Sunday 19 October 2014

Day 170 - Tree Hugging!

You will be pleased to know that my stomach survived the chilli.....and with Tour Guide Tiffin at the helm we entered the park in search of stunning trees (I know, why search them out when they have me!!!?), beautiful vistas but firstly we needed a good breakfast!

Before we stopped for brekkie we came across our first viewpoint, Tunnel View....gorgeous view and I just loved this poem by John Muir which was on the information placard:

"This grand show is eternal.
It is always sunrise somewhere;
The dew is never all dried at once;
A shower is forever falling;
Vapor ever rising.
Eternal sunrise, eternal sunset, eternal dawn and gloaming,
On seas and continents and islands, 
Each in its turn, as the round earth rolls."

With an urgent need for coffee and calories we pulled into the Wawona Hotel car park.  I fell in love with this hotel instantly - colonial and characterful, just the kind of place I would love to stay at....but I bet it comes at a price!  We were taken through to the lovely restaurant and I thoroughly enjoyed my Wawona fry-up and bottomless coffee. 

Then it was time to go find those big impressive hunks of treeness and give them a hug! It was a lovely 2.5 hour walk amongst the giant red Sequoias - we saw tree's named "Grizzly Giant""Faithful Couple" and the very apt "Bachelor & Three Graces".

We then drove up the mountain, and the temperature dropped from 72 to 51 fahrenheit very rapidly!  Also Melissa was a bit freaked out with the severe drop on her side of the car.....not a fan of heights!!  The ascent was so worth it as we had the most amazing views, Glacier Point was stunning and the hot chocolate was most welcome in the nippy conditions! Leaving the car park we saw a lone wolf!

I'm writing this in the car on way to FNC back at the motel - beer, wine and pizza on the balcony at number 3321 Maple Block....all invited, any takers!!!???

Melissa and I bought the same t-shirt and cap in the Glacier Point shop and both turned up to the balcony party wearing them....Nat compared us to an incestuous brother and sister, I went and got changed. 21:30 and the FNC with a difference is over, but a cracking night - thanks my gorgeous three graces :-)

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