Monday 23 June 2014

Day 54 - Security, Stella & Sneezing @ SW19

My annual pilgrimage to Wimbledon has been great!

Thankfully I managed to get a centre court ticket on Ticketmaster, so I could catch the civilised 9:21 train rather than that hideous first train to get in the queue...

Picking up my ticket at the gate was not as straight forward as it could have been! "Yes sir go to Gate 7, Ticketmaster pick ups are done there!  On arrival at Gate 7, no record of my reservation - Tree rage was almost bubbling to the surface, especially as some twats pushed in front of me complaining that they couldn't take their metal knives and forks in.....hello, are you just stupid and get outta my way play starts in 15 minutes!!!! Then I was left standing for 10 minutes before being led by a security guard through the grounds to Gate 4 where eventually I met my ticket....and off I went to the courts, finally!!

It seemed really busy today, busier than usual and I struggled to get on the main outside courts so abandoning my idea of cheering on a British hope I stood and watched a few matches before heading to centre court via the Stella Artois marquee.  

Geniusly Stella have made plastic glasses in their iconic design....they look so real and glass-like that I had my next run in with Wimbledon security. I was trying to take an arty photo of my Stella and Centre Court and this caught the attention of an official who said "Sorry Sir, no glass allowed" with that I said "it's plastic, tap it and see". Content with that he left me in piece to sip the nectar.....

Wimbledon today was all about the defending champion, and being there for Murray's walk out was amazing.  A spin-tingling moment with the crowd standing and cheering.  His opponent David Goffin seemed a bit over awed in the first two sets with Andy claiming them comfortably.  But Goffin grew into the match and there were moments of concern when it got to the business end of a very closely fought third set.  But Andy clinched it 7-5 - to his relief, mine, most of the crowd and of course his newly appointed coach Amelie!

Also I was on TV, Steve instagramed a photo of me and Murray at match point.  Can you see me, like a game of where's Wally!  

Then I went for a wander as Li Na doesn't float my boat and come on order of play committee....third on Djokovic, "You can't be serious!!?" Not a fan of his as you can guess!! But I did head back in for his match, or should I say a one sided practice session!  But I had my second Stella to entertain me and a slab of Tree's tea loaf. 

As the three matches ended earlier than anticipated they put on another match, a tiny Slovakian girl who sounded like she was sneezing everytime she served.....I have never heard the centre court keep erupting in giggles. 

Well the sneezing Slovak demolished her opponent just as a few drops of rain started to make an appearance!

Goodbye SW19 for another year!

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