Thursday 5 March 2015

Day 309 - Random!!

So OK, still thinking about last night and the "father and son" comment......I have to admit Dickie is looking good and very fresh faced and could have easily passed for 20.....and she must have thought that I was around 35....yep, that's right I had a child at 15!!!  It's possible, isn't it....???  ISN'T IT!!??? 

A few strange things have occurred!!!

Firstly, and I love this - Anne wanted to catch up on my blog (bless you and thank you) rather than log into Facebook she Googled Gary Tree's blog....and look what came up:

Oh dear god, gary.attree is not me even though I am 40, live in Kent and can be cheeky at times....but my favourite book definitely doesn't feature a hamster and I wouldn't say I have a huskey voice!!  I omitted the profile photo, as it's before the watershed and there is a naked torso!

Also not as entertaining but still a tad weird, well I think it curry kit arrived in the post and on the envelope it announces that it is an FNC favourite!!!

But what does it stand for??? Fiery Nutty Curry, From Near Calcutta.....!!!!  The possibilities are endless.....

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