Monday 23 March 2015

Day 327 - "Somerset Saturday Part 2"

Part 2 of Somerset Saturday contained a reoccurring and beverages!! 

After Porlock we drove to Selworthy, a lovely village with attractive thatched cottages - very picturesque, almost like a film set.

This is where you can find the "Periwinkle Cottage Tea Rooms" - I have a photo of Nan from here devouring a humungous prawn salad.  It hasn't changed a bit and is still as lovely and we sat in the sun drenched garden enjoying a drink...and the prawn salad is still on the menu!

Then to our final stop the lovely market town of Dunster - as we left the castle car-park we discovered carnage and the smell of tar - no it wasn't a Medieval tarring and feathers re-enactment but the whole of Dunsters road had been dug up and being resurfaced....kind of detracted from the beauty of the old village.  However, I found the bridge where we had family photos taken.....but time was getting on and most of the places for cream teas (yup, hungry again!!) looked closed.....

....but don't worry, "Locks Victorian Tea Rooms" welcomed us in and the scone with plum jam and cream was didn't touch the sides!!

Then back to Mad's pad with a selection of bitter, as I felt a beer tasting session was called for!!  So we tried four different ones whilst playing "Cards Against Humanity" - a game that is so wrong that it is oh so right, and bloomin' hilarious.

By the way Lance unanimously won the tasting session.....I was disappointed with the Banana Bread, too sweet and pungent....and the Ferret, just yuck!!

That's it from Somerset :-)

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