Monday 30 June 2014

Day 61 - Thinspiration!

Today I thought it would be fun do to a before and after 5:2 something from The Biggest Loser!

One of my friends (no names) has started the 5:2 today so it prompted this blog. That person called me their Thinspiration - what a cool and really nice thing to say.  For me the 5:2 is a perfect diet as it is only twice a week and as my job burns no calories it doesn't affect my work performance.  But it wouldn't have been so successful if I didn't combine it with gym, spin and Pilates sessions!  With any diet you need exercise - or it ain't gonna work!

It is not going to be for everyone, especially if your job is active, you love food or your heart is not in it! It does take determination and willpower, but once you have been doing it for a few weeks/months it really does become a way of life!

Amazing what you can do with 600 calories!

So here is Mr Blobby at the top, and just blob on the bottom shots.....I still have to spend quite a lot of time doing selfies as I'm never gone lose the double chin!  All about the camera angle :-)  But like any before and after shots I chose particularly unflattering photos and ones that actually make me look thinner than I really am.  Lol

But all joking aside the 5:2 is not just a diet but a detox for the body, and it does have medical benefits - I'm not going to get all preachy and scientific, so if interested Google it. 

Also why the 5:2 works for me is that I don't have to give up the booze, Amen!

Sunday 29 June 2014

Day 60 - Sun & Showers!

Woke up, no plans - so as the sun was shining I packed my man bag, camera and my three i-items and headed to the capital. 

Bumped into Dicky Dent on the station platform and joined him and his girlfriend Meredith for the journey to London Bridge - nice to have a catch up. They were off to see Mr Superstition himself Stevie Wonder in Clapham Common - "Signed, Sealed, Delivered.......I'm yours!!!"

So at London Bridge I set off with no real agenda and just wandered - after crossing London Bridge, walking through Leadenhall Market and passing Liverpool Street Station I found myself on the outskirts of Brick Lane!

So time for a bit of street art catch up and see if any new pieces of art had sprung up.....oh my god turned the corner and there was KYLIE......

With street art it changes so frequently as businesses repaint their walls and other artists paint over the other artists it is a constantly changing art gallery. There was so many amazing new pieces today, so much change!

After a few hours of wandering I needed a coffee and sandwich and stopped in a lovely place called the Vintage Bean Cafe, fab latte and the cheese and ham panini was delicious. 

I entered the cafe with gorgeous sunshine and left to drizzle....that wasn't part of the plan!  So I left Brick Lane behind and headed back to London Bridge via Tower Bridge and a beer in All Bar One (had to shelter from the rain, didn't I!?)

By the time I boarded the train back to Tunny the heavens opened, I hope the rain wasn't that heavy in Clapham for Richard, Meredith and Mr Wonder!

Saturday 28 June 2014

Day 59 - Friday Night Fracture

Ok, so what happened last night.....

Firstly, oh Hilary, I'm sorry - whoever thought up the FNC skateboarding event hang your head in shame....oh it was me!

So with seven boards off we headed to the skateboarding park with our very own pro Martin, that poor bloke had no idea what was ahead of him.

Our arrival prompted quizzical looks from the youths and the air had a strange scent....if you get my drift!?

So with trepidation we climbed onto our boards and started the was fun but quite scary!  I kept thinking one false move and that's it...

Mrs Piper would be proud as my improved core helped me balance on that wobbly piece of equipment, and at one stage I went slightly faster than a snail!

But as my photo shows some of the FNC  ripped off skin, drew blood and we even had a fracture....after about 30 minutes poor Martin asked to call it day! He was scared, the FNC have that effect on people!!

So we retired to the park, left the sk8er bois to it and finished our drinks in the setting sun.  This is when the fun part started and we used the path to go bum boarding, which was much safer and very entertaining!

But don't worry FNCers no more dangerous sport evenings I promise. :-)

Friday 27 June 2014

Day 58 - pizza time!

I know, I know you want skateboarding photos - but, you will have to wait! Getting late and I'm a tad merry.

Bless the allotment run out of wine and most beers but we love it..and the pizzas did the job. 

Good night and skateboarding blog to follow. 

Thursday 26 June 2014

Day 57 - It's an appy day!

I have decided against personal training as it so expensive and the trainer I wanted has decided to leave Virgin I am going to be my own trainer with the help of fitness apps!

I want abs of steel so I am using the Adrian James six pack is a wicked app, and with three levels of exercises and a motivational countdown it will hopefully help with the cause....yeah right!

At the gym I am loving the TRX machine and the second app is isuspension which gives loads of moves and exercises.  The middle photo shows my feet in the harness trying to do the Atomic will take some practice and hard work to master that move.....and most of the others!  Wish me luck!

Also the Cook M&S app is amazing - it has delicious recipes and an idiots guide on the cooking process...perfect for me then :-)

But one app that had to go was Hay Day, my farming game!  I did leave my farm for eight months as it started taking over my life!  But I was tempted back recently, however it has left me behind and moved on too much!  I could cope with the lobster farm and cappuccino bar but the new village is just a step too far, and WombatTree's Farm has closed for business again!

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Day 56 - Moustached Stick Men

Today I would like to bring to your attention the artistic talent of Darren Pope! Visual merchandiser extraordinaire.

He has worked his magic on Hoopers window again - I love his imaginative flair and the use of little stick men!

On my way to Wimbledon on Monday I popped to have a look - and it is fab!

These photos don't do it justice but I wanted to show the little moustached stick men....

I still think Nat & Richard's idea of a Hooper's Christmas live window is superb....every window would be made into a different room and Nat and Richard would have to live in it for a few days....make it happen Mr Hooper, can you imagine it?  But please no bathroom - lounge, dining room we could cope with but Nat on the bog or Dicky on the no no!

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Day 55 - It's a beer thing!

Today's topic is beer, well it is tedious Tuesday....needed a subject and couldn't ramble on about tennis again!

It is so disappointing when a pub runs out of the "proper" beer glasses and serves your pint in some bland straight glass! With no logo, no unique design .... Just darn unappealing!  

Here is Sarah on Sunday at the Trading Post disappointed with her pint arrival, so she decanted her Amstel from the generic glass to the Amstel official one - a tad messy but overall she did a good job!

A Fuggles Cristal Pilsner is not the same if not served in a sleek glass, Stella needs that curvaceous feel and San Miguel should always be bottom heavy!

So bar managers and staff of Tunbridge Wells please keep up with the washing up!

Monday 23 June 2014

Day 54 - Security, Stella & Sneezing @ SW19

My annual pilgrimage to Wimbledon has been great!

Thankfully I managed to get a centre court ticket on Ticketmaster, so I could catch the civilised 9:21 train rather than that hideous first train to get in the queue...

Picking up my ticket at the gate was not as straight forward as it could have been! "Yes sir go to Gate 7, Ticketmaster pick ups are done there!  On arrival at Gate 7, no record of my reservation - Tree rage was almost bubbling to the surface, especially as some twats pushed in front of me complaining that they couldn't take their metal knives and forks in.....hello, are you just stupid and get outta my way play starts in 15 minutes!!!! Then I was left standing for 10 minutes before being led by a security guard through the grounds to Gate 4 where eventually I met my ticket....and off I went to the courts, finally!!

It seemed really busy today, busier than usual and I struggled to get on the main outside courts so abandoning my idea of cheering on a British hope I stood and watched a few matches before heading to centre court via the Stella Artois marquee.  

Geniusly Stella have made plastic glasses in their iconic design....they look so real and glass-like that I had my next run in with Wimbledon security. I was trying to take an arty photo of my Stella and Centre Court and this caught the attention of an official who said "Sorry Sir, no glass allowed" with that I said "it's plastic, tap it and see". Content with that he left me in piece to sip the nectar.....

Wimbledon today was all about the defending champion, and being there for Murray's walk out was amazing.  A spin-tingling moment with the crowd standing and cheering.  His opponent David Goffin seemed a bit over awed in the first two sets with Andy claiming them comfortably.  But Goffin grew into the match and there were moments of concern when it got to the business end of a very closely fought third set.  But Andy clinched it 7-5 - to his relief, mine, most of the crowd and of course his newly appointed coach Amelie!

Also I was on TV, Steve instagramed a photo of me and Murray at match point.  Can you see me, like a game of where's Wally!  

Then I went for a wander as Li Na doesn't float my boat and come on order of play committee....third on Djokovic, "You can't be serious!!?" Not a fan of his as you can guess!! But I did head back in for his match, or should I say a one sided practice session!  But I had my second Stella to entertain me and a slab of Tree's tea loaf. 

As the three matches ended earlier than anticipated they put on another match, a tiny Slovakian girl who sounded like she was sneezing everytime she served.....I have never heard the centre court keep erupting in giggles. 

Well the sneezing Slovak demolished her opponent just as a few drops of rain started to make an appearance!

Goodbye SW19 for another year!

Sunday 22 June 2014

Day 53 - Gourmet Gary and his Treemendous Treats!!

I really love cooking and it is something I don't get chance to do enough.  Would love to strut myself in the kitchen more - nothing better than grinding spices, frying onions and the popping of mustard seeds.

So last nights cooking for my covern was a joy, four dishes influenced by the country of my heart...India.  Rick Stein's Chicken Passanda, a mushroom balti, asparagus and spinach thoran and lemon rice.  

It was a slightly stressful cooking experience and even though I melted a plastic spoon and completely f*cked up my wok, the food was tasty according to my witches - Alexandra, Jane and Sukie.

I am not a pudding person and misread the instructions on how to use gelatine and put in way to less and after five hours it hadn't set.....anyway I tried to do a last minute bodge job which didn't work!  Thankfully I had some of my infamous tea loaf to hand which did the dessert job and when I awoke this morning that bloody blueberry and raspberry elderflower cordial delight was set.....anyone peckish, I have plenty......

Saturday 21 June 2014

Day 52 - Blog Hijack by the witches of Eastwick!!!

Three gorgeous women at Jackwood on a Saturday night were clearly too much for Gary's kitchen as the chef soon got all hot and bothered and melted his utensil in a smokin' wok. Luckily no permanent damage was sustained and a fantastic medley of Indian delights were duly served to the hungry birds that even licked their plates (no names mentioned)....

Chicken Pasanda, Thoran, Mushroom Bhaji, Lemon Laced Basmati Rice and wine galore.....

Dinner done and dusted, plates licked clean and cleared away courtesy of Solange who kindly washed up, it was now time for the long awaited wedding present, that upon opening could only be described as a 'This is Your Life' tribute to Sarah Punter & Emma Stone now commonly known as the Punter-Stones & god it was well worth the wait!  A journey of love and friendship through the last decade and more, told in the most beautiful, exquisite, funny and heartfelt way.  Only a friend as a special & imaginative as Gary Tree could create such a wonderful gift - one these twin witches will treasure forever.

Love and light the Witches of Eastwick ....Cherry Stones to follow imminently (this is no reflection upon Gary's cooking) xxx

.....This is me, Gary....the Witches of Eastwick have blogged me proud :-)

Friday 20 June 2014

Day 51 - "Okay, Coconut man, Moon Heads and Pea. You ready?"

So I'm here at Bedgebury with the gang just awaiting Jessie J to come on stage!

We had Leah McFall supporting (runner up in last years Voice) that girl gives Mariah a run for her money in the high pitched stakes....

I'm driving and drinking water (shock, horror)...good to have a detox once in a blue moon :-)

Sarah brought a box of rose wine, only to find out to the disgust of the group that it was only 8%...very unlike Sarah to make such a wine gaff :-)

More after Ms J has strutted her stuff!

I'm back home now and JJ was excellent, vocally spot on, fab stage presence and if the three new songs she sang are anything to go by album three will be great.

Also getting out of the carpark this year was quite painless, goodnight all!

"Dirty dancing in the moonlight
Take me down like I'm a domino"

Thursday 19 June 2014

Day 50 - Friendship, Fun and....oh yeah Football!

Today is my fiftieth blog, and how do I celebrate this!?  Well, celebrate my soon departing friends on floor one.....they came down tonight for a catch up unaware that Uruguay v England was going to be on!

I asked Richard earlier are you watching the footie tonight and he texted back with:

"Yes I am, right after I take a cheese grater to my testicles" 

Darren's face was a picture when he discovered the football was on and said "don't think I'm staying long" - but people when we levelled, number 5 roared like a crowd in Sankies....but humorously followed by Darren adding "oh I haven't cheered like that since Alexandra Burke won X-Factor"

I love those boys and to commemorate blog 50 I want to have an interactive entry (does that sound rude!?) How exciting I hear you cry!! My photo today is from the boys joint 30th bash a few weeks ago, when they were doing their thank yous.  But to me it looks like Darren is applauding Richards solo performance. 

So my question to you, followers or followee? - what would Dicky be singing!?

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Day 49 - Bloomin' great!

A mixture of floral appreciation and tennis today, but a theme of growth!

A red rose in the work garden is looking lovely and I thought it would make a nice shot on its transition from bud to bloom.

As well as floral growth, our number one female tennis player Heather Watson bloomed today on Eastbourne's centre court! This afternoon she had the biggest win of her career with a hard fought and extremely mature 6-7 6-4 6-2 win over the world number 12, Flavia Pennetta!  What was so impressive was how she mentally regrouped after losing such a tight first set and turned the match around!  Let's hope this win can take Heather to the next level.....

At least we got a win in this England v Italy encounter!!!

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Day 48 - Nothing has happened......

Seriously nothing has happened today - work is slow, not much you can say about the gym and even the TV is rubbish. I'm watching the Brazil v Mexico game....god, must be bored!

So mid-afternoon I was thinking what can my photo be of today so I took a photo of me at work!  Shockingly bad I know, I hope I don't lose any of my faithful followers ..... Solange!?

But hey my stir fry was amazing, and my bottle of Shiraz (called The Butterfly Effect) is going down nicely!

That's it I'm outta here.....

Sunday 15 June 2014

Day 46 - Tears & Tennis

Right, where was the bloody sun today? My day at Eastbourne tennis with Anne and Lindsey was meant to be a tennis viewing experience while catching a few rays!  Cloud, grey and chilly.....

The sun appeared at 2pm, excitedly I re-applied my sun cream.....the sun lasted 10 minutes but my streaming eye from a rogue bit of cream lasted 4 hours!  All afternoon it looked like I was emotional, a watery right my tennis but not enough to cry over!  On reflection I have been close on the court a few times when my forehand was going awry!

Tennis was good a three set battle in the ladies, a one sided mens and an exhibition match in memory of Elena Baltacha.  In a past blog I mentioned her sad passing at the beginning of May, she died of liver cancer aged 30 and this match was to raise money for her charity and tennis academy. 

Rally For Bally!!!!

Three exhibition matches were held today in her honour at the three tennis events in the UK featuring present and past players.  The one at Eastbourne was really entertaining with Rusedski, Fleming, Kvitova and Radwanska embracing the event for it was, light hearted fun!!  The match raised over a grand, nice to be part of a moment like that.

So the grass court season is well and truly stop on the tennis calender Wimbledon.  Next Monday if the weather is good do I jump on that horrendously early train and join the this blog to find out!

Saturday 14 June 2014

Day 45 - Watching the time!

Too many amazing friends and not enough time....

From 3:30 I have not stopped but that is a positive thing. First it was carrot cake and tea with the Pipers - Samual is almost walking and his smile is infectious. Always nice catching up with Ad & Nic. 

Whizzed back to flat and sorted out my washing (whites) picked up a bottle of rose and headed to see James and Fhei's new pad. 

They lived above us for about a year and have moved to a lovely new flat....FLAT ENVY!!! I want their kitchen/lounge area...fab!  But their lovely kids Riley and Chloe hadn't seen me in awhile, so they were a tad shy!  Must see those guys more! But seriously flat envy....

Then running late I threw my man bag on and off I set to Wendy's for sausages and red wine! The walk to Broadmead is always longer than I imagine.......the photo montage above is of my journey tonight - artwork, poppies, keeping track of time and the clown. 

Wendy is such a dear friend and I love time with her - catching up on news and sipping red wine on her decking!  Yes people I can do sipping.....occasionally!

Friends....I'm one lucky guy. 

Friday 13 June 2014

Day 44 - You ain't nothin' but a hound dog

Brief one today as I'm off to a 50's night and my lift is here in 5 mins....

Here I am trying to recreate the Danny Zuko look but think I have managed the Danny Devito look....oh well let's go.

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday 12 June 2014

Day 43 - No Cote required!!!!!

What a sensational day, shame I was stuck in the office.....let's hope it lasts for the weekend for my tennis trip to Eastbourne!

Update from yesterday, well Mel's magic seems to have worked as my Achilles feels so much better.  But no action on that foot until Saturday afternoon......Gary, do not, let me repeat do not dance the Jitterbug or Twist tomorrow night....and the Lindy is definitely out!  

So as I can't spin or body balance what else is there to do on a Thursday night then join the parents for a spot of dinner.  We are restaurant whores and have tried most places....but we keep coming back to Cote. We love it. 

Strada has lost its way, Bills on two occasions just failed to deliver and Prezzo & ASK just never do it for me!  What makes Cote so nice is the staff are fab, so warm and welcoming. Of course tasty food is another plus.  Dining alfresco tonight was lovely, but for the love of god demolish the f*^€ing old cinema...seriously, it is sooooooo ugly!  I can help, just give me a mallet - I'm sure every resident of Tunbridge Wells would be delighted to have a go and it would be demolished in no time.  

So I'm full - calamari, a few glasses of house red and a really meaty chicken dish......see you Saturday morning Cote for my bacon baguette and skinny latte, such a creature of habit!

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Day 42 - Your place or mine?

So the doctor said rest your Achilles for a week, groan!!  But swimming is ok! So for the last three nights I have been doing a few lengths.  I can feel my pool rage returning with every swim, why do slow breaststrokers get in the fast lane.....why??

Melissa, the lady with the healing hands and kindest heart messaged me during the week when she heard I was in discomfort with my foot, and offered to help with some Reiki treatment. 

So Wednesday night at 7pm was arranged.....

I arrived at Melissa's place in Wadhurst just after 7 and no sign of her, so I phoned her and found out that she was sitting outside my flat waiting for me!  Hilarious, next time we should double check where the treatment room is going to be!

I whizzed back to my flat and Melissa started her Reiki treatment, it is a weird sensation - difficult to describe but at times it feels like pins and needles in the area and sometimes a strange inner movement!  But I have to tell you my Achilles is feeling grand :-)

Thank you Melissa for your thoughtfulness and those magical hands. 

Day 47 - Let's head to Westeros!

So tonight is the season finale of Game Of Thrones #excited

And here is my very own Direwolf - Zigi of the clan Treegaryen....Westeros eat you heart out, he could fend off any White Walkers. 

So under half hour to go and I wonder what the episode will include? More gauging eyes, another wedding blood bath.....actually anything is possible with this show, bring it on!

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Day 41 - My music twin!

A happy birthday shout out to my buddy Mr Pope!

Yes, and time for another Tree limerick!

Happy Birthday Mr Pope
30 is big but I'm sure you'll cope
To my music twin and friend
These birthday wishes I send
In the words of "you're dope"

From the moment I knew he had a liking for Whitney, Delta and Celine, it was obvious we would be besties! 

Photo of the day is Saturdays (actually Sunday morning) selfie of the final three, the three musketeers.....we were the last three standing, well collapsed on my bed! Look at the luscious Lara, our lady in red....

Happy Birthday Dazzle!!!

Monday 9 June 2014

Day 40 - "I don't like Mondays....."

Things better not come in threes today, had all I can stomach....vandalism, Achilles tendinitis....that's more than enough for one day!

Anyway, not going to dwell on the negatives and I am going to reflect on a wicked weekend.

The Pope-Treloar party was a great evening, and below is my little bit of sparkle. A night full of laughs, dancin' and a 4am finish......thanks for a wicked night guys!

Yesterday was a stunning day and it started with a bacon sandwich in Dunorlan where I was supporting Ellie on her race for life. It was great to see so many people supporting such a worthwhile cause - Dunorlan was like a sea of pink!

Then we had the first Jackwood BBQ of the season with Pimms, not just any burger but an M&S burger and my final three Fullers sausages. The afternoon was made even better with Rafa claiming his 9th French Open.

Starting to wilt now after two manic days, fasting and a mentally draining Monday!

Sunday 8 June 2014

Day 39 - How the f*#! did I survive.....

I keep going to the river to pray
Cos I need, something that can wash all the pain
And at most, I'm sleeping all these demons away
But your ghost, the ghost of you will kiss me awake

My friends had you figured out
Yeah they saw what's inside of you
Trying to hide in another you
But your evil is coming through

These eyes sitting on the wall
They watch every move I make
Bright light living in the shade
Your cold heart makes your spirit shake

I had to go through hell to prove I'm not insane
Had to meet the devil just to know his name
And that's where my love was burning
Yeah it's still burning

I keep going to the river to pray
Cos I need, something that can wash all the pain
And at most, I'm sleeping all these demons away
But your ghost, the ghost of you it keeps me awake(x2)

Each time that I think you go
I turn around and you're creeping in
And I let you under my skin
Cos I love living innocent

Boy you never told me
True love was going to hurt
True pain that I don't deserve
Truth is that I never learn

I keep going to the river to pray
Cos I need, something that can wash all the pain
And at most, I'm sleeping all these demons away
But your ghost, the ghost of you it keeps me awake(x2)

Give up the ghost, Give up the ghost, Give up the ghost, Stop the haunting baby
Give up the ghost, Give up the ghost, Give up the ghost, No more haunting baby

I keep going to the river

I keep going to the river to pray
Cos I need, something that can wash all the pain
And at most, I'm sleeping all these demons away
But your ghost, the ghost of you it keeps me awake(x2)

Ella Henderson - Ghost now!!!!!

Saturday 7 June 2014

Day 38 - Sprain, Sparkle, Shopping & Shazza

My sixth day with no gym due to my foot injury and I can feel my stomach growing larger by the day...but don't worry the 30 boys as soon as I hear the beat of Gaga or Whitters tonight I will be a groovin'

So tonight we have to dress to impress with a bit of sparkle - so my outfit below is spot on!  No seriously guys dont worry I have my outfit planned....and that will be part of my blog tomorrow. Below was just me at the request of Nat attempting to be cool and hip in Sport & Soccor....I was in that maze of a shop getting old fashioned trainers for my 1950's outfit for next weeks 50's party!  All go on the social scene in June!

Just finished watching Sharapova win her second French Open, what a match - best ladies final for years! Congrats Shazza....

Right let me don my sparkle and party.........

Friday 6 June 2014

Day 37 - Tennis Talk

Yes Carl this is another tennis burp.....

So semi finals are complete at the French Open!   We have Sharapova against Simona, looking forward to that one - the former champion against the rising star of the game!  Will Shazza out grunt the Romanian....or will the world number 4 get her first grand slam!?

In the mens it is one against two Rafa v Novak.....

Gulbis unfortunately couldn't gain another top 10 scalp today and Djokovic pulled through in four sets...

I was expecting a nail biting five set tussle between Rafa and Andy, but as my shocked face shows I couldn't believe Rafa's 63 62 61 demolition of Andy. Oh well at least Andy can head home and get some grass court practice for his Wimbledon title defence!

This years French Open has seen some great matches, shocks and some new faces emerge on the tennis scene.


Wednesday 4 June 2014

Day 36 - Save up all your....Telephone!

Today my blog is for Mr Treloar
Happy birthday we all roar 
Who would believe Dicky is thirty?
He can still grind those hips to "Dirrty"
And get all the boys saying "cor!"

Not great at limericks so please humour me!

Last night Nat and I popped up to give Richard his pressie, what do you get a guy who has everything?  Wine of course, and wine produced by a South African called Richard.....

The evening included a few bottles of wine, and we even tried Richard's vintage! Quite tasty...

Just before midnight Richard played his last song of his 20's Cher's "Save up all your tears" a throwback classic. Then he started his 30's with Gaga's "Telephone".  He loves a diva :-) 

Happy birthday my dear friend! Have a great day and embrace your 30's. Your nearly 40 pal....hey, we will have 142 days together in our 30's!!!!

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Day 35 - Street Art

Over the past few years I have really grown fond of street art and I often head up to Brick Lane to have a wander round and see what's new on the art scene! Some people still take the view that it is Graffiti but take a look at the quality of the artistry and most of the art really enhances an otherwise bland and derelict wall!  

For my birthday last year Richard and Darren bought me a street art cycle tour, which was great - and this really gave me the bug and I have now started to recognise particular artists such as Banksy, Otto Schade and Fanakapan to name just a few. 

The four pieces of art below are from Brighton, which I spotted while we were on the Punter-Stone's Civil Ceremony Celebration.  Poor Lindsey, think I bored her slightly when I spotted the art and started trying to explain techniques and ways the artists promote their work....she is a good friend and genuinely sounded interested....inside was probably a different story!  #bored #yawn

Even Tunny has a few bits of street art, the piece below can be found on Camden Road. 

If anyone fancies heading up to London and wandering round looking for street art just let me know, always up for it!

Day 34 - English Country Garden

Today I'm going all Monty Don and talking gardens. While making coffee this morning at work I spotted this stunning rose in my bosses garden.  Got to love a rose....

If you are in London anytime soon make sure to head to Hyde Park Corner and go into the park and you will find a stunning garden!  I am not sure what it is called but the flowers and gardens are beautifully maintained - I have been here a few times and it never disappoints!  I went there a few weeks back and some of the flowers are shown below.

Not having a small garden is the downside to having a flat, would love to have a herb garden or a small alpine day!

Monday 2 June 2014

Day 33 - Spot the difference!

It's been a mundane Monday and I needed inspiration for my blog photo today and Natalie delivered.....

"My Precious. My Preccccc-iiii-ooo-uu-s!" 

Sunday 1 June 2014

Day 32 - Going Home!

Update - Mrs Grinham's Lamb Kofta Meatball Curry last night was sensational as was her Lasagne, another great evening with the crew!  Could have done without Natalie and Dan trying to do the dance routine to Little Mix's Salute - an out of sync nightmare!

This afternoon I headed back to Dewhurst Cottages, my home for well over 30 years. To spend some time with the folks and have dinner on the new decking!

The top photo is my old room, now turned into my parents dressing room - but my black photo albums still take up a large area of the room! Yep, it's tiny....

Dad is enjoying his retirement and the front garden looks great and loving the decking out the back....even if train travellers to Hastings can see what's on our dinner plates!