Tuesday 9 December 2014

Day 223 - Slow, slow, quick, quick....slow!!

Last night it was definitely all about the legs!!

First I headed to my first LA spin class in over 6 years and Sarah was still at the helm - a mad and intense class with Christmas tunes done in a frantic dance remix.  I spotted some familiar faces and got a lovely welcome back, cant believe some of them are still going to the class 6 years on!!  It was a spin reunion!!  Thoroughly enjoyed it, Sarah takes no prisoners.....nothing slow about that part of the evening!!

Rushed home, showered and donned my Ballroom attire - well, my smart shoes....way too early to buy lycra, fake tan and frilly shirts!!

Had I forgotten all that I was taught last week?  I was convinced that I had but somehow my brain had stored some of the moves!! We covered the same dances as last week and things started to make sense.

I did have a few problems grasping the Tango's quick and slow moments and the dustbin lid move proved tricky, but after having it written done for me it started to sink in!!

Caroline & I have discovered that the Cha Cha Cha is our dance, and the Waltz really does make your arms ache!!

After the two hours Cazza and Tree had turned a corner and were looking more like Caroline & Pasha than Widdecombe & Sergeant!!

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