Thursday 18 September 2014

Day 141 - Gary's Cafe

I reckon I could open my own greasy spoon after todays kitchen activity!  At work as you may know my bosses are having their conservatory gutted and kitchen extended, and while they are in Kerala I am in charge of the builders hot drink requirements!

Today there were four builders and I must have made over a dozen teas and coffees.....but what these builders didn't realise is that they are havin brews made with my skimmed milk - no full fat milk with me at the helm!  But no complaints so far and they keep requesting more......

Last night I met Mum and Dad for a meal in Carluccios, this was a place they never used to like....too noisy and just didn't do it for them!  How times have changed, they now love it - dad with his battered chicken and mum with her ravioli!  I opted to go off the set menu and had the delicious Pugliese penne with courgette, chilli and fried spinach balls with parmesan and garlic.....yum!

Photo of the day is a reflective shot of ma and pa on our outing to London a few weeks ago....and yep Dad is carrying my Mum's pink Macy's bag....chivalry is not dead!  

Enjoy Devon guys, wish I was spending a few days in Selworthy with you!!!

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