Tuesday 21 October 2014

Day 174 - Tumultuous!!!

We have discovered we can't be rushed and like to do things thoroughly!

The Big Sur drive on our documentation said a 2.5 hour drive....we left Monterey at 10:00 and arrived at Pismo around 17:30!!!!

The drive called "the greatest meeting of land and sea" is stunning, I have never seen waves like it - Melissa called them tumultuous!  Word of the day....and an apt title for the blog!!!

We stopped at many vista points on the drive such as Rocky Point, Hurricane Point and the McWay Falls....as well as numerous others!

Lindsey, tour guide on the coastal section of the trip suggested lunch at a restaurant called Nepenthe!  And what a choice, set up high overlooking the gorgeous Pacific - amazing food, stunning location and the waiter was hilarious!

We had an encounter with an angry police officer!!! It was all over elephant seals!  We saw lots of cars parked on the road so intrigued we stopped to investigate, and we spotted hundreds of elephant seals!! So with excitement and cameras we left Nat in the car to go get a glimpse....alarm bells should have rung when we clambered over a pushed down wire fence to join the other fifty people snapping the seals!  We were heading back to the car when we saw flashing lights, and Lindsey and me started fast walking to the road - clambered back to the road in time to hear a police officer shouting "move your cars NOW".  Jumped in the car and Nat was off, like some getaway driver!  Felt bad, should have twigged something wasn't right with the fence.....whoops, sorry!!! 

Then randomly we saw a field full of zebras......seriously!!

So we arrived at our destination (Pismo) just as the sun was about to set on the day. We decided to just dump our bags and go get a sundowner at the bar/restaurant next door to the hotel.  And that is where we stayed for the remainder of the evening and had yet another fab dinner...getting to like the clam chowder!!!!

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