Wednesday 22 October 2014

Day 175 - Birthdays Galore!!

Over dinner tonight Lindsey and I discovered we have been friends for 21 years....I was a 19 year old trying to be the UK's Andre Agassi...and yes I did wear the faded grey denim shorts with the yellow and blue lycra underneath (I was cool and trendy even back then!). Lindsey's was 24 and her backhand already had that Navaratilova slice....and I remember nicknaming her "Net Skimmer" .... as her shots were so low and skimmed the net to perfection!  Happy birthday Lindsey - my travel companion, tennis pal and dear friend. G xx

So rewind back to earlier in the "birthdays".... over in Palm Springs Dick got lost on his way back from the gym to start his birthday and in Pismo Lindsey got awoken at 6:30 by a car alarm both birthdays started with a bang!

We had breakfast included today so that was a bonus!  But what is wrong with me, have fruit Gary - but no "tubby tree" is eagerly trying to make a reappearance and tempted me to the dark side to have an English muffin and a bagel!!! Disgusting I know, but tasty.....

But I sort of worked it off with a stroll down to Pismo Beach and the pier.  Nice barefooted walk along the sandy beach and then on the pier we watched surfers trying to ride the crest of the waves, and one loopy surfer jumped off the pier with his board....didn't see that coming, he survived by the way and was surfing within minutes!

Then off to Santa Barbara.  Home of shopping, boulevards and the hang out of Gwyneath and Victoria B!!!  We arrived at the Best Western and luckily I'm in a mellow travelling mood as the young guy at reception was a miserable *!$%*£ - attitude was appalling, no smile, no enthusiasm and he really didn't care that our rooms weren't ready, meaning we had to wait!  Oh and asking him for the Wi-Fi code was a huge inconvenience! Thankfully a cleaning lady was a delight and even though she should of probably been off hoovering she sat down with us and was talking us through where to eat, how to get downtown and suggested we take a boat out!!! Reception boy, watch and learn - that is customer service!!

So as the rooms wouldn't be ready for a few hours we headed downtown! So us four pasty white tourists started wandering along the sun drenched promenade surrounded by tanned Santa Barbarians - and on the beach we saw some ancient guy in a thong..... **heave** **vomit**

On the pier Natalie found yet another photo opportunity, this time with Moby Dick!

We have just returned from Lindsey's birthday meal at a lovely Spanish influenced restaurant called Cadiz, it was a fantastic meal....God only knows what the others are upto in Palm Springs!  It will have included Cosmopiltans....many of them!!!! :-)

Happy Birthday Lindsey & Dick!

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