Wednesday 1 October 2014

Day 154 - Kiss Me Once and plummet twice!!!

Last night was fab - we had laughter, dancin' and a suicidal mobile phone!

Sarah and I headed for the O2 for a date with pop royalty and it was only fitting to crack open the Prosecco on the train....

On arrival we enjoyed a Pizza Express supper and then met up with fellow Kyliettes, Kate and Liam.

So in we went and before Kylie appeared we had an incident....well two!  After Sarah had taken our O2 selfie her I-phone somehow plummeted over the railings, luckily avoiding any heads!  It was retrieved but as you can see it didn't survive....but the lemming-like phone wasn't finished!!!

I had bought the expensive concert programme and Sarah put her broken phone in the bag with the programme. Big mistake!!!!! We had to move seats and as I moved the bag it slipped through a gap in the floor and whizzed down to the ground level!!! I was devastated that I had lost my £15 programme but then it dawned on us that Sarah's phone was in the bag!!!  So off Sarah went to try and find the was found (it had dropped down behind a curtain) and my programme was returned unscathed!! Phew.....but the I-phone wasn't so lucky, lucky, lucky!!!

So drama over and on with the show!! And what a show it was, Kylie really knows how to entertain a crowd and it felt more like a party than a concert!  The atmosphere was electric and the set list was perfect.....

She did a few songs from her latest album and other recent classics but the highlights for me were her inclusion of some of the poptastic tracks from the beginning "Got To Be Certain""Never Too Late""Hand On Your Heart" and a genius moment when a bath appeared on stage to re-create the iconic bath scene from the "I Should Be So Lucky" video.

So here are a few shots from the show and below are some images from the infamous plummeting programme.....and the October calender photo!  So we are now into the big birthday and #GMT40 month! So excited....

Kylie is the best......FACT!!!

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