Sunday 29 March 2015

Day 333 - Granola & Ragu

Lovely evening in the Townhouse with old and new friends, but why did I think shots and Long Island Ice Teas would be a good combination!!?

On my walk home an unexpected meeting with the Pope-Treloars on Camden Road led to white wine drinking, Youtube music memories and a 2am finish!!

But it wasn't 2 - it was 3.....the darn changing of the clocks!!  A lost hour....

So when my alarm went off at 8:30 for was very tempting to just roll over and pass on the torturous Sunday spin....but with the cream teas, meals and alcohol overkill of the past few weeks I dragged my tired shell to the gym.

Over the last few days I have been quite experimental in the kitchen.  I feel like I'm eating too much bread, especially in the mornings - so I found a recipe to make my own granola....and do you know what it is really good.  Nuts, oats, seeds, dried fruit all mixed together with honey and syrup and then cooked in the oven for 30 minutes.....easy and tasty!!

And tonight I tried Sausage Ragu - the recipe needed a glass of red wine....and a nice glass(es) of red complimented the ragu beautifully.

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