Monday 8 December 2014

Day 222 - Jackwood Boyz!!

As Monday's are generally uninspiring I have decided that for the remainder of the blog I am going to dedicate this day to "Monday Memories!".  A photo that brings a smile to my face and reminds me of good times!

At lunchtime I went through the vaults of Facebook looking for inspiration - and look what gem I found.

Kate who took the photo captured an almost album cover look - I can remember us saying look out One Direction here come the "Jackwood Boyz"!!

This shot was taken on the 20th November 2011, when Kate & Steve ventured down to Sunny Tunny for an evening with the Jackwood crew.  The Saturday night consisted of X-factor (always remember Little Mix sang "Don't Let Go", epic!), lots of wine was enjoyed, Jamie Oliver's lasagne was prepared and the competitive I-pod game was a hit!!!!  Sunday morning feeling jaded and a tad rough, we headed for breakfast at Juliets and a stroll through the Autumnal Grove - where this shot was taken. 

Steve & Kate you need another weekend in Tunny - we need to recreate Jackwood Boyz: The return!!

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