Tuesday 16 December 2014

Day 230 - Tour Guide Tree!

Before I start with my tale of the capital - just thought I would talk you through my experimental lunch....thanks to M&S yellow stickers I picked up a cheap breast of pigeon!  So this morning it was lightly fried with a hint of pink in the middle, and I chopped it up and added it to my lemon and basil infused couscous.  Verdict:  Pigeon has a really intense/strong flavour but it was delicious!!  Thankfully as I have the same tomorrow for lunch!

Back to Sunday - At 10:00 I was greeted on Goods Station Road by Mr Treloar holding a very welcome takeaway coffee from the greasy spoon on the corner of Camden Road - their coffee is lovely, old school coffee if that makes sense!!!?  Then we walked to Morrisons where he treated me to a bacon sarnie - he is a good lad!!

We met Carl S-R on the platform and boarded the train to London Bridge looking for the fourth member of our troop, the lady with the pink hat - after a few texts we saw Melissa come into the carriage and the group was complete.

The main focus of the day was to see some street art and take in the buzz of Brick Lane.  Even though I was only there a month ago the amount of change in the art is amazing, a constantly evolving art scene. The piece below by Mr Cenzone was striking - my artistic highlight of the day.

As well as the street art we walked through some of the markets - Leadenhall, Spitalfields and one just off Brick Lane where I got carried away and bought three pictures (a vintage pocket watch, sepia tree and a funky elephant...yeah I know, a weird combination!!). I love all three but I don't really have anywhere to hang them!  Oh well.

I was also quite tempted to pop into number 14, but one is enough.....at the moment!!

Just after 2pm we decided it was time for a sit down and we found a nice alternative bar called "The Strongroom" - where we enjoyed a well earned tipple, flapjacks and some weird flavoured crisps!

Then we turned into heathens - popping into a Tesco metro and purchasing miniature bottles of wine and beer for the return train journey!! Carl very kindly bought a tub of Quality Street to accompany the alcohol.  I ooze class, swigging red wine from a bottle whilst eating a toffee penny - so wrong :-)

Then we were back in Tunny, it had been a lovely day with great company.   Then stupidly I thought mulled wine and more red were a good idea while watching the X-factor final - Monday morning I discovered that it really wasn't one of my better decisions!!

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