Thursday 4 December 2014

Day 218 - "Music mix the bourgeoisie and the rebel"

So tonight was my last night at Nuffield before I sign up for LA Fitness tomorrow, so here are a few shots from my faithful spin bike.  Thanks Kay for great classes over the years and letting me choose my final playlist - it had to be the one with "Runnin" by Adam Lambert, which in my opinion is the BEST spin track EVER!!!

Natalie always stands by "Everything happens for a reason" - don't totally agree with that statement, but going to Esporta (aka Virgin Active/Nuffield) did happen for a reason and one that I will always be truly thankful for.  If I hadn't ventured down there I wouldn't have never met the fab four - and what fun we have had over the last few years....and I'm confident to say there will be more fun where that came from.  The Saturday Pilates was such a great class, led by the one and only Pilates Princess Jen and what a lovely group with Karen, Angela, Susan, the Northens and many more.  "Take Pilates into the rest of your day!!"

So to my music investigation today, what did I try?

First off I listened to Neil Diamond's "Jazz Singer" - thank you Solange, thoroughly enjoyed it and listened to it twice (however Fun wasn't fun at all, sorry!!).  Also enjoyed Mumford and Sons "Babel" - cheers Mel.  Think I have a liking for folk and throwback!!

After lunch I tried Richard's One Direction suggestion - oh my lord one chorus of "Steal My Girl" was quite enough and I moved onto something cooler - Steve's Rudimental.....yes and no, some gooduns and some that I wasn't so keen on. Karen did try "Magnification" by Yes....but not really me, and the first track was over seven minutes long, thought it would never end!!

Over the afternoon some other suggestions came in, so tomorrow morning I am going to try ELO and David Bowie....I have a feeling that they might not be my cup of tea!! But you never know!

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