Monday 27 October 2014

Day 178 - Tree's 40th: The Chavis Takeover!!!

I am delighted and privileged to have the responsibility of writing Trees birthday blog, and not just any birthday - the big 40!

Ten years ago Tree and I along with Mr and Mrs Piper, Mrs and Mrs Punter-Stone (then Punter and Stone!) Brad King and Tom Aydon ventured to a freezing Dublin to celebrate G-units 30th. Ten years later the theme of searching for a pot of gold continues as I find myself In a very hot Viva Las Vegas (or loss Vegas as the locals call it!).

Right peeps it was an eventful day with lots crammed on so here goes......

At 7.30am Jackie Horrill was given the fright of her life when trying to quietly sneak out of the room armed with a happy birthday banner, she was met by Solange, Melissa and I already poised outside Tree's room with balloons and birthday cards!

After brekkie the crew hopped on a helicopter for their Grand Canyon tour which flew over the Canyon and landed inside so exploring and photography could commence!

It seems the first love affair of the holiday has also commenced as all that Solange could comment on was Laith the helicopter pilot. It has come to my attention that Solange spent more time admiring Laith's instruments than the Canyon!!! :) 

On arrival back at the hotel we ventured out to explore. It is obscene that every hotel is like a town inside, both in size and content. Our first stop was the Venecian where we watched gondolas floating up and down the indoor canals. We also came across what can only be described as an enchanted forest (see piccie below). No more talk of hotel interior as photographer Tree and the rest of the crew will be posting an array of photographic delights for you all to see!

Now on an occasion such as this it was only right that we decorated Tree with flashing 40 badges and an outstanding hat supplied by Grandad and Linda! He was a jolly good sport and wore it throughout a very memorable birthday dinner. The restaurant was called Todd English's Olives, found within the Belagio hotel. We had the most amazing table that overlooked the dancing fountains. 

Partying then commenced outside New York New York on the Brooklyn Bridge outdoor street party. The award for the most entertaining moment of the evening goes to Clive 'Thunderbird' Horrill who decided to have a dance off with the professional dancer entertaining the crowds. I genuinely believe she had never seen such shapes pulled in all her professional career!! :)

To finish this blog I would like to thank my Tree Angel who along with the assistance of his glamorous assistant Sarah Punter-Stone has organised the most amazing and unforgettable adventure. Fanx guys :)

Better start the planning for your 50th now Gary Tree as this is going to take some beating! 

Your favourite Chav, over and out :)

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