Wednesday 29 October 2014

Day 182 - Hangover, Highline & Halloween

Must admit I awoke to a NYC hangover! That Solange is a "good" influence - Stella, red wine and a Prosecco night cap...just wrong!! 

So a hearty breakie was in order and a pancake, egg and bacon combo at Bubby's High Line helped to revive my fatigued body. 

We then walked the Highline.  A walkway above the streets that used to be an elavated rail line which has been reborn into a fabulous "park" style avenue.  It is a wonderful addition to the city with great views, glimpses of street art (above) and busy railways (below)....

After that I permitted the ladies 35 minutes in Macy's...however they need longer I was informed (yawn) - Friday morning they are on their own!!! 

Solange was in heaven as she found Christmas in Macy's and a shop entirely dedicated to Halloween - totally bonkers!!!!  This afternoon whilst wandering Greenwich we found the Halloween house decoration winner:

Also found my pub...the GMT, so we had to pop in didn't we!!!?

After yesterday's beverage intake and the long day with the flight from Vegas...we are shattered and in our bunks by 21:30!!!

But I wouldn't be Tour Guide Tree if I didn't have a full day planned for the gang tomorrow. Sleep well girls, you'll need it!!!

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Day 181- Cornelia & Cozy!!!

Oh where do I start.....well let's go with zucchini!!

Solange didn't fancy the trout at the Cornelia Street Cafe because it was wrapped in zucchini....which she said  was aubergine but I said "No Solange it is a courgette". 

We asked our waiter Jimmy (who made Darren & Richard look straight...Natalie's words!!) if zucchini was aubergine or courgette....his words "I don't know what they are"....anyway it is a courgette!!!

Here is Jimmy with the girls...he was brilliant, he kept passing our table asking about our vegetable confusion!!!! "Which one again was green and which was purple....!!?"

The reason for being at the Cornelia Street Cafe was for the live music - a jazzy brilliant set by Petros Klampanis and his band! Jazz ain't my bag but I really enjoyed his alternative twist on it!  

So now back in our bunk cabin at the Jane, I knew the room would be small...but not this small. Us four have laughed so much!!!

That's it - tomorrow NYC were comin for ya!!!!

Day 180 - I found Treebeard!

Awoke to the feeling that my steak / half a cow dinner from last night had been resurrected in my stomach and had commenced grazing!!! So our farewell group brekkie consisted of just a large coffee for me!!!!  

The Grinhams, Horrills and Punter-Stones have bid Vegas farewell for some R&R before heading back to the UK. So the remaining four decided to explore the Strip's glitz and tat!! 

Firstly we entered the classy Bellagio in search of the Halloween display, where I met a talking tree - here is a photo with one of my kin and a photo bombing Chavis!  Adam Piper I found Treebeard!!

We then continued our exploration of the overtop grandeur with Caesars Palace.  Who would have thought Matt Goss would have his own show on Cleopatra's barge!!?? "When will I,will I be famous?"  Well Matt, probably around 2014!!!!

We then left the glitz behind in search of the cheap shops...we wanted yet another tacky fridge magnet and 4 t-shirts for $10. But first we went into Circus Circus, a tad rough but we did win a bag of sweets. 

So after the utter crap present purchasing (sorry people!!) we headed back to the Paris for some pool time!!!  Those few hours on that lounger were well needed...bliss!

After packing we headed out for our final night on the Las Vegas Strip! Which included a Mexican Happy Hour drink and meal deal and losing $50 dollars on the MGM roulette table - 27 was coming up all day in the other hotels!  

Then Natalie persuaded Solange and a reluctant Tree to board the New York New York rollercoaster - oh my god, why do people enjoy being violently shaken around and whizzed upside down?  Solange and myself were traumatised!!

We headed back to Paris for a final bottle of Prosecco with the best waitress in Vegas - Dana!!  She has worked at Paris for 15 years - an absolute delight!! 

Bed is calling as alarm is going off at 4 for the final leg of #GMT40...NYC!  "Start spreading the news...."

Day 179 - I Survived!!!!

Solange called today Boxing Day Birthday.....and both myself and Lindsey awoke feeling as though we had done a few rounds with Mike Tyson!!! But like prize fighters we weren't knocked down for long and were having breakfast and a vat of coffee by 9!!!

But like the rest of #GMT40 today had a full schedule - including the Stratosphere, a Graveyard and a Wedding!!!

The fatigued five (Nat, Linds, Sol, Dick and Moi) jumped on the monorail and headed for the Stratosphere Hotel. Nat and Dick wanted to do some horrific rollercoaster ride at the summit of the hotel...the rest of us declined and enjoyed the amazing view and Iced Margaritas!!!!

Then it was time for the Neon Graveyard, a museum for Vegas iconic signs - a fascinating place with so many colours and bulbs - a photographers paradise, I didn't stop snapping for an hour.  We were given a real indepth history of the signs and Vegas....but didn't hear all that much as my lens was too active!!!

Next on the itinerary was the Grinham's renewal of their wedding vows - Elvis style!! Oh my goodness, such fun...a random medley of romance, laughter, craziness and  "Love Me Tender"!!!   

The day ended in "Old Vegas" for the wedding feast - an old school Italian called Andiano, the steak was just amazing!  

5:2 - a week today I'm coming back to you!!!!  

Monday 27 October 2014

Day 178 - Tree's 40th: The Chavis Takeover!!!

I am delighted and privileged to have the responsibility of writing Trees birthday blog, and not just any birthday - the big 40!

Ten years ago Tree and I along with Mr and Mrs Piper, Mrs and Mrs Punter-Stone (then Punter and Stone!) Brad King and Tom Aydon ventured to a freezing Dublin to celebrate G-units 30th. Ten years later the theme of searching for a pot of gold continues as I find myself In a very hot Viva Las Vegas (or loss Vegas as the locals call it!).

Right peeps it was an eventful day with lots crammed on so here goes......

At 7.30am Jackie Horrill was given the fright of her life when trying to quietly sneak out of the room armed with a happy birthday banner, she was met by Solange, Melissa and I already poised outside Tree's room with balloons and birthday cards!

After brekkie the crew hopped on a helicopter for their Grand Canyon tour which flew over the Canyon and landed inside so exploring and photography could commence!

It seems the first love affair of the holiday has also commenced as all that Solange could comment on was Laith the helicopter pilot. It has come to my attention that Solange spent more time admiring Laith's instruments than the Canyon!!! :) 

On arrival back at the hotel we ventured out to explore. It is obscene that every hotel is like a town inside, both in size and content. Our first stop was the Venecian where we watched gondolas floating up and down the indoor canals. We also came across what can only be described as an enchanted forest (see piccie below). No more talk of hotel interior as photographer Tree and the rest of the crew will be posting an array of photographic delights for you all to see!

Now on an occasion such as this it was only right that we decorated Tree with flashing 40 badges and an outstanding hat supplied by Grandad and Linda! He was a jolly good sport and wore it throughout a very memorable birthday dinner. The restaurant was called Todd English's Olives, found within the Belagio hotel. We had the most amazing table that overlooked the dancing fountains. 

Partying then commenced outside New York New York on the Brooklyn Bridge outdoor street party. The award for the most entertaining moment of the evening goes to Clive 'Thunderbird' Horrill who decided to have a dance off with the professional dancer entertaining the crowds. I genuinely believe she had never seen such shapes pulled in all her professional career!! :)

To finish this blog I would like to thank my Tree Angel who along with the assistance of his glamorous assistant Sarah Punter-Stone has organised the most amazing and unforgettable adventure. Fanx guys :)

Better start the planning for your 50th now Gary Tree as this is going to take some beating! 

Your favourite Chav, over and out :)

Saturday 25 October 2014

Day 177 - Coming Together!

Firstly not a bad view from my bed...

Today 4 travelled from LA, 6 from the Joshua Tree and 1 from Gatwick for a rendezvous in Vegas! 

The journeys all had their moments - bless Natalie the drive through the streets of LA to the airport was horrendous, I was just sitting in the back but I had a sweat on!!  So many cars, lanes and swerving vehicles...

Solange spent the flight from Gatwick surrounded by clampits (UK Hillbillies!!) And when we met her at arrivals she looked as though she could have strangled someone!  She was also carrying a package of fake apples...all will be revealed!!

We then jumped in a stretch limo to the Paris hotel, well when in Vegas!!!

We had arranged to meet the other 6 in the reception at 5....but no sign of them.  So as it was beer o'clock off we strolled down to a little Parisian bar and there we spotted the late arrivals just checking in!!! Sat Nav troubles, doubling their travel time!!!  As they quickly sorted themselves out us 5 decided on a bottle of Prosecco...served by a rather surly waitress! 

Vegas's answer to the London Eye (the High Roller) was booked for 6, so we had to power walk along the Las Vegas Boulevard to get there in time!  But we did, and with drinks in hand we boarded our private capsule! The sun had set so the views and lights over Vegas were stunning!

Like most of the USA adventure there was no time for dawdling, as we had a table reservation at the Mexican Cabo Wabo followed by Ms Britney Spears.

Britters may mime or as the Americans say lip sync - but what a show!! Visually amazing, fab staging and brilliant dancers...Brit actually sang a few slower songs, and do you know what she weren't bad!  

Finished this blog at 23:55 on the eve of the big birthday but this hotel charge £10 a day for the privilege of Wi-Fi so not sure when this will arrive!!

Thursday 23 October 2014

Day 176 - "Shake It Off"

We departed Santa Barbara at 08:00 for LA, stopping for breakfast in Ventura - which was Ace!!! Get it!?

My golly it was a hot one today and we wandered down Hollywood Boulevard checking out the famous stars and Nat found her idol - Ms Paula Abdul...or not as the case may be. 

We then had a look at the hand prints at the Chinese Theatre, we saw the cast of Harry Potter, Sean Connery and even R2D2!  We noticed that the Boulevard had been blocked off and found out that Taylor Swift was performing later - didn't think anything more of it!

Bless Melissa, Hollywood ain't her bag - so we decided to escape the heaving crowds and headed for the quieter Sunset Boulevard for a breather....breather was the wrong choice of word as it was so hot - so we made a refuelling stop at an organic coffee shop....

While enjoying iced tea and juices the four of us decided that the air conditioning of the Hollywood Museum sounded a good plan.  It was a fascinating place, it had the actual dressing room of Marilyn Monroe and artefacts from Raiders Of The Lost Ark....there was even a dungeon for the horror movies, and Hannibal Lector's cell....."Hello, Clarice!!!"  We really enjoyed it and then headed next door to Mel's Drive-thru diner for a food stop for the peckish ladies!

The motel's pool beckoned and we thought we would stay there for the rest of the afternoon, until we saw a blimp circling advertising Ms Swift's upcoming outdoor we left the sun loungers and went to investigate!

It was a ticketed event so couldn't get in but we stood at an exit and watched the big screens, we could just make out the stage and could hear her clearly!  It was great, she was on some chat show promoting her new album and afterwards came out of the studio and performed four songs on Hollywood Boulevard.....the youngest artist to have the Boulevard come to standstill.  

What a treat Swifty tonight and Britney tomorrow.....Vegas not long now! 


"Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off"

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Day 183 - Half Way

"Whoa, we're half way there
Whoa, livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear
Whoa, livin' on a prayer"

A momentous day in the blog....half way!! And this blog will be half the length as I'm knackered!!!

Just been to see a Broadway show called "Pippin" - bonkers is how I would sum it up!  Acrobatics, dancing chickens and random story...but really good!  Here are us outside the theatre. 

We have just walked back to our cabins which took almost an hour in the bitter cold.  I'm so my fathers son, one bit of sun and the shorts were on....big mistake today....huge!

Quick summary of the day:

Breakfast in a cool diner called Tick Tock.
Mooch round Times Square.
Quick peak at Central Park and a drink at Tavern on the Green. 

Queued for just over an hour for tickets for Pippin.

I suggested a visit to escape the cold!!!! Purchased 
Happy Hour and dinner at a cool little place called L'ybane!  Look at those chairs, King Gary of Broadway!!!!
Then Pippin and the cold trek home!

Tomorrow is Solange's Halloween Blog afraid, be very afraid!!

Day 175 - Birthdays Galore!!

Over dinner tonight Lindsey and I discovered we have been friends for 21 years....I was a 19 year old trying to be the UK's Andre Agassi...and yes I did wear the faded grey denim shorts with the yellow and blue lycra underneath (I was cool and trendy even back then!). Lindsey's was 24 and her backhand already had that Navaratilova slice....and I remember nicknaming her "Net Skimmer" .... as her shots were so low and skimmed the net to perfection!  Happy birthday Lindsey - my travel companion, tennis pal and dear friend. G xx

So rewind back to earlier in the "birthdays".... over in Palm Springs Dick got lost on his way back from the gym to start his birthday and in Pismo Lindsey got awoken at 6:30 by a car alarm both birthdays started with a bang!

We had breakfast included today so that was a bonus!  But what is wrong with me, have fruit Gary - but no "tubby tree" is eagerly trying to make a reappearance and tempted me to the dark side to have an English muffin and a bagel!!! Disgusting I know, but tasty.....

But I sort of worked it off with a stroll down to Pismo Beach and the pier.  Nice barefooted walk along the sandy beach and then on the pier we watched surfers trying to ride the crest of the waves, and one loopy surfer jumped off the pier with his board....didn't see that coming, he survived by the way and was surfing within minutes!

Then off to Santa Barbara.  Home of shopping, boulevards and the hang out of Gwyneath and Victoria B!!!  We arrived at the Best Western and luckily I'm in a mellow travelling mood as the young guy at reception was a miserable *!$%*£ - attitude was appalling, no smile, no enthusiasm and he really didn't care that our rooms weren't ready, meaning we had to wait!  Oh and asking him for the Wi-Fi code was a huge inconvenience! Thankfully a cleaning lady was a delight and even though she should of probably been off hoovering she sat down with us and was talking us through where to eat, how to get downtown and suggested we take a boat out!!! Reception boy, watch and learn - that is customer service!!

So as the rooms wouldn't be ready for a few hours we headed downtown! So us four pasty white tourists started wandering along the sun drenched promenade surrounded by tanned Santa Barbarians - and on the beach we saw some ancient guy in a thong..... **heave** **vomit**

On the pier Natalie found yet another photo opportunity, this time with Moby Dick!

We have just returned from Lindsey's birthday meal at a lovely Spanish influenced restaurant called Cadiz, it was a fantastic meal....God only knows what the others are upto in Palm Springs!  It will have included Cosmopiltans....many of them!!!! :-)

Happy Birthday Lindsey & Dick!

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Day 174 - Tumultuous!!!

We have discovered we can't be rushed and like to do things thoroughly!

The Big Sur drive on our documentation said a 2.5 hour drive....we left Monterey at 10:00 and arrived at Pismo around 17:30!!!!

The drive called "the greatest meeting of land and sea" is stunning, I have never seen waves like it - Melissa called them tumultuous!  Word of the day....and an apt title for the blog!!!

We stopped at many vista points on the drive such as Rocky Point, Hurricane Point and the McWay well as numerous others!

Lindsey, tour guide on the coastal section of the trip suggested lunch at a restaurant called Nepenthe!  And what a choice, set up high overlooking the gorgeous Pacific - amazing food, stunning location and the waiter was hilarious!

We had an encounter with an angry police officer!!! It was all over elephant seals!  We saw lots of cars parked on the road so intrigued we stopped to investigate, and we spotted hundreds of elephant seals!! So with excitement and cameras we left Nat in the car to go get a glimpse....alarm bells should have rung when we clambered over a pushed down wire fence to join the other fifty people snapping the seals!  We were heading back to the car when we saw flashing lights, and Lindsey and me started fast walking to the road - clambered back to the road in time to hear a police officer shouting "move your cars NOW".  Jumped in the car and Nat was off, like some getaway driver!  Felt bad, should have twigged something wasn't right with the fence.....whoops, sorry!!! 

Then randomly we saw a field full of zebras......seriously!!

So we arrived at our destination (Pismo) just as the sun was about to set on the day. We decided to just dump our bags and go get a sundowner at the bar/restaurant next door to the hotel.  And that is where we stayed for the remainder of the evening and had yet another fab dinner...getting to like the clam chowder!!!!

Monday 20 October 2014

Day 173 - Trees & Tacky!!!

Photo of the day has to be the grim reaper!!! As it had started raining in Carmel - Little Miss Sunshine came to the rescue!!

As you can see from the picture we had lunch at the Tree House Cafe, where we sat outside under umbrellas in the Carmel drizzle - I had the delicious Monterey Clam Chouder washed down with a cheeky lunchtime glass of Merlot!

Trees in various forms had a major theme today, the first was while having my oatmeal for breakfast in the Old Monterey Cafe I saw this sign:

After brekkie we hit the 17-Mile Drive, which is said to be one of the most famous scenic drives in the world! And it is....gorgeous beaches, stunning views and iconic trees...

The Lone Cypress:

And the Ghost Tree:

After the scenic drive and our lunch in Carmel, to Melissa's excitement we drove to Santa Cruz - the home of The Lost Boys!

Great fun as we wandered the tacky funfair, most of which was closed as its not the high season.  But both Nat and me made some friends and also found some mirrors that enhanced our gorgeousness!!

********Urgent Update********

As Tree is part of today's theme I had to update the blog and attach this photographic gem!  After happy hour, wine and a tasty pasta dinner on the way back to our hotel Melissa spotted this sign....good night all!!!

Sunday 19 October 2014

Day 172 - Mariposa, Monterey & Margaritas!

Leaving Yosemite behind we hit state route 140 on the next part of the adventure....Monterey and Route 1!!

After an hour we came to Mariposa, it's main street reminded us of some gold mining community from a bygone era!  We found Bett's Gold Coin Sports Tavern, great value breakfast....muffin, scrambled eggs, bacon and house potatoes all for $9...and three mugs of coffee!  But more excitingly than brekkie there was Wi-Fi.....isn't it sad, three days with no internet and we all logged on within minutes, and silence!!!!

We left the great tavern and its colourful locals behind, then it wasn't long until we hit the confusing freeways of Merced....I never thought we would find Route 59 South, but with 4 pairs of eyes peeled and the immense driving skills of Natalie we escaped the Merced Maze!

We also discovered a new country music radio station...."Nash FM - 92.3"

Monterey is really nice with a pier, harbour and a trendy part of town called Cannery Row.  On the walk to the aquarium in Cannery Row a strange sea mist rolled in, bit weird as one minute we were basking in sunshine the next nippy in drizzle!  So the aquarium came at a good time!

It was expensive but well worth the visit, my highlight were the jellyfish - just stunning, so delicate but so deadly!

We left the aquarium to find the spooky sea mist gone, replaced by blue skies!  

We decided tonight would be Mexican and cocktails, and I even joined Melissa in the veggie gang with a vegetable fajita....we are all still struggling with late nights!  I think it is still a bit of jet lag, but our days are full to the brim!  But what a road trip we are having!