Sunday 6 July 2014

Day 67 - "Coyote Ugly"

Wow, what a final at SW19! Was willing RF to win but I had a feeling that Novak would have a chance and sneak it! Congrats Djokovic, well deserved....but I still don't like you!

So last night was Mark's (aka Joyful) pub crawl, and we had drinks in the Cross Keys, Trading Post and Fuggles. 

I do like the Trading Post, nice vibe and the garden is a pleasant area to savour your Morretti!  

Was expecting Fuggles to be rammed but it was really quiet, which actually for an ageing pub goer is nice as you can get a seat and hear what people are saying - how ancient am I sounding!?

At 1130ish we had to move on due to last orders being called and can you believe we couldn't get into weatherspoons - reluctantly I headed with the gang to Coyotes!! I have been in some vile shitholes but this place is just minging - unappealing at its most grimy! One quick look round and I bid my farewells....

I staggered back in a downpour and had only gone out in shorts and shirt, well at 6:30 it was warm - drenched and exhausted I finally made it back to the flat....a good night was had with King & Co!

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