Sunday 28 September 2014

Day 151 - 10 for effort....

....but 3 for performance!

So this morning I ventured to St John's with James for my first squash game  When we used to play at school we travelled to those courts in Stonegate which were surrounded by a cow farm......the stench, so I associate squash with the smell of sh!t!!!

Well the sh!t has lingered, my game was frustratingly poor.  The basics are there, the hand/eye co-ordination, the speed.....but that little ball don't bounce and the racket is tiny.....!!

And my funky green and purple racket is ancient, the purple grip was corroding in my the end I had a blister and purple tinged flesh......nice!  

We played about 7 games, the first was close and James edged it 10-8, which gave me an early boost of confidence!  Then I plummeted into 4 games of miss-hits, air shots and I felt Tree-rage rising.....but tennis friends don't worry I have matured and apart from a few expletives and one leg wack with the racket I was well behaved!!!!!  Honest!

But I loved it, nothing like that competitive edge to get the adrenaline pumping.  So when I'm back from America this is going to be a weekly Sunday morning event!  

But a mental note - "Gary, don't play squash like you play tennis....there are walls," 

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