Monday 8 September 2014

Day 131 - I'm late but "Let It Go"

First time I have missed the curfew, but don't criticise or judge me please.....I was out! I know a Monday.....a school night! #wild

My mate James was 40 today and we were celebrating - a lovely evening was had at ASK with James, Fhei, Chloe and Riley!  

I thought I did well this evening I fed Riley bits of Italian bread and even attempted a line from Frozen "let it go, let it go"...I thought I sounded pitch perfect but Chloe looked at me as though I was deranged!  No comments please....

This photo shows Riley behaving and acting like an adult at the table, whereas I am caught in the act of sticking my tongue out at Chloe.....I'm rebelling against my fast approaching landmark birthday!

Also just arranged to try a game of Squash, watch this space as that will make an interesting blog! 

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