Thursday 30 April 2015

Day 365 - The Last One......

My 365 journey has come to an end
My challenge, my shadow, my friend
Will I miss you?
What will I do?
No post to write, design or amend.

Which photo to use?
Another one of booze!!
A drunken night
A photographic fright
Oh, how did I choose!?

365 full of memories and fun
So much this year I have done
Pismo sunset
Vegas Roulette
But my fortune wasn’t won.

There’ve been brides and groom
Plenty of va va voom
BBQ snogging
And plenty of dogging
And my new love, ballroom.

I wandered through Paris
Compared Gollum to Harris.
Solange's Geocaching,
Salcombe was smashing!
Did I ever embarrass!!?

It’s been a wicked ride
At times my brain got fried
Writer’s block, self-doubt
Boring at times it felt
But a feat worthy of pride.

A shout out to my crew
An amazing few
Sol my number one
A toast to you hun!
And so…onto something new.

Time to leave the page
Open the doors to this cage
Spread my wings
See what life brings
I can guarantee it won’t be beige!

Tree – 30 April 2015

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Day 364 - Badger & Swan

Late blog but a tad stressed and in need of an emergency Disaronno!!! After the quiz (details below) I got back to Jackwood and spent 15 minutes trying to get parked....and then if that wasn't bad enough the flat's smoke alarm was bleeping!!  Battery needs spent another 15 minutes trying to prise the alarm off....anger, tiredness and wielding a knife is not a good combination!!  Finally it came off, but no battery in the flat....and it's still bleeping - so I have wrapped it in tea towels and shoved in a kitchen cupboard!!! Now breathe and enjoy D on the rocks!!!

So back to the quiz....I headed back to Nuffield Gym tonight for the resurrection of the quiz night - and resurrection of Spiraling Downwards!!  However, as the gym is no longer run by Active Virgins - we were not allowed to have our old team name!!  So as the gym has been re-branded (for a third time) - SD too had to be re-branded....but as what!!??

"Totally Unbalanced"

Well that sums us up!!!  But how did we do?  Joint 4th out of 8 teams....poor, but our first quiz in about 18 months - so in the words of Yazz the "only way is up!!!"  Watch out More4 - May's crown is ours :-)

However team - Tree knows his wildlife so give him a chance...Swan and Badger, just sayin'....

Monday 27 April 2015

Day 363 - A day in the life....

....of Tree!!

So with only three entries left something different today....follow my day, let's see where this Tuesday goes!!! I will update throughout the day!

7:01 - Taylor Swift's angelic tones have announced the start of the day, and right on queue the tea lady lamp needs a good clean, sorry about the dust!

7:59 - after a fast day I do enjoy a peanut butter bagel and hazelnut latte...but not so sure about the Walking Dead zombie backdrop!!!

08:55 - More coffee time...drove to work with the harmonies of the Dixie Chicks!! Only one eventful encounter with a maroon fiesta pulling out in front of me on the A21...silly old codger received some verbal and a hand gesture!!! And calm.....

09:36 - Good old Ken Bruce... Yep, officially old :-)

09:57 - I have had enough today and it isn't even 10:00 - one penny pinching client (book somewhere else then) and another client wanting a free upgrade.....NO!!!!

10:46 - I failed at Ken's Popmaster Quiz...pathetic performance today: 12 out of 39 and then 9 in round two!!  Then name 3 songs by Blue in 10 seconds!!!  Pass.....

10:59 - "Statelines" by The Shires on Radio 2 :-)  "Like when you roll your eyes like a cool New Yorker, Driving across the Mason Dixon line"

11:14 - Jemima at Ballroom makes a fab cake, but on a Monday I'm fasting - so I stole a piece last night....delicious!!

13:18 - Sorry Carl!! I'm back, had a busy few hours with demanding clients!!! Lunch is on the horizon but need some of my grazebox to keep me going!! Love the herby bread basket!!!

13:37 - Time for my very uninspiring fish salad accompanied by another dose of zombie massacre in The Walking Dead.....

14:28 - What is wrong with my clients today - they are horrible....and just plain ignorant.  They are driving me mad....Solange I wish it was all just eating and drinking :-)

15:32 - Early cup of does read a bit like a food and drink diary doesn't it!!?  Give me a break though I did fast yesterday!

15:43 - DJ Tree in the KC office - I have been asked to put some music on....lets blast a medley of The Shires & Dixie Chicks!!  Perfect...

16:29 - This is a tricky itinerary...where shall I send them? #decisions

17:24 - That's it I'm shutting down - complicated itinerary sent, stroppy customer sorted and food run heading off to Parents & Pilates....

18:12 - I've arrived at Dewhurst and Mum refused a selfie, why?  Was it the cap? This is a preview of me in about 20 years, like something out of Last Of The Summer Wine!!!

18:50 - Well this beats my usual beans on toast...Mama's Spag Bol!! My only concern is that it might repeat on me during Pilates!!!!

19:29 - let's go work this core!!! 

21:45 - I'm in, Pilates was great - helps having the best Pilates teacher in the lounging in bed with catch up TV and a Disaronno on the rocks. Night all :-)

Day 362 - I'm knackered....

"And now, the end is near;
And so I face the final curtain...."

Into my last few days, and today's blog features my little barking buddy from work....always looking to play, always balancing on his back legs, always wanting to rip the head off Ted!!!

Whereas Zigi has limitless energy, my battery has flatlined tonight...had to miss spin and opted to lounge on the sofa with a vat of coffee to try and get myself ready for ballroom.  Give me half hour, once the caffeine has hit I will be like Fred Astaire.....actually Fred Astaire's less talented younger brother with two left feet and a tendacy to watch his feet!!

Ok, caffeine taking it's time to hit the spot so let's try a hot shower.....keep dancing!!

Sunday 26 April 2015

Day 361 - A Joly good night!!!!

Funny old day, had plans to go for a photographic wander at Pashley but the weather put an end to that and that gym session I had planned never materialised!  Instead I have watched back to back TV programmes, but half way through BGT I decided I needed to get out the flat and go for a a pub!!

So here I am blog writing from the new look P&P, very vintage looking - sipping a free G+T (gotta love a voucher!!!)....

So last night I went back to school!  As Keith's "Sir Dancealot" evening was at Uplands, my old god it was weird to go back - so much has changed but some of it was like stepping back in time......and the boys loos are still as rancid as ever!!!  I would never have imagined when I left all those years ago that one day I would return and be strutting my stuff in the assembly hall.

So on my Dancefloor debut did I shine under the pressure or collapse in a confidence meltdown!!!?

With the help of a bottle of red wine called "Joly" I wasn't too shabby at all....a shout out to my great patient singing and humming dance partner Ms Jack and the encouraging support of the nice couple from the Monday dance classes (names!!?..)

We remembered quite a lot of the dance moves and managed to get round the floor several times, a few moments I actually felt I was dancing....a weird thing to say but it's when you get consumed by the music and are not thinking of the moves and just dance!!!  And we only had one collision....not bad!!!

Oh my word, imagine the excitement when "Can't Get You Out Of My Head" came on last night for the Cha Cha Cha....I was like an excitable puppy bounding across the hall!!! By this time I was a little bit Joly-ed...I must admit a little bit of red wine helped with my flow!!

A great night and a fabulous debut....Blackpool were comin' for ya!!!!

Saturday 25 April 2015

Day 360 - Vegas & Vinyl

Ok, I know it's late but I've been making my ballroom debut on the tea dance circuit....yeah I'm cool. You may mock but it was fecking brilliant and we had a blast....more to follow in tomorrow's blog.

So back to today/yesterday....

How is it possible that six months ago today I was in Vegas celebrating my about this time I was sitting in a lush restaurant overlooking Bellagio's fountain in a ridiculous birthday hat (which I adore, and Kylie is still wearing!!)....with the wicked Latino street party under the Brooklyn Bridge about to commence!!!  Great memories.....but six months ago???

So back to last night and we had such a lovely evening with the Goldings....Nat made a very impressive sleigh in the Frozen etchasketch!! She also knows exactly how to keep Chloe & Riley entertained....which is great so I can sit down and drink my beer :-)  

After pizza and bedtime for the kids, we listened to some cracking throwback tunes on good old vinyl....I particularly liked Dancefloor Jazz!! We are already planning a vinyl night....what have they let themselves in for - The Kids From Fame, The Locomotion & Bucks Fizz.....ha ha, bring it on!!!

See you seen Goldings, always a blast :-)

Thursday 23 April 2015

Day 359 - It's Friday!!

Tonight is a brief one...phew I hear my reader(s) say!!

It is Friday (hooray) and I am currently enjoying music chat and red wine with Nat, James & Fhei.  

This is the view as I drove into the carpark...bless that angel!!!

Day 358 - "No Cote Required" Revisited

My parents never fail to surprise me.

The title of the blog refers to the fact that last night I was going to meet the parents for a bon voyage / early birthday meal at Cote (we are creatures of habit!!) - but without prompting Mum phoned and said "We want to change venue to that Thai place (Sucheera) we went to for your birthday, and I want what Sarah had - and we fancy a pre-meal drink in The Townhouse"

I wasn't going to argue as that sounded like a bloody good idea to me - so hence "No Cote Required" - that was the title of Day 43's blog, and where as last time I didn't need my coat while sitting outside of the restaurant, this time we actually really didn't need Cote!  And Ma it was a Pad Thai!!

So I was at the Townhouse just before 6 - beat the parents (miraculous!!) and sat down with a pleasant pint, the folks soon turned up and a nice hour was enjoyed before we headed off to Sucheera.

This photo opportunity had to be taken advantage of!!!

Prawn crackers, starter combo platter, Penang curries and a Pad Thai - all very delicious and washed down with a very reasonably priced Sauvignon Blanc!!

As my parents are usually at home and tucked up in bed by 8:30 I texted Nat to see if she fancied a little Wednesday drink after the meal at 8:15....Nat phoned and said yes and within 10 minutes she appeared (7:20).....only after she arrived like a whirling dervish amidst the mains being served did she realise that she hadn't read the time on my text.  But this is Nat, a breath of crazy fresh air and she was more than welcome - except that I had to share the Sauvignon with a 3rd person!!

Then we had a nightcap along Camden Road before my frustrating hiccups sent me to bed!!!

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Day 357 - Sunshine, Sea, Shorts & Shires Part 2

Part 2....

Before our meal we had a wander through the lanes, had a cheeky pint, spotted some street art and I bought some vintage orange shorts - quite understated and subtle don't you think!?  Bring on the Kerala beaches :-)

As I had booked us a table at the Vegetarian restaurant called Food For Friends, Melissa was a tad concerned that Emma's love of meat would be an issue!!!  But with a tasty cocktail in her hand made with gin, elderflower and prosecco (my god it was good!!) - Emma perused the menu and opted for the vegetable curry - and she loved it - even telling us she could be converted!!  It was a very good meal and this restaurant never fails to deliver - I opted for the roast potato gnocchi followed by a deconstructed passion fruit cheesecake....delicious!!  Two vegetarian meals, two days in a row - what is happening to me!!? 

After the meat free dinner we walked along to Concorde2, the venue for The Shires and got in the very small queue.  When the doors opened with serious intent I marched to the front of the stage and got my space...

John and Jacob opened for The Shires, and they were fab.  Two guys, reminiscent of the Everley Brothers with a Nashville twist - it was just them with guitars, a trumpet, a harmonica and fabulous vocals.

Then came the headliners - Crissie & Ben aka The Shires.  They were amazing, beautiful harmonies and I just love their songs!  They have a perfect mixture of toe tapping tunes and heartfelt ballads, their latest single called Statelines is beautiful!!  I really hope they get the recognition they deserve as they are sooooo good!!

Well there it is my day in the sea air with my two dear school friends and the lovely "Country Cathy"!!  Lets do it again soon chicks :-)

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Day 356 - Sunshine, Sea, Shorts & Shires Part 1

So to my sunny Sunday by the sea with the Brighton Belles!!  Part it was a pretty full few hours!!

Just after 2 myself, M to the Tiffin (as Nat calls her), Emma-Jayne and Cathy rendezvoused on the side of a busy road in Brighton - then we wandered to find the venue for the evenings musical event!!  The main reason we were there was to see The Shires in concert - to my excitement as we walked past the venue Crissie from the band was standing outside, I got a photo from a distance but was too shy to go say hello!!

We then wandered along Madeira Drive and found ourselves amidst a vintage Austin Owner's Club gathering - fab old cars, people in throwback attire and a wandering band!!

Shortly afterwards I got married to my school sweetheart on Brighton pier - it was very romantic and emotional and not at all tacky.....the bridesmaids looked stunning as Pamela Anderson and a spiky haired drowning guy!! And there we are on honeymoon.....

After the silliness on the pier I carried on with the childish behavior, sorry!!  But I was so pleased with my photo bomb....poor Emma posing for a lovely shot - and in the background is "Silly Tree"....but what a perfect bomb :-)

Tomorrow night, would Emma like the vegetarian cuisine?? And did The Shires deliver!!?

Monday 20 April 2015

Day 355 - Spotify Synched!!

Three nights in a row ending after midnight, getting too old for this malarkey!!

Anyone else had that weird thing happen when a song finishes in the car, you hum another intro and that song comes on, that happened on my drive to work this morning - bit freaky as the playlist was on shuffle and has over 200 tracks!  Lady Antebellum finished, I hummed the intro to Luke Bryan's "I See You" - and that country stomper came on!!  I'm so Spotify synched...

So back to Friday night and with the Spotify playlist in full swing - there was dancin, laughter and just plain silliness....just the way we like it!  Why oh why did I think a red wine nightcap was a good idea after numerous pints of Kozel!?

We also had FNC debuts on Friday - the Bromley family made their eagerly anticipated appearance and went down a storm.....they were whizzing about that dance floor, hurry back Pauline & John :-)

Happy belated birthdays SPS & NRH!!!

Sunday 19 April 2015

Day 354 - Veg Prep!!!

So last night was my vegetarian dinner party, and even though it all ended up in a good place.....things didn't go according to plan - with a last minute culinary change mid cooking!!

Cutting up veg takes forever....and I really shouldn't have spent that hour soaking up the rays in Dickie's sun drenched garden - but when tempted with a sunny Stella, I really couldn't say no!!

But I was in the kitchen at 4 and in my mind 3 hours prep was ample....wrong!  Grilling peppers, whipping cream, cutting hundreds of beans and preparing my pie....turned into a race against the clock!!

To cook I donned my rather vile Hawaiian shorts, really only meant for my eyes only....but I was frantically mashing up the guacamole when the girls I apologised for my appearance they took a vote that I should remain in my tasteful shorts!!! I wasn't going to argue as they are rather comfy!!

So guacamole was served alongside red pepper and walnut dip, and while the ladies dipped I went to make the chips - to only realise I didn't have enough oil....I stood vacant for a few minutes before clarity hit and I threw the spuds on a baking tray with some oil and herbs and shoved them in to roast....

The sweet potato, mushroom and broccoli pie in the vintage mugs were a hit, as were the pistachio coated green beans....and luckily my roast chips did the job!!!

After so much whisking my cream didn't go firm into soft peaks and remained instead of a mousse like topping - my strawberries were covered in a vanilla cream!!  But luckily the ladies didn't mind :-)

After a Masterchef meltdown and limp cream, I left the kitchen and became acquainted with a delicious bottle of red!

Thank you ladies for great company and Mel the coasters are fab!!

Saturday 18 April 2015

Day 353 - Hawaiian Dancin Chef!!

Another busy day and again just a photo....more to follow!!

I know...what a hottie!! Not many people can pull off Hawaiian shorts with ballroom shoes :-) 

Friday 17 April 2015

Day 352 - Party Time!!!

As with any good party with a stonking party playlist....words are limited!!!

Nightly night....

Thursday 16 April 2015

Day 351 - Blooming/Looming Blog Off!!!!

Only 14 more blogs...and a reminder of the "Blog Off" bash on the 1st May.  There are still 4 (yes 4) limited edition spaces up for grabs!!! Did I mention there's Prosecco!!!??? And Cupcakes!!

Funny old day at work....very busy, got four bookings!!!  Remember in an earlier blog I mentioned a travel agent who called my itinerary uninspiring?  Well her clients found it extremely inspiring and booked it today!!! Take that bitch #smug #smile #upyours

My head was getting fuzzy by 2 so I went for wander and that's where today's photo comes from - a snap from the Horsmonden countryside.  

So don't be shy if you want to get your name on the "Blog Off" guest list.....

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Day 350 - Marathon Memoirs!!

Three years ago today I was knackered, legs wouldn't work and my nipples were a tad sore!!  But I had just achieved my biggest challenge - my first (and most definitely) my last Marathon!!

Seriously three years ago - where has that time gone!!?

What a day though, an experience that I wouldn't have wanted to miss for the world!!  But 4 hours 32.....that 2 minutes is just so gutting for a competitive person like me.  Entering my first marathon I had no idea what time I could realistically achieve, so just missing out on under 4 hours 30 is so annoying - especially as I had to queue for 6 minutes for a frustrating call of nature....if only Chris's Imodium had kicked in earlier!!

My support camp was wicked - my two personal trainers (Clive & Dick) and Gary's Girls!!

Go Tree Go :-)

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Day 349 - Doreen...

My first blog was on my Nan's funeral day, and today is the first anniversary of her death - so my blog has almost gone full circle!!

Doreen, was my Mum's mother and below is a photo of her with my Grandad Charlie....and little Eileen!!

Here is a montage of Nan throughout the years....with her chubby cheeked Grandson!!!

I get my new found liking of Pale Ale from Doreen - she was always found in the High Broom's Working Men's Club with a half of Pale Ale in her hand :-)

Monday 13 April 2015

Day 348 - Pale Ale!

It's time for that Monday blog....what to say!?

Same old, same old!

Usual manic Monday at Kerala - my mind still full of possible client itineraries!

Fasting and fecking starving, fantasising about my breakfast of scrambled eggs on bagel and latte already!! That thought just prompted a stomach rumble!!

Struggled through Sarah's spin, and now all shaved and showered ready for two hours of brain crippling ballroom....will I remember the steps? 

So what photo? I have chosen my Pale Ale shot from yesterday. My Dad did tell me that one day my lager taste buds will be tempted to the ale side....Dad knows best....I like it!!! Great another type of booze I enjoy, no helping me!!

Do you like how the boat is sailing in the bubbles...time to stop writing!!! Just weird!

Right my tango taxi is here, "Keep Dancing!"

Sunday 12 April 2015

Day 347 - Double Trouble!!!

So when two dinner parties merge you need double the dishes, double the cooks and quadruple the Prosecco!!! 

And that is exactly what happened last night!  

At 5 I arrived at the Grinhams to prep for the Curry-fest - at 6:30 I was still sitting chatting with a chilled beer and a slice of lime polenta cake.....

But we jumped into action and I gave Linda the lovely job of cutting the onion, garlic, ginger and chilli - well, you have to delegate don't you?

What a team we made....and with four dishes to prepare it all seemed to come together just in the nick of time!! The menu consisted of Linda's fabulous lamb kofta balls, chicken passanda, mushroom bhaji and an asparagus and spinach thoran (stir fried dish with spices and coconut)....

....and don't forget the Jasmine rice and popadoms! 

Dessert moved away from India and ventured to heaven....chocolate bread and butter pudding and strawberry bottomed cupcakes......all this with lashings of fizz!  Bloody smashing....

Yet another fabulous night with Ronnie (aka retard) and co!  

P.S Linda, lucky I was tiddly when I left or I would have remembered to sneak that fabulous not stick wok out!!! :-)

Saturday 11 April 2015

Day 346 - Cath, Curry & Chihuahua!

Chef Tree, rocking the Cath Kidston look, is worn out after his kitchen duties, the results of which were delicious!!!

He is now relaxing with (yet another!) glass of Prosecco and a chihuahua on his lap.

A proper blog will follow tomorrow!!!

Friday 10 April 2015

Day 345 - Solitary Confinement

It is 20:57 and I haven't seen a soul for 24 hours....and as I am staying at work (or as I like to call it my country retreat) by the time I see Natalie at the flat tomorrow lunchtime I will have been on my own for 36 hours....and that is seriously dangerous!!!!

Finishing work and nipping downstairs for a glass of LA Cuvée 2013 Reservee is a delight, and I might roll out of bed tomorrow morning and open the office in my PJ's!!

So instead of spending my Friday in a pub, I am sitting here in my lounge pants with lemon chicken, red wine....all in my palatial living room....I quite like it!!!!

Luckily I'm in a happy mood as that episode of Enders was downright miserable...."Fly me to the moon".....I would prefer "Fly me to the red wine bottle"....Now!!!

Thursday 9 April 2015

Day 344 - Drum & Monkey!

Solange I blame you completely....

Instead of a relaxing lunchtime in front of the TV, I decided to head off with my phone's GPS to track down a cache that is in my work's lane...

I had tried before a few weeks ago but I started again!! First there was a riddle to solve about an old pub that used to be in the lane called the Drum & Monkey.....this then gave me the coordinates of the blasted cache and off trekked my alias WombatTree....with his zombie sidekick!!!

On arrival at the spot I stood for 15 minutes staring at a hedge!!!  Getting dejected and a tad angry I decided to look on the other side of the lane....and if by magic there it was in a camouflage bag!!

The excitement!!!!! 

However the local residents and farmers have probably circulated CCTV footage of a strange looking individual with a Zombie Troll staring at a hedge.....what must I have looked like to the muggles!!!!??

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Day 343 - Poetic!!

I saw this sunset last night and its beauty got me all poetic - then today I found this poem by Jessica Millsaps which I thought was beautiful:

"Every night
The horizon lights up
Swirls of pink and orange
Fading to blue and purple

Few bother to look anymore
At a blessing
That only comes once a day

Each sunset is different
No two exactly alike
Difference flows throughout
While it is the only similarity

Over the ocean
Or through the sky scrapers
Out on the prairie
Or in an apartment

You can still see a piece
A piece of something
Something never to return
A sunset

For the colors are shimmering
For a moment they stay
Only to disappear into change
Change just as beautiful as the last

This is why
No matter where you go
One thing remains the same,
A difference in sunsets

In your very own sunset"

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Day 342 - Carnage!!

Easter Sunday....Part 3: The after party!!

This post has taken longer to compose than I thought, due to the 70 photos I took at the flat on Sunday evening.....70 blurred crazy dancing, rabbit themed images!!!!  Oh, which drunken photos to choose for today's blog.....!!?

With two things on our mind "more beer" and "Carrie Underwood" myself and Dickie wandered back to Jackwood.....on arrival the Carrie playlist commenced and we were soon joined by Nat, Darren and Dan!

I have so many classic photos, some of which might have to make an appearance one day. 

On Monday morning I noticed Bugs red ribbon had been ripped off....and I was determined to get to the bottom of this brutal crime!  Studying my photographic evidence I came to this conclusion!

The crime was committed between 23:29 and 23:32 - and the second part of the collage above shows the culprit revelling in his dastardly deed.  Dickies in big trouble 😈🔫🔪

Monday 6 April 2015

Day 341 - The Geocaching Adventure!

Sorry for my brief Blog yesterday....a tad too much beer, again!!!!

So back to 9:45 myself, Natalie and Bugs (our Easter mascot) headed for a fry-up to fuel us for a few hours of Geocaching (emblem below)....for anyone not familiar with Geochaching, it is "an outdoor recreational activity, in which participants use a GPS or mobile device to hide and seek containers, called "geocaches" or "caches", anywhere in the world."

At the cricket ground we met Solange or "Head-Cache" - and after a short briefing we went off in search of the hidden treasure (well bits of paper in tubes!!).  But let me set the scene, a dozen adults and 3 dogs rummaging in bushes.....not weird at all!!

It was all very exciting - like a group version of Challenge Anneka - "stop the clock, found the clue"!! When our mobiles showed we were close to the cache, it did send us all a bit competitive and we were all quite keen to be the one to find it.  But we were controlled and let someone different find them.

We wandered through woods, said hello to fabulously horny goats, passed stunning houses and clambered up steep steps.....where we almost lost a few of the group!!

The plan was to find 7 caches before lunch, but as we are new to it - we only managed 4....but it was fun and the gang are already talking about the next adventure.  So after the fourth find we power walked from Rusthall to the Mount Edgcumbe for a well deserved lunch and a few beverages!!! It was after all thirsty work.

It was inevitable....a lunch starting at 1pm at the Mount Edgcumbe was always going to get a out of control.  Bank holiday, no work on Monday and a lack of self control = great fun and sore heads!!

On tomorrow's blog what happened after the Edgcumbe, and what happened to Bug's red ribbon?

Sunday 5 April 2015

Day 340 - Bunnies Tidly!!!

I need to blog, but I'm being plied with San Miguel....

Bunny says goodnight!!!

Saturday 4 April 2015

Day 339 - Bagley-King's Bhoona Bistro

As the doors are opening again tonight at Tree's Boutique Bistro, today has involved mainly prepping and "Easter-ing" up the flat!!!

Ellie loves a Bhoona, so that is what I am attempting along with my own Pullao Rice and Oonbariou (Indian roasted vegetables)....and to start Chupatti (Indian flat bread) with a tangy mint raita!

Natalie has worked her magic on the table, and Jeremy's Homestore delivered on tacky Easter decorations - who doesn't love a bright yellow rabbit!!??

Right all prep is done and a well deserved Cobra has been opened....right 10 minutes before I hit the kitchen.  

Will the flatbread knead successfully, the veg roast and will Ellie like my Bhoona??

To be continued.......

Friday 3 April 2015

Day 338 - all good!

The weather was vile today so a planned morning walk around Lamberhurst turned into coffee with banana & pecan muffins at Normas!  A preferable option, with a lovely catch up with Auntie and the new edition Cody....

Then back to un-sunny Tunny where I headed into town for ingredients and apparatus my next "Bistro" event....I bought an Indian bread maker, dwarf aubergine and atta flour!!!  More to follow....

I then prepared tomorrow's desert - the Scottish favourite Cranachan...before an impromptu catchup with the Grinhams in the Townhouse!!  

Then my evening was completed with time with my good pal V - cheese and biscuits...and Prosecco! 


Thursday 2 April 2015

Day 337 - "Starmaker"

It all started with me looking for a song on Spotify that I had on 12" vinyl when I was a kid - "Starmaker" by the Kids from Fame...I wondered what it would sound like today....I can report that it is still as good and still great to sing along to:

"Star maker
Dream breaker
Soul taker
We're happy now"

Funny how after 32 years I can still remember the words....after that song it spiraled out of control, on a journey into the hidden vaults of Spotify...probably where no sane person would venture, I was almost lost in a two hour never-ending maze of cheese!!

The only thing for it - start a Spotify playlist aptly titled "Guilty Pleasures" wouldn't be complete without "Waiting For A Star To Fall" by Boy Meets Girl, Donna Summers "This Time I Know It's For Real" and "That's The Way It Is" by Mel & Kim.  The 78 track playlist is scarily........fabulous!!  There's Rick Astley, Yazz, Bucks Fizz, Bros.....and Fuzzbox!!  Yep, Fuzzbox....who remembers them??

Don't worry it has its fair share of credible artists - Eurythmics, Deacon Blue and Duran Duran.  But no Transvision Vamp, I detested that lead singer....

But Spotify no Sonia, no "I'd rather jack" and no "Too Many Broken Hearts".....what is wrong with you!!??

Actually on reflection....what is wrong with ME!!??

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Day 336 - BLOG OFF!!!

The blog today includes an invite!!  An invite to what I hear you ask? 

Well a month today "The 365 Instagram Journey" will be over, and I am having a "Blog Off" party at number 5 Jackwood to celebrate!!

As the flat is on the bijou side I have to restrict the guest list to 15!!!  As Natalie has given me so much blog content it only seems right for Little Miss Sunshine to attend (and of course she does live here too)....and I suppose I'd better rock up!!

So if anyone is free on Friday 1st May from 7:30 please join me and let me know on the comment section under this blog - if you need any persuasion I will have 6 of these chilling: 

Strictly limited numbers so if your too late - no entry, no glass of Asda special Prosecco!!  Join me to Blog Off in style, you know it makes sense!!

If you fancy bringing a bottle, don't be shy :-)

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Day 335 - Sagas & Shahpura!!

Couldn't resist another wander down memory lane when these two moments popped on today's Facebook memories...

Two years ago today I dressed up like a Kerala waiter for the "Spiraling Downwards Kerala Night"!!!  After our fab trip to South India I tried to recreate various curries from that region - a spicy night with just a touch of alcohol!!  Fun times :-) 

And keeping the India theme going...last year on this day I stayed in the most stunning place called Shahpura Bagh.  It has the most amazing pool, friendly hosts and the fort at sunset with a chilled glass of Sula was magical - anyone who asks me for a holiday to Rajasthan gets this property recommended!  And did I mention the

Monday 30 March 2015

Day 334 - The Taj T-shirt!

I love these alerts from Facebook that show photos/posts from this day in previous years!

Except when it highlights the fact I have worn the same t-shirt on the 30th March 2013 & 2014!! Call the fashion police!!!

Let's make it three years in a row!!  After all it is a special t-shirt - bought in Barcelona during Natalie's 30th weekend....

Sunday 29 March 2015

Day 333 - Granola & Ragu

Lovely evening in the Townhouse with old and new friends, but why did I think shots and Long Island Ice Teas would be a good combination!!?

On my walk home an unexpected meeting with the Pope-Treloars on Camden Road led to white wine drinking, Youtube music memories and a 2am finish!!

But it wasn't 2 - it was 3.....the darn changing of the clocks!!  A lost hour....

So when my alarm went off at 8:30 for was very tempting to just roll over and pass on the torturous Sunday spin....but with the cream teas, meals and alcohol overkill of the past few weeks I dragged my tired shell to the gym.

Over the last few days I have been quite experimental in the kitchen.  I feel like I'm eating too much bread, especially in the mornings - so I found a recipe to make my own granola....and do you know what it is really good.  Nuts, oats, seeds, dried fruit all mixed together with honey and syrup and then cooked in the oven for 30 minutes.....easy and tasty!!

And tonight I tried Sausage Ragu - the recipe needed a glass of red wine....and a nice glass(es) of red complimented the ragu beautifully.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Day 332 - The 40s.....

....and a youngster!!!!! One by one the school friends are reaching that benchmark birthday....only Mads is left in her 30s!!!!  Not long Mads, August is fast approaching!

So today was Eve's day to celebrate turning 40!!! 

We had a lovely afternoon at Sissinghurst Castle Gardens, so nice to catch up with good friends and Eve's family.....shame the weather wasn't nicer but the chilly day made us appreciate the cream tea even more!!!!

Happy birthday Eve. G x