Wednesday 17 September 2014

Day 140 - Man's best friend!!

I had company in the office today.  One of my best friends, who has been with me through the emotional ups and downs of the work place over the last 7 years - and there ain't many friends that will curl up under my desk near my feet! 
Of course I'm talking about the one and only Zebu, the nicest dog on the planet (sorry Ronnie!!!)

But he isn't well and we are not sure how long we have left with this terrific chap, so having him with me today was lovely. 

He is 78 in human years so no wonder getting up the two flights of steep stairs to the office is a struggle for him - but after a huge amount of barking and tail wagging he got up!

At lunchtime we took a stroll round the field (or in Zebu's case a toilet break) and during the afternoon session while I beavered away with quotes my office companion took a nap.....

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