Wednesday 4 March 2015

Day 308 - Food Glorious Food!

I have been driven to drink!!! Let me set the scene and you will understand why!!  I went with Mr Treloar to a class at LA and on arrival the teacher said "Hi, are you father and son"!!! The deathly silence from me said it all, I could tell that Dickie was trying not to laugh.....funny really, lucky I'm in a good mood!!!

So last night's pre-Pilates menu choice at Chez Tree was soup or beans - have to be in the right mood for soup but slap beans on some toast and I'm as happy as Larry!!  With lashings of black pepper...

When I was at Ma & Pa's I got a text from Nat asking for dinner on Wednesday (tonight) so after Pilates I popped into Sainsburys to get some veg - I knew I had a vegetarian nut roast thing in the freezer but just needed some sides!!  Always one for a bargain I wandered past the reduced shelf and found roast beef slices and a carton of soup for 20p each....result!!  I then bumped into the lovely Louise and her mum and explained I was on a food mission for Nat's dinner - she looked in my basket and saw the reduced beef and soup and must have thought "ooooh Nat is in for a right treat!!!"

So we have just enjoyed a veggie feast which was actually really tasty - a roasted butternut, almond & pecan nut roast with asparagus, French beans and tenderstem served with a red wine and thyme jus!!!  Good old M&S....

I have to go to bed now as I'm so ancient....sleep well son :-)

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