The three musketeers battled through the agonising body balance class, stretching muscles they never knew they had and getting into positions which were uncomfortably unnatural.....but for any onlookers a hilarious sight!

So after Kay's "Dark Horse" dance and downward dog to "Hold On We're Going Home"...... how do you reward yourself on a Tuesday night!?

With pizza and a bottle of red at Croma!!! While the ladies Odeoned - Clive, Dick and myself had a lovely meal at Croma!

As the theme tonight is three, here are some gems from Saturday night......thank you Sarah for reminding me I had taken these shots - some kind of hairdressing hell!  Poor Linda...

Could Dick be the new Vidal Sassoon!!!????

Monday 22 September 2014

Day 145 - Text from Salcombe!

This is not the photo you want to receive when you are busy at work on a Monday lunchtime and on a fast day.

Mum and Dad are down in the West Country and dad kindly texted me a snap of his lunchtime beer and prawn sandwich from trendy Dick and Wills brasserie in Salcombe #jealous

For a moment I thought the parents had splashed out on a Champagne lunch.....but apparently the bottle is the table marker!  Thought that was a tad OTT for my folks on a Monday lunchtime!

Sunday 21 September 2014

Day 144 - Orange Cap Challenge

I was completely overwhelmed by all your suggestions for my photo challenge......

....seriously followers, just one!!!?? So Sarah I accepted your challenge to give the orange cap it's own blog!!!  Here is the orange cap's Tunbridge Wells journey!!!!

Saturday 20 September 2014

Day 143 - Angel of the Sun

"What did you say? What's the name again? Is she foreign? And why was she called that?"

Solange I bet your ears were burning at 2pm.....?

After work I popped in to see my nan and was telling her about the forthcoming trip to the U S of A.

Bless that woman but her short term memory is not what it was and I had to tell her the America itinerary, guest list and departure date four times in my hour visit :-)  But enthusiatically I mixed up my answers, added new comments and smiled everytime I said Solange........"What did you say? What's the name again? Is she foreign? And why was she called that?"

Next time I go I will advise Nan "Solange was a Frankish shepherdess and a locally-venerated Christian saint, whose cult is restricted to Sainte-Solange, Cher."  And "Solange is pronounced so-LANZH. It is of French and Latin origin, and the meaning of Solange is "solemn, dignified". A fanciful meaning for the name is "angel of the sun"
Also Dalling House please don't suggest to my Nan that she "kick black knob towards door"..... what kind of care home is this, no wonder my Nan has a new lease of life!!!

On a more savoury note here are Nan's companions..... :-)

want a blog challenge!  So tomorrow the photo choice is yours, suggest a topic and add it in the FB comments under this entry and I will choose my favourite and share the photo in tomorrow's blog!  People, keep it clean......

Friday 19 September 2014

Day 142 - Side burn slip....

Why on earth did I think it would be a good idea to try male grooming at the crack of dawn....off I headed to the bathroom bleary eyed to sort out my bushy side burns.  So I attacked the wiry hairs with my groomer, to my horror the guard wasn't on and I hacked a hole in my burns......

....what to do!!? Cut um short and head off to work!!!  But at work in the mirror I noticed they are uneven....the shame!  Oh well, just me in the office and the builders and they wont notice.

Another Friday, another great day at Kerala Connections and another busy day in the Gary Cafe!

So after all my quotes were sent, bookings finalised and flights confirmed I thought a G+T was in order - a reward for a successful week.....so after work I sat at my desk investigating San Francisco sights, the neon sign graveyard in Vegas and downtown Manhattan!!!

Only 23 days till #GMT40

Thursday 18 September 2014

Day 141 - Gary's Cafe

I reckon I could open my own greasy spoon after todays kitchen activity!  At work as you may know my bosses are having their conservatory gutted and kitchen extended, and while they are in Kerala I am in charge of the builders hot drink requirements!

Today there were four builders and I must have made over a dozen teas and coffees.....but what these builders didn't realise is that they are havin brews made with my skimmed milk - no full fat milk with me at the helm!  But no complaints so far and they keep requesting more......

Last night I met Mum and Dad for a meal in Carluccios, this was a place they never used to like....too noisy and just didn't do it for them!  How times have changed, they now love it - dad with his battered chicken and mum with her ravioli!  I opted to go off the set menu and had the delicious Pugliese penne with courgette, chilli and fried spinach balls with parmesan and garlic.....yum!

Photo of the day is a reflective shot of ma and pa on our outing to London a few weeks ago....and yep Dad is carrying my Mum's pink Macy's bag....chivalry is not dead!  

Enjoy Devon guys, wish I was spending a few days in Selworthy with you!!!

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Day 140 - Man's best friend!!

I had company in the office today.  One of my best friends, who has been with me through the emotional ups and downs of the work place over the last 7 years - and there ain't many friends that will curl up under my desk near my feet! 
Of course I'm talking about the one and only Zebu, the nicest dog on the planet (sorry Ronnie!!!)

But he isn't well and we are not sure how long we have left with this terrific chap, so having him with me today was lovely. 

He is 78 in human years so no wonder getting up the two flights of steep stairs to the office is a struggle for him - but after a huge amount of barking and tail wagging he got up!

At lunchtime we took a stroll round the field (or in Zebu's case a toilet break) and during the afternoon session while I beavered away with quotes my office companion took a nap.....

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Day 139 - Mad Mardi

It's official gone loopy!

9 hours on my tod in the office has taken its toll!  My lord it was busy, 2 bookings, 6 enquiries emailed out.....I was like a machine!  A Kerala conveyabelt......

So my photo today is a sun drenched office selfie....which re-confirms my loopy status!

That's all....

Monday 15 September 2014

Day 138 - No more food.....

My body is rebelling against food!! I am not hungry and only managed half a dozen grapes all day....

Well I'm not surprised after all those vegetables in various forms on Saturday, a massive Chinese from the Honeymoon last night and then a late night bowl of plum and fig crumble!!

That crumble and Chinese laid heavy all night and I slept so badly, no wonder I have been in zombie mode all day.......and Kerala Connections was busy and I was on my own :-(  

So my photo of the day reflects how I feel.....distorted, taken in a water feature in London a few weeks back!

But bless Natalie she has cheered me up tonight with talk of seeing Britney Spears on our first night in Vegas.....

"I Wanna Go" I know it's a tad "Outrageous" but "Sometimes" you gotta just "Do Somethin'""Crazy".....so let's hope "Toxic" Tree is feeling "Stronger" tomorrow!

Sunday 14 September 2014

Day 137 - Vegetarian & Vegas!

Sorry for the lack of content yesterday but we got carried away with #GMT40 discussions and the "red" party playlist - it was almost midnight when I realised I hadn't blogged!

So my cheeky little bit of text was in relation to Melissa's balloon blowing skills, nothing rude....and shame on you if you thought it was :-)

Rewind 24hrs......

So what to cook for a vegetarian and keep it American themed?  A burger of course....

So my menu was a mash-up of two veggie recipes "bulgar wheat and brazil nut burgers" and "stuffed mushrooms with pistachio pesto and sweet potato wedges".....washed down with Wave Break (a Californian Pinot Grigio) for the ladies and I tried one of my Naked Wines - F. Stephen Miller's Angel Reserve Californian Merlot......it was delicious, and the food wasn't that bad either!

For the four of us (Lindsey, Melissa, Natalie and moi) doing the Californian road trip I delegated areas for people to investigate...I'm in charge of San Fran and Napa (and the vineyards of course), Melissa is our Yosemite, trekking and star-gazing expert!  Lindsey with her epic map is our coastal leader and LA guide.......and Natalie is in charge of Vegas, she even talked through her findings with a PowerPoint presentation!  She is very eager to slip in a Stratosphere rollercoaster visit, and we were all quite keen to go watch Ms Britney Spears lip sync through her show! Vegas is going to be so very Toxic!

4 weeks today we are off......Viva Las Vegas!!!!

Saturday 13 September 2014

Day 136 - USA schedule shenanigans!

"Melissa can't you blow?"

"No it makes my ears pop!"

Explanations tomorrow....... 

Friday 12 September 2014

Day 135 - California Dreamin'

No I haven't gone AWOL on a Friday night, I am sitting in my country getaway pad!  

I am having a sleepover at work - no Friday night plans (unheard of), bosses away, have to work in the morning, they have Sky Movies....and probably wouldn't be able to get parked at Jackwood anyway!  So sounded like a good option to me!!

So I have my Stellas, M&S Chinese and some California dreamin' to do :-)

In goes my Chinese and just reading about San Francisco cable cars, piers and I think there is a bridge we need to go see!!!?

Next decision Philomena or the Counselor, these are my movie choices!? 

Good night Y'all. 

Thursday 11 September 2014

Day 134 - 92!

Happy birthday Nan!  92 today and going strong!

She loves living in Dalling House in Crowborough - breakfast with her men friends and spending time with her partner in crime Jean.

She has just had a cataract operation, which was a huge success and can now see clearly out of one of her eyes (with the other eye being operated on soon)....first thing she said to Dad with her new vision was "you need a shave!"

So this blog is a celebration of my Nan and below are some photos of her through the years. 

My nan shares her birthday with a historically tragic day and I would like to send my thoughts to those that lost their lives in 9/11 and the families they left behind - I can't believe it was 13 years ago!  

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Day 133 - "Before I Go To Sleep"

A day of solitude, friends and deep volcanic anger!!!!

Going to rant first, Jackwood parking is turning into a complete arse!  So Wharf House (housing association) have gone permit.....us Jackwooders have not!!!!  Yet that is, we should hopefully soon!  So they can still park in our spaces but if we park in theirs we can get a ticket!  Both Nat and me could not find spaces anyway in the vicinity - Nat ended up at Camden Road and I finally found a space on Tunnel Road!!!!  Tree rage!

Let's move on......

Work was weird today!  No bosses, no dogs and no builders - odd, very quiet.  Apart from mum calling and a few clients I hardly spoke to a soul for 9 hours!

In the gym Mark set to work improving my shoulders with some dumbbell and kettlebell lifting - if they ache anything like my last workout with the Irish Destroyer I might cry.....

My solitary confinement continued after my gym session with a meal for one at Croma - fab duck salad and a cheeky glass of house red!  Not fasting today so I thought what the heck!

Met Nat, Richard, Darren and Sarah in the Odeon foyer for Orange Wednesday!  So what did I think of "Before I Go To Sleep"....Nicole Kidman's latest offering!?

Synopsis....."This psychological thriller is based on the worldwide best-selling novel about a woman who wakes up every day remembering nothing - the result of a traumatic accident in her past - until one day, new terrifying truths emerge that force her to question everyone around her..."

3.5 out of 5 - good but not great! It was a better book, but then most movies that are based on best sellers are anti-climatic!  Kidman, Colin Firth and Mark Strong were all very good, can't fault them but it lost something in the translation from paper to the big screen!  

I hope I can remember in the morning as I will never be able to find my new Fiat 500 otherwise!

Day 123 - Homage....

So what was this meal like!!?

Walking into the Waldorf was a lovely experience - I asked the doorman where the restaurant was and he said "This way Sir, please follow me...."  He looked very dapper in his bowler hat.

The maitre d was very polite and escorted us into the gorgeous dining room - white pillars, chandeliers and immaculate tables.

The offer we had was 3 courses and 2 glasses of wine for £30 a head.  Not bad for this standard of restaurant - and nice to try something different for a special occasion!

Have to say I love the bread basket!  Gorgeous fresh bread regularly brought round - on the waitresses third visit I had to decline!! #breadfest

I started with caramelized figs, crumbled goats cheeses, pine nuts with a yoghurt and cinnamon dressing.  Ummmm....

Then a delicious roasted sea trout on a bed of grilled broccoli, pesto gnocchi and brown shrimp butter sauce.

All nicely washed done with two glasses of Merlot.

After a pause to let the starter and main go down....and the bread, I opted for the random medley of plum and celeriac mousse with a white chocolate glaze, berry compote!!!!  Celeriac in a desert????  But it worked!!

It was a great meal and mum and dad thoroughly enjoyed it!!  Only embarrassing moment was we thought we paid the bill at the entrance....however, you pay at the table and our waitress ran after us though we were making a dash for it - the Trees ooze class....

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Day 132 - Here come the reds...

...don't panic people I am not referring to Manchester United but the excitement of my Naked Wine delivery.

Naked Wine....No I'm not sipping vin rouge in my birthday suit (I hear huge sighs of relief). It is an online wine retailer who fund independent winemakers from around the world, in return for exclusive wines at wholesale prices.

So my delivery included 14 bottles of red to taste over the next few.....months!!

My wines are quite global -
  • 3 Merlots (USA, Argentina and South Africa)
  • 2 Rioja (Spain)
  • 1 Malbec (Argentina)
  • 2 Cabernet Sauvignon (Australia and Chile)
  • 1 Primitivo di Puglia (Italy)
  • 1 Garnacha (Spain)
  • 2 Montaria (Portugal)
  • 1 Minervois (France)
  • 1 Priorat (Spain)

So the big decision will be which vintage first.....

Monday 8 September 2014

Day 131 - I'm late but "Let It Go"

First time I have missed the curfew, but don't criticise or judge me please.....I was out! I know a Monday.....a school night! #wild

My mate James was 40 today and we were celebrating - a lovely evening was had at ASK with James, Fhei, Chloe and Riley!  

I thought I did well this evening I fed Riley bits of Italian bread and even attempted a line from Frozen "let it go, let it go"...I thought I sounded pitch perfect but Chloe looked at me as though I was deranged!  No comments please....

This photo shows Riley behaving and acting like an adult at the table, whereas I am caught in the act of sticking my tongue out at Chloe.....I'm rebelling against my fast approaching landmark birthday!

Also just arranged to try a game of Squash, watch this space as that will make an interesting blog! 

Sunday 7 September 2014

Day 130 - Flight of the bumble bee...

I'm early today, but just off out for an afternoon of Strada and Natalie's "Cultural Celebration"....

The Cultural Celebration is like a children's version of BGT and X-Factor all rolled into one, we have celeb judges as well....I have been reliably informed that our seats are close to the judges - so I could be mingling with Craig Revel Horwood and Kaddy Lee-Preston this afternoon!   

My photo today is of a bumble bee in flight....just happened to catch it at the right moment.

Last night was a super sangria fuelled evening....thanks Solange for a fab paella and a thoroughly enjoyable time!  I hope you finished the marinated apples?  Below is a Solange medley, paella and stair artwork.......

Saturday 6 September 2014

Day 129 - Out with the old....

The Dark Destroyer has gone and replaced by the Silver Fox, yep the Vauxhall Astra is no more!  

I am now whizzing round Tunbridge Wells in a shiny silver Fiat 500, very smart it is - it has this cut out feature when you are at junctions!  Just have to get used to that and the weird positioning of the gear stick!  But most importantly I can play my I-pod and adjust the volume from the steering wheel!

Today has been a struggle, been in a red wine haze all day.....just been to the gym and if I had licked my sweat (which I didn't) I am sure it would have tasted of Rioja!  But no time to rest my liver, as I'm now off for a Spanish themed evening at Solanges.....Paella & Sangria!!!!  Buenas noches.

This also arrived today.....

Bloody cheek, I'm not 40 for 49 days........how rude!!!!

Friday 5 September 2014

Day 128 - Facebook Game

Tonight Dickie introduced a new game!  The FNC Facebook game, absolute genius....who said what over the years on the social media portal!!  Hard guys, I only got 2 out of 10...even got my own quote wrong!  Nat, the least FB'er of us all won with 6.....wtf!!?

Dinner was a delight, the main was a stunning lamb curry burger! Love Dickies toasted brioche bun. He is a whizz in the kitchen :-)

We are now about to play mr & mrs...ummm interesting!! Nat & Dan v Me & Solange...results tomorrow!

Thursday 4 September 2014

Day 127 - Banksy comes to Jackwood

White doesn't stand out on light blue as I had hoped. 

But I'm not disappointed, my Banksy's "Fallen Angel" wall transfer is subtle. So extremely subtle that I am the only one that knows it's there!!!!  No I am not disappointed at all.....

Thankfully my choice of colour was slightly more intelligent for my Chinese health symbol!  At least that is visible to the naked eye.....

Also these transfers are not easy to get on the wall.  It's not a great idea doing it after spin and while fasting.....the tetchy tree monster emerged!  Avoid Jackwood Court at all costs......